I started blogging in 2021 with the intention of creating a scrapbook if you will of all my thoughts and feelings about different things I have experienced and if my Bipolar had any influence on my perspectives and opinions. I found that writing was the best way to cope with my extremes of Bipolar as it occupied my mind and focused my attention on the writing and away from the nonsense that I had reverberating around my head. It started with only a solitary word that I wrote but I was thinking about the words and not the nonsense in my head. Slowly the one word became 2, which then became 3 and so on until I was writing full sentences. From these I tried to make a paragraph out of them and join them together as best I could as they weren’t really in a narrative that was comprehensible to understand. Since this I have written 27 songs about Bipolar and associated things that it brings. I have written 3 short books too. I’m under no illusion about these being any good or great pieces of work but I am proud of myself for doing it. I’m an example of how you can make a negative situation become a positive one. I don’t have the answers for anything about Bipolar Disorder but I do have some insight into how to deal with things that I can offer to help others. I have been a far worse person than most people, meaning that I can help others and relate with them in their journeys, as I’ve come back from the abyss and I can now tell the story of how I attempted to get out of it, and maybe even give someone a chance to do it too.
My blog is a collection of accounts of Living with Bipolar Disorder, explanations of the medication used, links to the 3 books I wrote, funny bipolar memes, quotes from a selection of people, a lot of philosophy of the great Alan Watts (someone I highly regard and someone I relate to completely), songs of the day, music polls, stories of my escapades and shenanigans, Fight Club influenced perspectives on different topics, I have actually written a narrative using quotes from the film Fight Club that forms a different narrative all on its own that I’m pretty proud of, it’s pinned on my home page so it’s the first thing that you see.
If you want to check it out then there’s a link below 👇🏼
#Writing #copingskills #MentalHealth #MentalIllness #MightyTogether