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Listen - Poetry by Woo


Listen my child. I’m so happy you are here with me, with us! This place is magical, interesting and reliable. Almost predictable. Quite predictable when you take in the signs. Sweet child we have so many guiding forces all around us. The Sun rises and invites us to explore our Mother Home. The Moon reminds us it’s time to rest. Some of us live in the world of light and some in the world of darkness but most all are aware the other exists. We might be tempted to stick to what we know for that feels safe, conformable. There is a time for that, says the moon. We might be driven to find something we’ve never seen before. There are plenty of days for that, says the Sun. You might want to visit other worlds one day. The Ocean says, come on in let’s play. You might want to image possibilities. The Cloud says, you can imagine anything. You might want to build something. The Animals say, yes this is good. You might want to capture a moment forever. The Stars say, it is possible to endure despite time’s passing. You might wish for something to be over. The Wind says, soon enough and goodbye for now. You might want time to stand still instead. Creation will speak to you then. I say, listen Child listen.

With Love,
Your Earth Mother

#MightyPoets #innerpeace #youaresafe #motherslove #natureismedicine #Healing #Comfort #Inspiration #earth #Art #sharingiscaring #Hope #selfreflection

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It’s been a long time…

Hi Mighties,

It's the middle of the month but still Happy Mental Health Awareness Month and Happy Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month! It has been an extremely long time.
Every time I come back on here and say that I'm planning on posting again, it doesn’t happen. So this will be Adela will post whenever she can.
I had some free time today and decided to go on The Mighty. I looked at my profile, reminiscing on some of my posts and thought about what I was experiencing during those times and remembered how therapeutic and helpful posting was for me. I'm wanting to get back into that.

Some (good) personal stuff to share that's occurred in the past year:
1. I started exploring romantic relationships for the first time last year. A friend got me onto a dating app and my experience has been relatively positive.
2. I moved out of my parents house for the first time last July. It was a much needed life change and I'm glad I did it.
3. My therapist moved away last month, so I ended therapy after working with them for 8-9 years. I had concluded 17 years of being in therapy (for now, maybe)
4. This entire time I've continued doing telehealth to provide therapy to my clients. In the past few months we've transitioned back into the office a few days a week, which has generally been better for myself and my clients in the work we do together. Next week the department will be fully going to be back in the office.
5. It's been about a year and three months since I last had a severe depressive episode.
6. I got my first tattoo about 2 months ago despite my parents being against it.

Really trying to get into this adulting stuff 😂
Time has been moving by so quickly. I've been continuing to learn and grow, as I’m sure everyone else here is doing the same. I am hoping to reconnect with some of you and connect with those I have not encountered yet 😊

#MentalHealth #Disability #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #RareDisease #Parenting #MightyTogether #ADHD #Anxiety #BipolarDisorder #Depression #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #selfreflection #Positivity #WhereMyMindIs

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Fried Mac & Cheese Bites! #SundayFunday

This evening I got dinner with my sister and a family friend that we haven’t seen in a very long time. We went out to eat at the Cheesecake Factory (one of my favorite places) and whenever I go I ALWAYS get this appetizer! It’s super delicious 😋 This was a really nice way to end this weekend!! #Positivity #Food #selfreflection #SundayFunday #letstalkdepression #WhereMyMindIs

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To my past self & to healing

"There is so much of my past self that I don't resonate with at all anymore, but I love her just the same. She was doing her best. She fought hard to get me here." - unknown

#Depression #Anxiety #CPTSD #PTSD #Healing #Selflove #growth #IFS (internal family systems) #selfreflection #change

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Where My Mind Is (17)

I don’t know what phase of life you’re currently in, but I hope you’re doing okay and getting through it. It can be tough to get through it, but I believe that you can. It might take some time and it may require patience. Don’t worry, you’ll get there.

I am going through my own phase at this time which is why I haven’t been posting as much as I thought I would be upon my return in February. I’ll need some time and I’ll get there. I’m trying to figure things out (constantly). I did break and it sucks. I’m tired in every way possible. It hurts and I hate it. I truly can’t stand feeling how I feel right now but I put myself here and I’m facing the consequences. It is taking me a while because I did it the hard way, but I am pushing through it and I intend to reflect on my experience. I’m going to get something out of it, so it’s okay. I’m going to be okay. And so are you.

Feel free to share a phase in your life where you were able to grow, heal, and learn. I would love to hear it.

Talk soon,

#MentalHealth #Disability #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #RareDisease #Parenting #selfreflection #Selfesteem #Overworking #ADHD #Anxiety #AnxietyAttack #BipolarDisorder #Depression #IntrusiveThoughts #WhereMyMindIs


Own Carrier #Poem #selfreflection #carrier #distorted

Its tiring spending eternity to carry urself thru, and one  moment to remember
all  negative feelings that you thought were so you.
The little self worth it took years to build,  one moment of weakness sent it straight  in the pit.

I know its my own distortions I know its me self abusing, but my mind can't stop thinking that I am of no use.
Some days i need help or I will hide in, and other days I just need someone to listen and not cement in my struggles, like its not something new.
Im am my own carrier of my burden thats true, but something in sharing is making me less blue.

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Do you make New Years Resolutions? Why? OR Why not? #NewYears #selfreflection

I’ll start,... Nope I don’t make resolutions & never have. I live day to day, spontaneity is more my flavor & planning 6/7/10mmths from now feels constructing to me
(Idk the artist 👩‍🎨 but thanks person)

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#ShadowWork #selfreflection

#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #NarcissisticPersonalityDisorder #PersonalityDisorders #selfawareness #Acceptance

If you aren’t in a good place mentally then please save this and come back to it when you’re better. This isn’t to make yourself feel like crap either; it’s to help bring about #RadicalAcceptance

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Self-reflective exercise: From Roots to Mighty Leaflets 🌱

This was my second time attending Nina (@sparklywartanks) ‘s event. (Did you know? Nina https://a.k.a sparklywartank is the group leader of The Pencil Case! ✏️)

We drew trees as a way to self-reflect on our growth and goals. 🌳 The roots represent current or future goals, the trunk represents our needs (physical, mental, emotional, practical) and the leaves are our accomplishments.

👉 Try this creative exercise out yourself!

What goals make up your roots?
What needs make up your trunk?
What accomplishments make up your leaves?

#CheckInWithMe #selfreflection #growth #CheerMeOn #MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #Recovery

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Write a one-sentence letter to your younger self. 💌

What would you tell younger you? 💭 Maybe you’d give a bit of advice about how to sit with struggle, or perhaps you’d remind yourself that it’s OK to traverse life on your own timeline.

While we don’t get to turn back the clock, it can be a good exercise to reflect on how much we’ve learned. Who knows, you may even find some much-needed wisdom from your fellow Mighties in the comments.💫

#MightyMinute #WednesdayWisdom #lettertoself #MentalHealth #RareDisease #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #Disability #Parenting #Autism #Cancer #Anxiety #Depression #Recovery #selfreflection #CheckInWithMe