occupational therapy

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June 1993 I suffered a traumatic brain injury complete with a helicopter ride to the hospital unconscious and unable to enjoy the ride out of the mountain to Denver.
June 2024 I suffered a stroke and get a surgical procedure in three week to clean out my right carotid artery at which time the Dr. will decide of the left side carotid needs cleaned out as well at a later date. His current guess as of this morning it will not need to be done, lucky me. So now I am seeing how this app works. At least I will be back to Sky Ridge Hospital which has tasty #BreakfastBurritos but not to the point of being a fair trade off. I like to #Workout an hour a day to avoid a big belly and am at least winning that battle.

What did I do to deserve this second dose of OT, PT, AND Speech therapies? They even said they took my drivers license again, oh joy… #OccupationalTherapy #PhysicalTherapy #SpeechTherapy #BrainInjury #Stroke #sucks I am not bitter, I just want to know why me again
Brownie points to the person who knows where the app screenshot came from

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New Book to Help Empower Children at Bath Time

Bathing is a highly sensory experience, and children who are sensory sensitive and/or seeking can benefit from a regulating bath routine, especially when the experience is infused with calming strategies. Regulating in the bath will promote a positive bath time experience and prime the child’s nervous system for a restful, “just right” feeling.

We are excited to announce the launch of our second book, King Takes a Bath, where Ben helps King navigate his first tubby.

After a day of working hard, playing, and getting dirty in the garden, King, a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy, is nervous about taking a bath. King’s best friend, Ben, a boy with sensory sensitivities, shares the tools he’s learned in occupational therapy (OT) to help King overcome his fear and anxiety. In the end, King is sparkling clean and so happy that Ben helped him stay calm during his first bath time! Now they are both ready to chill out with a relaxing cuddle and their favorite story!

Whether a child benefits from OT-specific strategies or from learning by successfully regulating unfamiliar experiences, this book can support all children as they navigate new adventures.

Check out the book, FREE activities and other resources on our website www.kingsdayout.com.

#sensoryprocessing #SensoryProcessingDisorder #Autism #Dup15q #Selfregulation #empoweringchildren #Neurodiversity #OccupationalTherapy #pediatricot

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Building Muscles & Self Esteem in Kiddos

Fun & Functional Heavy Work You Can Do At Home! Every child has their own unique way of viewing and interacting with the world. This includes individualized responses to sensory information. Basically, everyone reacts differently to the “stuff” life throws at them. Children with sensory processing challenges often need a special sensory diet to help their bodies find that just-right engine. These activities can help all children and adults too!

Check out Dr. Amy Wheadon's latest blog:
Fun and functional heavy work you can do at home with y...

#sensoryprocessing #OccupationalTherapy #empowering #SensoryIssues

Fun and functional heavy work you can do at home with your kiddos. — Kings Day Out

Every child has their own unique way of viewing and interacting with the world. This includes individualized responses to sensory information. Basically, everyone reacts differently to the “stuff” life throws at them. Children with sensory processing challenges often need a special sensory diet t

New children's book series to help kiddos with sensory processing challenges.

Introducing "King's Day Out ~ The Car Wash" by Dr. Amy Wheadon, OTD, OTR/L and Maggie van Galen, award-winning children's book author.

When a boy with sensory processing challenges and his puppy have their sense tested at the car wash, the tools learned in OT help them overcome their fears and anxieties to ensure a fun day out.

Whether a child benefits from OT specific strategies or simply from learning about coping with an unfamiliar experience, this book can support all children as they navigate new adventures.

The King’s Day Out book series is designed to be a resource for all children, families, schools and pediatric medical professionals. These books will provide concrete examples of common tools used to support children at home, in the classroom and in the world.

The goal is to empower children as they navigate life's adventures.

#SensoryProcessingDisorder #SensoryProcessingIssues #Dup15q #fragilex #OccupationalTherapy


Learning Disabilities and Occupational Therapy

At 24 (I am now 26), I was diagnosed with auditory processing disorder. I am now going to an OT this week for potential sensory issues, fine motor skills (dyspraxia?), and executive function issues. I was born 10 weeks early so sometimes I wonder if that contributed to these learning challenges, as well as mental illnesses.
Anyone here been to Occupational Therapy for LD, SPD, or mental illness?
#OccupationalTherapy #ADHD #AuditoryProcessingDisorder #BipolarDisorder #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #Dyspraxia #SensoryProcessingDisorder

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Occupational Therapist Visit #CheckInWithMe #ThankYou

Good Afternoon Mighty Family n Friends 👋🌞☀️🌡

I've just had my visit From a lovely man called Cat. He was in full PPE , he must have been hot,
He fitted me for some new crutches and showed me how to go up and down my 4 steps properly 😳 so that's why with my walking stick my shoulder and elbow are killing me.
Know I now why 😅

So my neighbours will be looking at me strangely as I keep practicing going up n down , up n down lol.
Ha ha .😅🙃😁🤪

He also fitted a bath board as decided a bath chair was just going to be too heavy for me to use and remove . (Puppy baths)

So a board is better. So I can shower yayyyy, and they coming to fix a rail so I can then get out of the bath better. Whoop whoop. It's what I wanted n so need.

Really nice guy and the pups just layed down and behaved.🐕🐶🐾...what unheard of.. has he got superpowers....🦸‍♂️

Going to fit a under the bed rail too and toilet rail too. Oh and outside rail so I've got one both sides.
Perching stall for kitchen fitted to my butt. Ha ha . Thought that was funny.

Hopefully this will make life and bathing washing my hair much easier. I'm so glad I phoned up and did it.
Thankful for living in the UK and to the NHS

Super grateful for my Mighty family and all your help yesterday. Bringing my anxiety down, and all the love. 💜💙😘

So glad for this community the compassion love kindness
You are all superheroes in my book. 😘💙💜💪🤗👋🦓🦄🦓🦄🦓
Love you all Tj

#MightyTogether #Bekindtoyourself #Hope #OccupationalTherapy #PsoriaticArthritis #Love #compassion #RareDisease #Superheroes #SphincterOfOddiDysfunction #TrigeminalNeuralgia #ClusterHeadaches #GlossopharyngealNeuralgia #Arthritis #Bekind

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Good Afternoon #CheckInWithMe

Hello 👋Mighty Family n Friends

I have scary stuff going on tomo.

I only went and phoned up the occupational therapist and asked if I could have a home assessment didn't I.
Well they phoned me back the same day and went through some of the things I could do with in the house. Well that was last week.

Today someone from my local hospital phoned up........ eek and he is coming tomo, to do the home assessment.
Anxiety is now sky high.....
Do I really want a bath lift, am I that disabled, or is it just my anxiety talking.

Omg omg omg
Someone talk me down from the ceiling plz.😥
It's happening too quickly, I need more time to adjust to this.
I thought with covid19 they'd be far more busy, and it would take longer than this.

It took me over a month to just phone up in January and I phoned the wrong department!!! So I've kept the right phone number and then the Pandemic hit. Now it's all Happening too fast. I can't cope.

He is coming at 11 tomorrow morning.
I know I need the help and equipment so why am I panicking so much. Why am I like ... I don't want this. This is stupid, ugh, Grrr.

Love n hugs Tj
Venting ranting in a mess today
🙄🤨😯🙃😕😧😬🤯🤪😵😳 #OccupationalTherapy #Equipment #PsoriaticArthritis #ChronicPain #AnxietyAttacks #Hope #Love #Bekindtoyourself #Kindness #SphincterOfOddiDysfunction #RareDisease #Depression #Disability #InflammatoryArthritis #Osteoarthritis #HipSubluxation

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Snow Therapy!

We had our first snow day yesterday – not even halfway through December!

The local hall took in the older kids in the afternoon and provided pizza and bowling.

Meanwhile, I felt that AJ needed to experience the snow. But coming off of being sick and knowing he doesn’t tolerate the cold well, I didn’t want to risk taking him outside.

So we brought the snow inside instead!

I did make him wear gloves. He really wasn’t sure what to think at first.

He eventually decided it was safe to taste test… And his nurse helped make a snowball that they played catch with until it fell apart.

All-in-all, the snow was a win. He truly has been doing so much better at sensory activities lately, and this was a great example of that.

My carpet got a little wet – I’m sure a more on top of it mom would have thought to move to the kitchen floor instead – but he had fun.

In the midst of a way-too-early-in-the-year snow day, it was just what I needed to remember that snow isn’t actually the root of all evil – even if the general consensus on social media seems to say so!

#DownSyndrome #HypoplasticLeftHeartSyndrome #PediatricStroke #PhysicalTherapy #OccupationalTherapy


what should I expect from occupational therapy for my agoraphobia

hi everyone, 1st time posting please go easy on me.
I have panic disorder which as slowly got worse over the last 2 years and for the last 3 months I have not been able to work and have agoraphobia. Dr has taken me off escitalopram and put me on sertraline, about 6 weeks ago. But now I have an occupational therapist coming to my house next week and I'm terrified, what will she do? All I can think is she's going to make me go out and I'm gonna have a massive panic attack and she's not gonna understand, I'm so scared. #Agoraphobia #PanicAttacks #PanicDisorder #OccupationalTherapy