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#Determination #trending #SuicidePrevention #yourlifematters

#Determination #nevergiveup #yourlifematters #nopenottoday #keepfightingfoward #fighter #warrior #keepmoving #trend
#recovery #journey #988helpline #sgi #buddhist #endstigma #reachout #trending #socialmedia #SuicidePrevention @followers -

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Never Give Up

#yourlifematters #liveit #nevergiveup #hope #keepmoving #trend #chooselife #trending #determination #vets #youmatter #always #988helpline #video

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Pain That knows

#Depression #Anxiety #GenderDysphoria #MentalHealth #transformation #rebirth #Rise

A long time ago in a far far far far distance from where we are today there was this person who was neither alive more dead. This person never felt the same nave felt included or connected with the people around them. This person would do what is expected and would put on that smile wear that hat 🎩 or that hat 🧢 well maybe that hat 👒 so as to blend or fit in until the time when IT was time to move on and try again. The emotional damage built over time IT really did. So much so that the person #disassociated #DID or as the person who explains #Dis #Divergent #Identity #Spectrum . The person didn’t feel real lived in #Autopilot mode and #DID what was expected of them. #Numbess #hurt #Pain #sorrow #Loneliness #Sadness #abandonment and yes #homelessness .

#transformation from a spiritual perspective and a physical perspective is a profound experience that changes your perception. When you have read the bible searched through Google and endured countless hours of counseling you realize #It . IT is what IT is isn’t IT. #please choose you. #please choose your present. #please choose your path. When you do not choose #you to be who you are others do.

#Transition ended the cycle.

This person sacrificed their life so that a new life could be! Now #free in #2023 this person has hope and a life that is full of love in so many different ways. The love this person has is #Selflove #SelfIdenty #Selfcare and yes #SpiritualLove .

No longer dose the person stare in the mirror 🪞 trying to see someone else. No now the person sees someone who is actually looking back at them. That person smiles! That person is happy! That person dose what makes them an individual!

We are all different and we all are special in so many ways so please 🙏 know there are better days!

#yournotalone #YourWorthy #yourlifematters

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My Person #NationalSiblingsDay

Dennis. My hero, confidant, comedian, protector, and best friend. I miss you every minute of every day and will until my last breath. Loosing you to suicide has devastated me and broken my heart in ways it will never heal. I remember you telling me “We have to use our powers for good, Sis”. I am trying. I love you most Honey. Always. ❤️❤️❤️

“I won’t let his legacy be that his death destroyed me.” ~ unknown

#SuicideAwareness #MentalIllnessStigma
#youareneveralone #yourlifematters

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#knowthesigns of #Depression and advocate for #SuicideAwareness #yourlifematters #MentalHealth #PTSD I have battled depression and overcome it many times so I send you hope if you are struggling! Reach out!!! There is help out there!!!


What’s it like for others living with a deformity ?

I’m 19 I was born with a deformity in my right hand and right chest muscle. I just want a little peek into the lives of others to contrast how we’re similar and different. #BirthDefect #Deformity #yourlifematters #Tellme


Recovery #recover #yourlifematters #Workwithyourself #loveyourself

Recovery means doing what works for you. Recovery is not looking at others and asking, why am I not there yet? Recovery is taking steps at your pace, working to help your body, not pushing too hard and hurting it. I’ve finally learned to recover at MY pace. It’s a process.