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More then just the outcome

When waking up for the day think a positive thoughts in dead of nagitive. Like "I am ready for the day." Or "you can do great things if you put your mind too it."
The best things in life for someone whose been struggling with more the just depression anxity or ptsd. Is to find the little things in life that empower you and make those things or thing better. Even making a cup of tea or a hot breakfast in the morning is a sign of Self-Care. We do what we can do to make our livers better and empower as we go.
Start small and think big.
If your struggling right now I understand I been in your shoes before. Again and again.
Tell me your struggles and the way you empower you self to get over the bumpy roads.
#empower #positive #Lifegoals #Anxiety #PTSD #ChronicDepression #Depression #Photography

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What makes you #strong 💪🏻
What empowers you to keep going?
What lifts your Spirit up?
A kind word?
A smile?
A hug?
Maybe it’s the right song on the radio when you turn it on?
Perhaps it’s the sound of Children’s laughter?
Maybe it’s a great support system of your “tribe”, your “Soul family”?
#strength 💪🏻 is not measured by lifting weights.
Strength comes from lifting yourself up every time you get knocked down.
It’s OK to fall.
We all do.
Just don’t stay there on the ground for too long.
Pick yourself back up and come out swinging harder and stronger than before! 🥊💪🏻
#WarriorStrong 💚💜💪🏻 #InspirationalQuotes


Loneliness & Chronic Illness#LymeDisease #Fibromyalgia #ChronicIllness #Awareness #empower #encourage #inspire

Loneliness & Chronic Illness

I have been living with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Lyme Disease for almost 2 decades. Wow! I don’t think I’ve ever said it like that before. Let me try it again…for almost 20 years, a little less than half of my life, I’ve been sick! As you can imagine, with prolonged sickness comes frustration and if I’m honest, loneliness creeps in at times.

You see, while my husband is working and the kids are in school, I spend my day at home alone. Outside of the chats with my girlfriends and catching up with family, I’m usually home in bed or on the couch pondering what to do next. To be transparent, what I’m really pondering is what CAN I do today? You see most days I am not feeling well enough to do the things I used to do or really desire to due to the various symptoms I navigate on a daily basis. I wake up each morning not really knowing what to expect or how I am going to feel. How I long for the days when I could get up and do whatever I wanted to do that day. Insert loneliness.

I think what’s really taking place is I am grieving the way my life used to be and a good friend of mine helped me realize that I would never get that life back, nor should I strive to. You see, the old Windy didn’t know she was sick and was living a life that could not continue. The old Windy had not stepped into what God had for her in order to stretch her into what God is calling her to become. Whew…that’s hard to hear at times but it’s true. If I were to go back to the way things were in the past, I would be far from who I am called to be. Even though it’s hard most days and even though I am lonely at times, I would not trade it for anything if it means getting closer to who I am created to be.

So what do I do to all day? Well I’m glad you asked!

I take lots of naps! (Naps are the best and much needed to allow my body to heal itself)

Eat (Way too much)

Read my Bible (Food for the soul)

Pray (Talk to God about all the things)

Nap some more (Ha!)

Think about ways to help others (Giveback)

Laugh at myself (When I’m not crying. Laughter is good medicine)

Check on my family and friends (I love you all)

Doctors appointments (I love my doctors too)


Oh, I’m sure I take another nap!!!!

It can be lonely living with chronic illness and I am so thankful for the people in my life (You know who you are)who help me keep my spirits up and push through and never give up. This too shall pass.

Thanks for all of your support. It means everything to me. Please be sure to check out my new podcast, “Windy’s Journey” which is now streaming on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Google Podcasts.

Until next time, XO


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Self care - 📖recommendation

'How to do the work:
Recognise your patterns, heal from your past and create yourself'

Author: Nicole LePera (Clinical psychologist - Holistic practice)

This book I'm currently started reading has reinforced what I have been studying for the last 9 months 'Mental health'.
Through lots of self reflection, I've discovered and delved deeper into how the body and mind affects each individual.

In the introductory chapter, it touched on work burnout/fatigue, childhood trauma, epigenetics, self healing, genetics (DNA), living environmental factors, grief.
holistic approach to healing through
mind-body-soul connection, mindfulness and nutrition and exercise.

I will definitely share the journalling exercises she has written in her book.

#DistractMe #MightyBookClub #Selfcare #Depression #Anxiety #Healing #Grief #Loss #empower #Holistic #MentalHealth #positive

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Now reading📖#Happiness

Just a page from the introductory chapter of this book I have just started reading tonight. 'The Positive Shift' by Catherine A. Sanderson

Here's hoping it will provide scientific based strategies. I will definitely share the ones I might use on myself and for those of you who are interested in it too.

I have had some OMG moments in the last few weeks particularly yesterday midday, I had a massive meltdown...It's been a long time since I cried that way since major grief.
It was a release I probably needed.

#Anxiety #Depression #Selfcare #DistractMe #distractmewithbooks #Selflove #positive #Bekindtoyourself #MightyBookClub #inspire #empower #Book


How do I #empower the disabled men in my life?

I am saddened to see that the media at large does not have many resources for supporting the at-risk men in our lives. My boyfriend is #unemployed and suffers from #PTSD and #SchizoaffectiveDisorder #BipolarDepression and, should we ever get married, I would be the only source of income (as he hasn’t even been able to acquire his SSI, still working on that). And as a man, I don’t want to “emotionally emasculate” him by being the provider and caretaker. I want him to feel like a man. I shower him with kindness and positivity, and times to be vulnerable and raw. But is there something I may be missing? I want to give him the whole world. #Relationships #DatingWithAChronicIllness #SpecialNeedsMarriages #Love #courage #CheckInWithMe #MightyTogether


Hero stories about people with physical disabilities who inspire others every day #CheerMeOn #Disability   #Amputation   #ChildhoodDisorders

Hello! I am on a mission to find individuals living with physical disabilities who are willing to share their #stories with me and #empower others. If you are a family member of a child with a physical disability or you live with a disability yourself, I'd love to hear from you. I am particularly interested in #limbloss cases, but other physical differences are welcome!

Why? Because I want to turn my start-up company, ExpHand Prosthetics (www.exphandprosthetics.com), into a powerful communication channel for empowerment. I want to share real stories of real people, so I need your input.

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Lupus Healing

Healing from lupus isn’t linear. It will take you through many paths to get you to a place of some sort of comfort beyond lupus. #lupusincolor #EDUCATE #inspire #encourage #empower

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Lupus Holiday Recovery

The whirlwind of the holidays is finally over. Take some time to recover.

Lupus In Color Holiday Recovery:

1. Rest-Get some sleep: Make moments today to relax and just be. Your body needs it.
2. Make time to meditate: Take 5 minutes out of your day to just sit still and breathe. You deserve still moments to recharge.
https://3.Take a short walk: bundle up and take a short walk and enjoy the fresh air. The walk will help you relax some.
4. Write in your journal: Sit down and write out your feelings from the holiday. Get all the good and bad out of your mind and onto paper. It's a form of great release.
5. Set boundaries: just say no if you need to. Dont feel like you have to say yes to https://everything.You can say no and not feel guilty.
6. Drink some hot tea: Grab a spot of tea and just enjoy the relaxation it brings. Allow the warmth to soothe you.
7. Read a good book: Take some time to read a book that you've wanted to read. Take your time to get into the fantasy of your imagination.

Make it a restful day. Try to limit your stress and practice some self care. Your body, mind and spirit will thank you. #EDUCATE #inspire #encourage #empower #lupusincolor

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Lupus Holoday Recovery

The whirlwind of the holidays is finally over. Take some time to recover.

Lupus In Color Holiday Recovery:

1. Rest-Get some sleep: Make moments today to relax and just be. Your body needs it.
2. Make time to meditate: Take 5 minutes out of your day to just sit still and breathe. You deserve still moments to recharge.
https://3.Take a short walk: bundle up and take a short walk and enjoy the fresh air. The walk will help you relax some.
4. Write in your journal: Sit down and write out your feelings from the holiday. Get all the good and bad out of your mind and onto paper. It's a form of great release.
5. Set boundaries: just say no if you need to. Dont feel like you have to say yes to https://everything.You can say no and not feel guilty.
6. Drink some hot tea: Grab a spot of tea and just enjoy the relaxation it brings. Allow the warmth to soothe you.
7. Read a good book: Take some time to read a book that you've wanted to read. Take your time to get into the fantasy of your imagination.

Make it a restful day. Try to limit your stress and practice some self care. Your body, mind and spirit will thank you.
#inspire #encourage #empower #lupusincolor

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