Love You More

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I was reading here on the mighty about acceptance and it got me thinking....overthinking in fact, so much so that I wrote a poem about it. It’s not great but I hope it gives comfort to some of you who feel like you can’t be accepted for who you are.

Accept yourself

Acceptance and love people claim comes from above..

Yet when it comes to it is “acceptance” in most instances real?

Is it some fictions phrase or is it something YOU feel?

Is it something you really need from anyone else?

Or is it something we can give to ourself?

Can you come and put this on for size??

With most people they say they “accept” you but that’s only lies..

What then is true acceptance?

Is it love? Unconditionally provided to you? it something else worth working to?

Because you can and will..Find others’ acceptance still..

The true kind..the kind you’d always wished you’d find..

For now just work on yourself..

That is true acceptance

So put the nasty opinions of others back on the shelf..where they belong!

You only need acceptance from yourself because YOU are strong! - a short poem by camron botha

#Poetry #MajorDepressiveDisorder #Selfacceptance #ADHD #overthinking #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #MightyPoets #Selflove #Youarestrong #LoveYouMore #loveyourself #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #ChronicFatigue #PolycysticOvarySyndrome #Abuse #youareworthy

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Last few weeks I’ve been on a roller coaster of emotions and feelings for someone and myself and now I finally found out they never loved me after I gave my all to them and for what to be crushed and ripped apart the value of loving someone is to know they love themselves and their hearts aren’t hooked on another so word of the wise make sure you love yourself more before you give yourself and love to someone who is willing to love you #LoveYouMore #Anxiety #PTSD

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The Real Magic Happens when you CHOOSE YOU!

For most of us we've rejected ourselves and spent a lifetime telling ourselves lies that we are not good enough.

Time to flip the script and start learning to love all of you and Choosing You because "YOU ARE ENOUGH"

#Selflove #Love #LoveYouMore #youareenough

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Fb put me in jail 😒

Wishing everyone a wonderful day. For every mom, mom to be, mom's of fur babies,mom's in heaven and mom's who are dads to. If i left any mom out not intentionally. 🌻⚘🌹❤🥳🎉🦋🌻⚘🌹 #MightyMoms #LoveYouMore


Daily Inspiration

Don't waste your time worrying about trying to prove your naysayers wrong. They really don't care. Move on. #Selfesteem #MentalHealthHero #self -image #self #LoveYouMore

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Baking just isn’t enough #TheMighty #Unappreciated

So baking is one of my favorite hobbies and love spoiling people through it. I love seeing the joy and smiles on people face when they enjoy a treat or two. A #smile is a gift that is literally pricelesss and hold so much value. https://P.s #smile is a form of charity, can will light up even a stranger day. While I enjoy baking and love seeing the end result. I most love doing to make my #Lovedones happy. Then the sad part comes when you feel #Unappreciated and #worthless when they treat you like all you do is spend money. To me it not about spending money, it’s about making people happy and always having something sweet close by. #money makes the world go round(sadly). People forgot the #value of love and appreciation. I’m not the most approachable person so I use my baking as a form of love, expression or so to say communicating. But that’s not enough in today life it’s all about the bigger, sparkly and glitzy things. Why do people have this persona that if you can baking that all you can do, being gifted to do it all is possible. #Standupforyourself, So today I decide to increase on my self love and not do as much for other. #Unappreciated #anxiousthoughts #On #Anxiety #Selfharm #appreciatelife #Selflove #TheMighty #LoveYouMore


Dinner Request AKA mmmm BACON

My husband doesn’t normally fuss about what I make for dinner. Rarely, he will make a request for something special. He asked for my bacon burgers so I mixed together ground beef, pork, salt and pepper. Then, I folded in bacon that I chopped in the food processor with onion and garlic. We’ll grill out later but I want the flavors to meld for a few hours. #LoveYouMore



Well crap, I somehow completely lost a day! Thank GOD for my husband or I’d have traveled to my fibro doc a whole day early tomorrow ! Whoops, my appointment is FRIDAY and TODAY is only WEDNESDAY. Total duh moment on the phone with husband LOL !! #LoveYouMore AND thanks for not arguing when I seriously thought it was THURSDAY !!