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Art, stories and taking over the world

My name is Gitta Mikk and I am proud of my mental illnesses. I am an artist and a writer and a brat. At least according to my mother.

I’m just trying to recruit a band of awesome crazy badass neurodivergent weirdos who will read my stories and then come follow me in my quest to establish a dominant but gentle rule over the planet.
Because we definitely deserve a chance to rule.

I’ll be posting cheeky/semi-humorous stories that highlight the unique parts of Mental Health that touch my own life in a personal way and sharing experiences that I think are not uncommon for people with mental illnesses to experience in general.

I will write and blog about my art as well because it is rooted and themed in neirodivergence! (We all love some pretty art right??)

I’ll also likely post some random thoughts as they pop into my head to remind everyone to follow me if they would like to be a part of the coming revolution and join my Neurodivergent matriarchal reign.

Follow MEEE my children!!
#newstory #BipolarDisorder #DepressiveDisorders #ADHD #SchizoaffectiveDisorder #manicdepressive #MightyTogether #MightyMoms #MightyDads #CheckInWithMe #PTSD #BodyDysmorphicDisorder #EatingDisorders #positivethoughts #DistractMe #EndTheStigma #MentalHealth #MentalIllnessStigma #Schizophrenia #mentalhealthartist #AddictionRecovery #mentalhealthjournaling #mentalhealthconfession #Arts #painting #artist

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Nuerodivergent and Borderline Positive! What self qualities are you proud of?

#BpdPositive and #proud !#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder is often be seen negatively as one of the most painfully difficult disorders to overcome, but I want to #Breakthecycle and end the #NegativeThinking #Stigma and #BorderlineStigma !

I love my ability to genuinely and sincerely empathize with others. I appreciate my artistic skills, creativity, insight, passion, and profound positivity! I am loyal and love fiercely. With radical honesty, I am an open book and deeply caring friend to others.

What are some positive traits about yourself in light of your #Neurodiversity ?

#Proudofmyself #proud #Positivity #positive #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BPDDiagnosis #Anxiety #AnxietyTips #ITSOKAYTOTALK #itsokaytonotbeokay #therapyiscool #Depression #MentalHealth #mentalhealthconfession #Selflove #Selfcare #Share #shareyourstory #destigma


Language Class Surprise

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Here's something no one warns you about in a language class. It's a lot harder to fake your feelings when you're learning new vocabulary. With a mother tongue, it's easy to grab a quick set of phrases to create pleasantries to hide bad mental health days. While learning another language, it's hard to hide emotions and come up with phrases that are meant to be pleasant.

Perhaps it's a good thing. Most days, I feel too numb to express myself, but the moment language class is over, I have to release my feelings and cry.

#ClinicalDepression #Depression  #MentalHealth  #mentalhealthmonday   #mentalhealthconfession   #Mentalhealthselfcare  #PTSD  #CPTSD

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I don't know... I feel love and compassion very strongly as part of my true self, true qualities and true values, regardless of whether or not I have #BPD .

Like many people with BPD, I am an empath. BPD, sadly, disturbs my relationships preventing me from being able to share my love. 🖤




When I’m hurt, I shut down. I turn into a total bij I shut off my emotions, I act differently towards everything and everyone and I hate it.