We all need a hype man!

Hi Everyone! So I have chronic pain in my hands, chest, and arms from Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. My doctors have always told me that I need to exercise and keep my muscles in my arms, shoulders, core, and chest active and strong...but it's so hard. I have such a hard time exercising through the pain, and even just getting up the motivation to try. What do you do? How do you do it if you've figured out a mindset that works?
Working on Wellness Foundation hosts daily morning routines and also a YouTube channel with hundreds of free videos.
#SeatedExercise #Exercise #MightyTogether #MultipleSclerosis #Disability #ChronicIllness #newlydiagnosed
My of my self care Ruiz walking. I had a chicken and avocado salad yesterday at the Cheesecake Factory yesterday so I had walk it off. I’m proud of myself I normally don’t like salads but this was good I think the honey peanut vinaigrette kept my interest.
Start small and build up gradually. Take advantage of every opportunity to be active. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle by getting 20 to 25 minutes of exercise a day can reduce your risk of diabetes complications. Due to injuries and immobility, some patients can't do physical activities. Therefore, talk to your doctor about what physical activities are right for you and your health.
#Diabetes #DiabetesType2 #prediabetes #GestationalDiabetes #ChronicIllness #Lifestyle #physicalactivity #Exercise #Support #SupportGroups #MightyTogether
I absolutely SMASHED my steps goal today! My daily goal is 6000, so I’m well over. I feel quite tired, and a little bit sore… But I also feel good for it!
Last week, when I hit 10k, I was left in pain for days because I was stupid and didn’t respect my own limits. But today I did it slowly, bit by bit. Rather than doing it all in one go, alongside my sister who always speed walks, leaving me to practically jog to keep up with her, I took my time.
Today I went for three walks, at my own speed, and I took breaks during each walk. I also took my toddler nephew to the park, which we both really enjoyed.
Anyway… I just wanted to share something positive for a change, haha! I hope you’re all doing well. 😊
#chronicillnesswarrior #ChronicPain #POTS #EDS #Dysautonomia #NAFLD #LiverDisease #Diabetes #Migraines #jointhypermobility #BPD #Depression #Anxiety #obese #InterstitialCystitis #Exercise #Walking
I would like to explore starting a habit of gentle movement inside at home. I have a currently undiagnosed condition that is causing swelling and mild pain in my knees, so I do have some limitations physically. Mentally and emotionally I find intentional exercise very difficult because it makes me focus on my body which I prefer to dissociate from. I have been doing body-based and somatic therapy for nearly a year now, though, and some of the panic when I connect to my body is subsiding, so I think it is a good time to start a routine like this. I don't know where to start, though, and thought I would ask if anyone has a recommendation. Thank you in advance!
#recommendation #Advice #Yoga #Stretching #Workout #Exercise #movement #body #MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #Trauma #SexualAssault #Undiagnosed
I have #Fibromalgia , chronic pain, chronic fatigue, chronic vertigo (more like unsteadiness, not spinning), pre diabetes came back after being diabetic, I’m still eating well & trying to exercise, but every time I exercise or sleep on the other side, etc… I end up with such bad pain in my muscles going from my neck to my arms. I’m going to order a shoulder/neck warming pad. Was wondering what else I could do? I didn’t even try exercising today. My head is wonky from terrible winds here and cold rain. I use an air glider for exercise. When it’s nicer, I’ll be able to take my Walker out.
Thanks in advance for any ideas. #Fibromyalgia #Fibro #diabetes2 #Deaf #HOH #Exercise #Pain
I did good today. I walked into the town centre with my sister and my nephew, AND walked back, too! Normally, I can only make it one way, so I’m super proud of myself. (Altogether it’s just under 3 miles).
AND, not only did I meet my daily step goal of 6,000… I also walked a further 3,096! I feel so good for it. I am so determined to lose this weight. I need to. I’m going to. I’ve got this! 💪
#ChronicPain #chronicillnesswarrior #POTS #EDS #InterstitialCystitis #Diabetes #DiabetesType2 #NAFLD #LiverDisease #obese #Overweight #Exercise #Walking #Feelinggood #happy
Has anyone tried a holistic or natural approach paired with diet and exercise for bipolar disorder and anxiety successfully and been able to go off medication? #BipolarDisorder #Holistic #Natural #diet #Anxiety #Exercise #Medication