Mental Health at Work
This week's episode of Mental Health at Work discusses tips for the interviewer as well as the interviewee.

This week's episode of Mental Health at Work discusses tips for the interviewer as well as the interviewee.
🗣 - "Taylor Lakhryst was an undecided voter who participated in a #CBC program called Face to Face during last year's federal election campaign. While being on the show gave her a chance to ask questions of a party leader, she felt CBC's production choices spoiled the experience by making her appear inept and powerless."
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👀 - Dwhell On It is a series where I answer your questions about my lived experience as a #trans woman!
📺 - A new episode gets uploaded every week! -
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"While you expressed #Gratitude for the #Opportunity to provide visibility on the subject of abuse toward the 2SLBGTQIA+ #Community , you felt that #CBC made choices which diluted your appearance. It left you feeling, if not misrepresented, then underrepresented."
It feels as if #CBC chose to represent me as what I interpret as inept, powerless, and stuck with candy-coated concerns because who I am isn't palatable enough for Canadians who can't cope that #people such as myself strive to inspire and create #change .
#social platforms highlighted my segment as being of the utmost importance on an issue that had not been placed front and centre in the campaign until my appearance.
I continued to focus much of my argument on the treatment of my introductory video. I emphasized how problematic it was that this video highlighted "my love for #Sports and karaoke" while omitting more substantive #Comments about the importance of placing responsibility for bigotry and hate-based abuse on the abusers rather than the victims.
"I'm an undecided voter because" and "Let's be #leaders …" were extracted from two completely different sections of what I provided. #CBC created that line and not me, and I'm not sure if that is conducive to "accuracy."
"You stated that you followed all the directives given to you in advance by producers, yet you were the only one of the four participants given less than 40 seconds of airtime."
"You also reiterated that #CBC exercised poor judgment when it failed to include your exchange about pronouns with #ErinOToole .”
#CBC watered me down and presented me with the safest, most palatable and most comfortable image they could build based on the information I provided.
"Your complaint is, first and foremost, a reminder that the stories journalists tell are not really "theirs." They are the stories of real #people with real lives, ambitions, and concerns."
Journalistic Standards and Practices covers much ground regarding ethical #Journalism but doesn't cover specific circumstances.
"There is more debate to be had about editing your introductory video … it's clear that those producers took two risks with your video."
"On your frustration that the #question you asked on the show was "negotiated," … I worried it meant that programmers were forcing you to ask the questions that they wanted."
🔗 - Links!
How Presentation Affects Representation -
Your Friends Appreciate a Random Check-In Call or Text More Than You Realize - Your Friends Appreciate a Random Check-In More Than You Realize
What four undecided voters asked #ErinOToole | Face to Face 2021 -
#Media and #Journalism are transphobic. I was on #CBC News: The National Face to Face -
#Canada Voted In Favour of Policing Women's Bodies! -
Is there anything that #people expect you to be good at but are very bad at? -
#CBC News: The National | #ErinOToole , Alberta's deadly COVID-19 surge, TIFF returns -
👀 - Create #change !
📣 - End anti-2SLGBTQIA+ abuse! -
📣 - You can #help ! Everything inspiring HireWheller stays ongoing - biased systems, ignorant platforms, violent abusers & isolated victims.
📣 - Grassroots #power comes from its #people ! Get involved or refer others you know to challenge systemic violence & oppression!
💻 - Connect!
@HireWheller: A grassroots group to #help the 2SLGBTQIA+ #Community overcome often-minimized struggles.
#Twitter :
👱🏼♀️ - Look me up!
TaylorLakhryst: #Transgender woman, advocate, INFJ, ♊️, she/her/hers 🏳️⚧️
📒 - Alt information
* Text: Dwhell on it w/ Taylor Lakhryst Ep. 56 - How Presentation Affects Representation - HIREWHELLER
* Description: A blonde woman wearing a black sweater is smiling & sitting in front of a beige wall. There is white text with a yellow & purple accent.
* Captions: Automated
#Gratitude #Opportunity #social #Sports #Comments #leaders #canadian #gender #grateful #interview #manitoba #News #Out #Respect #Safety #Success #winnipeg #Youtube #active #Activism #Anxiety #athlete #Business #causes #Charity #donate #Energy #equality #Fundraising #Lesbian #LGBT #LGBTQ #Kindness #marketing #Media #nonbinary #philanthropy #Pride
Hello all, my little sis is living with me because after our Kim passed she became even more depressed and unwilling to do anything. Little by little, I’ve tried to push her in the right direction, it’s been tough. She definitely tries! Well, or turns out that she was called for an interview tomorrow but she is anxious as can be. Do any of you have any advice? Any words of encouragement? I’d love to read her anything you all have to say. I know she is very nervous, but I also know this is one of the best things that can happen to her. #anxious #interview #Firstjob #Grief #Depression #personaldevelopment
Throughout the next few weeks I will be posting to my story on Instagram @thebpdp interview questions to gauge how I can best cater my subscription box to you! These questions will help me determine what products will be included in the box as well as what kind of content I will be posting in the future!
Those who participate will be entered to win a free BPD awareness bracelet before pre-sales begin! Just watch my story @thebpdp and answer the questions to enter - simple as that!
Disability Culture Stories Project!
We are three college seniors and for our Senior Seminar Project, we are creating a documentary exploring the depths of disability culture.
We would love to hear over Zoom interview stories you may have and visuals! :) Please comment if interested in an interview to help! #Disability #Awareness #Documentary #interview #project
I have been suffering with #ChronicFatigue , #ChronicPain , #PTSD , #ChronicNausea , and #ChronicMigraines for years now, with no clear cause, and it’s suspected that I probably am on the #Autism spectrum but mask “well” (bleh). This is just to name a few that are more important. Nothing has prevented me from working and I find working generally enjoyable. Previously, I was working for a 4-star hotel, and it was really starting to wear on my body and it made it more apparent to me that my fatigue and pain were just getting worse. Due to #COVID19 I was laid off for “restructuring”, and I’m now #Jobhunting . As a result, I had a second interview for a Patient Care Coordinator position on Friday, which seemed like a great fit for my skill set. It involves putting together financial plans, explaining the cost and the benefits of treatment with patients, and going over insurance. But after going in person, I learned that they actively want me to be getting up and down and going into patient rooms regularly as well as they really are aiming for that whole “type A bubbly personality thing” and I left the interview so exhausted I could not believe it. I usually do really well post interviews and this has not happened before. I ended up having a crash, #nospoons nap for several hours once I got home. And this nagging bad feeling just hasn’t gone away. I think I could absolutely do the tasks of the job, but I don’t know if I have the energy to keep up with that kind of bubbliness. I’m working with an employment agency to take most of the labor out of finding a job so that I can be more particular about the work I’m going into to make sure it’s something compatible with my disabilities and being able to bring my #ServiceDog back to work with me. (Which he would not be able to do in a healthcare setting where I’m entering patient rooms.) I had several hospitalizations while trying to work a job that would not allow my service dog because I “look” able-bodied (even though I use a #Wheelchair probably 30% of the time).
Should I turn down the job if I’m offered it? I’m really conflicted cause this is a feeling I’ve not had before and I just need advice from people who aren’t simply pushing the “you just feel like you couldn’t do it” and are neglecting that I AM #Disabled .
I finally decided after 5 years that I’ve had enough of my very stressful job that just exacerbates my depression and anxiety. I applied for a job and actually got an interview yesterday. Still haven’t heard anything back. I’m still applying other places and I’m not giving up on changing jobs. I’m determined to make a change.
I have an interview tomorrow as a mental health community counselor! It’s my first interview within the psychology field that I’ve been so ecstatic to finally get into!
Does anyone have any interview tips to prepare so I don’t feel so anxious and stiff??
#interview #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #Depression #Advice #MightyTogether #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #ADHD #Insomnia