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Why I might be denied for a major surgery #discetomy #PhysicalTherapy #majorsurgery #Insurance #Depression

For the past 9 weeks I haven't been in control of my body. Almost as if my movements are being controlled by someone on the other side of the TV who finds it absolutely hilarious to make me run into walls and fall down for no apart reason. I was actually looking forward to my surgery, not the recovery. I was looking forward to returning to work where I had built my home away from home. Sure the pay was horrible but I felt needed and that can be hard to find in a job. I have BCBS, I thought I had all my ducks in a row. I was so, so very wrong. Between the doctors visits co-pay, the PT 3 times a week co-pay (after) and what I ACTUALLY have to pay to get the surgery. IT WONT even be possible to have my operation. And people I'm not in control of my body. My gait is affected and only getting worse. I feel so defeated and depressed. Honestly, I am having a very hard time finding the silver lining. I want to work. I want to exercise. I want to take care of my family. At my age I WANT to be a productive member of society in some way, shape or form, so defeated.

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June 1993 I suffered a traumatic brain injury complete with a helicopter ride to the hospital unconscious and unable to enjoy the ride out of the mountain to Denver.
June 2024 I suffered a stroke and get a surgical procedure in three week to clean out my right carotid artery at which time the Dr. will decide of the left side carotid needs cleaned out as well at a later date. His current guess as of this morning it will not need to be done, lucky me. So now I am seeing how this app works. At least I will be back to Sky Ridge Hospital which has tasty #BreakfastBurritos but not to the point of being a fair trade off. I like to #Workout an hour a day to avoid a big belly and am at least winning that battle.

What did I do to deserve this second dose of OT, PT, AND Speech therapies? They even said they took my drivers license again, oh joy… #OccupationalTherapy #PhysicalTherapy #SpeechTherapy #BrainInjury #Stroke #sucks I am not bitter, I just want to know why me again
Brownie points to the person who knows where the app screenshot came from

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Feeling broken? Only seeing your flaws? Sometimes those things we feel are flaws are actually what makes us unique, special and extraordinary!

I can get caught in that awful loop of beating myself up, only seeing my flaws, only recognizing things I haven’t done instead of giving myself credit for things I have done, getting stuck in self judgment, only seeming to hear my inner critic’s voice, I can lose all my self confidence, let my self esteem dip and things can look pretty bleak.

Over time more and more I have been able to catch this in the moment, pause, breathe, re-set, and then be gentle with myself and allow myself to shift my energy. I can then take first steps towards better self care…and reverse that repetitive loop, replace it with self respect and start to believe in myself! One situation at a time, I’m getting better … and every time I succeed it can get a little easier the next time. I can see that I have grown along my path and although it can be very hard for me to accept, there is unique beauty to the journey I have been on. I am not broken - I am strong - I have been accepting my flaws and see that as I have picked myself up over and over I have filled myself with gold!


I find doing a gratitude list can help. A while back it was recommended I process a gratitude list every morning. I like to think of my blessings: roof over my head and food on the table; a car that runs and being able to afford insurance & gas for it; MY HEALTH…here I go through all my 5 senses thankful they all work, touch and feel my legs that didn’t at one point and give thanks that parts of me are healing but by bit ! I give thanks for my whole support network: great doctors & health providers, my friends, and my family!!! I find after doing this I start off the day feeling much better about myself!

What is on your gratitude list?

#MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #SocialAnxiety #Disability #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #Selflove #Selfcare #BipolarDisorder #BipolarDepression #COVID19 #Parkinsonism #Concussion #BrainInjury #Migraine #Headache #BackPain #neckpain #PhysicalTherapy #HIVAIDS #PTSD #Stigma #PeripheralNeuropathy #Addiction #AddictionRecovery #IfYouFeelHopeless #Hope #CheckInWithMe #InsideTheMighty #MightyTogether #DistractMe

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A little levity and a fun distraction from thinking about our health challenges & harrowing news stories. Some trivia, humor and a Get To Know Me part

I am sorry that I haven’t been very active here at all for a while. I have been dealing with layers of health challenges … much more than even I am used to … with surgery recently, a trip to Urgent Care, a few acute doctors appointments with different types of excruciating pain, serious side effects from two concussions I’ve had in less than a year… like damaging parts of my spine, then rotator cuff injury from overdoing PT, GI problems, and I’ve been holding on tight to keep my mental health balance as my doctor has made major med changes to many of my psych meds trying to help my migraines, lack of appetite and insomnia which have led to periods of deep depression & a short hypomanic period, and nightmares🥲. I have had 4-6+ health appointments a week. It has been very physically and emotionally draining and I have had to step away from the group to focus on self care. I want to give a special thanks to our new co-leader Wendy for doing such a great job keeping things rolling here and supporting you all the way I’d like to have been doing. Things are a little better for me now, so I thought I would offer a little fun for everyone before I resume my usual posts about health challenges…enjoy!

Can you answer all the questions below?

“What is this?” 🎂
“What sport uses this?” 🏀
“What do you do in this?” 🛁
“Where is this🗽?”
“What is this?”🦶
“Where is this in the body?”🦷
“What kind of animal is this?”🏇

OK, that was easy…How many of these can you answer?

“What is the athlete on that animal above called?”
“Do they use hands 🙌 to measure horses?
“What religion is this symbol for?”☦️ “
“What is this?”🫚
“What do you drink from this?”🍶
“What is this?🏏
“What sport is this?”🤽‍♀️
“Where is this?”🗿

For those my age and older:
“What is this used for?”📽️
“What gaming system is this from? 🕹️.
What is the hardest game to play on it?
(This obviously depends who you
ask, but I’ll take any mentioned by the
most gamers)
“What is this and who makes it?”🎙️
“What was the first album released on these?”📀
When was it released?
*This is kind of a trick question!*
“What is a 12” version of this called?”💿
Hint: It came out 4 years before CDs!
What company made the first player
for these?

How many can you answer?
***WITHOUT Googling them!***

Bonus questions: Get To Know Me”

“What song is my very favorite to listen to on these at the gym?”🎧
“What was the name of the hardest climb I ever did?🧗🏻‍♂️
What was it’s rating?
Did I get to the top?”
Hint: It’s in Virginia and the name has an animal in it!
“Have I ever worn a wig, 💄, fake eyelashes, 👗 , and 👠 ?
“Have I ever had black nail polish and worn black mascara?
“Have I ever done this?”🪂?🥋?🏄‍♀️?🚣🏼?🥊?🤿?🎭?🤹?🎯? ⛸️?🛹?🏒?🏉?
Which ones?
Hint: I’ve actually done nine!
Have I ever used a 🪓?🪚? 🪠?🔭?🚬?💉?🔬?🪆?🔑?🛏️?🛒?🚽?🧴?🩹?🪥?
Which ones?
Hint: I’ve used over 10!


“What would I be sending you on this?”🖨️
Hint: it would really help you with this


Hope this gave you a laugh, challenged you, or at least distracted you from the coverage of the war in Israel/Gaza, politics and natural disasters!

Putting it together sure helped me!

#MentalHealth , #Depression , #Anxiety #ChronicPain , #ChronicIllness , #Disability , #Selfcare , #Selflove , #PTSD , #BipolarDisorder , #COVID19 , #Migraine , #BackPain , #shoulderpain . #PhysicalTherapy , #BrainInjury , #Concussion , #PeripheralNeuropathy , #HIVAIDS , #Addiction , #MightyTogether , #DistractMe , #CheckInWithMe , #IfYouFeelHopeless , #Hope , #InsideTheMighty

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Does physical therapy help you?

For some people, like yours truly, physical therapy is an important part of their treatment plan. For others… not so much. Where do you fall on the spectrum?

Back in January, we asked our rare disease community about the types of therapies they’ve tried to treat their rare disease. Physical therapy was the most popular answer with 34% of votes, while geriatric was the least popular answer at 2%.

Have you tried any of these therapies before? If so, share your experience in the comments. If you haven’t tried any of them, let us know what’s getting in the way of this part of your treatment journey.

Wishing you a low-symptom day!

#RareDisease #ChronicIllness #Disability #ChronicPain #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Injury #PhysicalTherapy #treatment

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Stroke and Cold Weather: How decrease in Temperature increases the risk of Ischemic Stroke?

Incidences of stroke have been found to have possible associations with certain weather conditions. Daily temperature variations and higher humidity were associated with increased stroke rates. Colder average annual temperatures are associated with stroke. An average daily temperature change of 5 degrees Fahrenheit is associated with about a 6 percent increase in stroke risk. In this blog, we will discuss how stroke is associated with cold weather and how we can prevent it.

Winter season is a cause for various health ailments, as we head towards winter it has been seen that the drop in temperature is responsible for a rise in several health-related problems, among which stroke is one of the critical challenges. During the winter months the chances of getting a stroke increase.

Stroke is a unique health condition that can occur because of blockage, causing paralysis, or can even burst which leads to bleeding. If a stroke occurs in the right side of the brain, the left side of the body will be affected, causing paralysis on the left side of the body, speech or language problems, slow, cautious behavior, memory loss, etc.

Studies have proved that there are more stroke cases during extremely cold conditions. The risk of getting a stroke attack increases by 80% particularly when the temperature dips below 15 degrees Celsius. One of the main reasons that can attribute to this is, that during the cold seasons the blood vessels constrict, which leads to an increase in blood pressure, which means that the blood has to be pumped harder to travel around the body, making it one of the major factors for the onset of stroke.

Another reason may be due to the various changes in the chemical balance that occur in the body during the winter season. These include cholesterol levels and some other factors that increase the chances of clotting. Also, changes in physical activity which usually decreases during winter as well as weight gain can play a role. These are probably the reasons why the number of stroke cases goes up during winter.

Winter can lead some people to develop depression, which has been linked to an increased risk of stroke.

The incidence of stroke is significantly increased in winter, especially when the temperature drops sharply in a cold period. Though the pathogenesis of ischemic stroke remains unclear, one of the causes may involve a cold-induced increase in blood pressure, hypercoagulation, and fibrinolysis.

Ways to Control the risk of Stroke in Winter:

To prevent the chances of stroke and other cardiovascular events, it is strongly recommended:

To regularly monitor blood pressure during the changing weather. And even with mild changes or a rise in blood pressure, one needs to immediately consult the doctor who can prescribe an adjustment in the medications.

Avoid sudden exposure to harsh cold weather.

Maintain the recommended levels of regular physical activity.

Avoid sudden changes in diet.

Avoid stress.

Avoid unhealthy drinking and eating too much.

Avoid being less active in winter,

Avoid developing depression,

Wear warm clothing when going outside.

Quit smoking.

Do more exercise if overweight.

Simply staying indoors or ensuring ample heating when it's especially cold outside.

During the average winter temperature of <13°c, the="" risk="" factors,="" etiology,="" coagulation="" and="" degree="" of="" neurological="" impairment="" patients="" with="" ischemic="" stroke="" are="" found="" to="" be="" significantly="" different="" from="" during="" warmer="" temperatures="" thus="" it="" is="" advised="" keep="" warm="" avoid="" sudden="" exposure="" severe="" cold="" as="" remains="" for="" many="" days="" after="" exposure.="" #Stroke #PhysicalTherapy

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Finally!!! Hydrotherapy and it starts tomorrow, yes!

I’m finally getting the long suggested by docs but never approved by past insurance physical therapy in water. A first time experience with, long time needing and desired, hydrotherapy for me! It’s a big positive, filled with hope.

Yes, I’ve had physical therapy a few times over the years. But now, my body is in so much pain from nerve issues with extreme pain, burning and numbing in so much of the body. They feel like they are inflammed all of the time with constant internal vibrating tremors. It makes it very hard (near impossible) to exercise enough to stengthen whats left of my lower body. I hurt myself repeatedly trying to exercise.

I will be having therapy in a Hydroworx tank with adjustable temperature, thank god, cause hot water is excruciating now.

The tank has a treadmill, removable seat and grab bars for holding onto. A bit of anxiety inside with a whole bunch of gratefulness and excitement that I’m finally getting to access it along with the security of exercising with a therapist right there. I keep thinking, I really hope it cools and calms these constantly inflamed, burning nerves. I know, it’s a little much to hope for but as it is now, when the heat has me suffering real bad, sometimes I get into a cool shower and just sit there until it lowers my body temperature a bit and it feels better to my body for awhile. Hopefully, the tank will do that too along with some badly needed exercise strengthening and endurance. I’m excited! Thank you to my neurologist! Wish me luck folks, because I need it, lol 😂 #ChronicPain #hydroworx #nervepain #Undiagnosed #PhysicalTherapy

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Mental & Physical Health

Feeling down? Put on your shoes and go for a walk. Did I hear you moan and say "not now"? That's okay - it's always your choice. I know how walking helps your biology stay balanced! Physical and mental health is linked in complex ways yet expressed in surprisingly simple strategies. So when you're mulling it over, take a peek at your shoes - they want to be outside!

#beingtherapy #MentalHealth #Therapist #Toronto #selfcare #counselling #Healing #Walking #clearyourhead #Fitness #Fitness #PhysicalTherapy #physicalhealth


2 Steps Forward 6 Steps Backwards

Do you ever feel like every time you make any progress with your illness/disease you win a little then it knock you so much father back that you will never get back to were you were before?

So I have FND which means my nerves and brain function abdominally and communicate about as well as toddlers playing the telephone game. Add in a sprinkle of Tourettes Syndrome and Sensory Processeing Disorder, Migraine, Dyskinesia, Dystonia, and we are currently exploring epilepsy. All this results in me being confined to a wheelchair at least 85% of the time and need to be supervised if I am not. Along with eating difficulties, communication problems ect...

I have to go in for occupational therapy and physical therapy once a year to help me maintain quality of life. Sometimes we add speech or cognitive to spice things up if I need it . All these therapies are great and can act as kinda a filter on how to adapt my life to limitations and give some good ideas on how to make life easier within my limitations my body has placed on me. However it always feels like we make a little progress with them and once I "graduate" out of them (stop making progress usually after a the first 2 months) my body starts to decline again even though I countue to do my home programs (hey I want as much quality of life as I can get I mean I turn 20 in the fall I will take what I can get). This happens with me staring to fall more, my hands start to get weaker, I drop more weight, ect.

2 steps forward 6 steps back.

Every time. It seems like I am on this never ending loop of yes some progress. Whap out of no where I get worse ...

2 steps forward 6 steps back.

It's like this dance me and my body play. Oh you gonna work to try and get better. Sike now your worse enjoy the new wheels.

2 steps forward 6 steps back.

Around and around we continue this dance and we can't seem to figure out why this downward spiral keeps happening. Like I'm not gonna keep fighting for my quality of life but man would I like to stop this dance or at least hit pause for a bit.

2 steps forward 6 steps back

It's exhausting. I just moved and my new pcp asked if I had made any progress on getting better and it hit me that no actually I keep getting worse and my symptoms keep getting more debilitating as time goes on. So now we redo all the testing and redo all the things to see if anything has changed...

2 steps forward 6 steps back.

Anyway I'm just excused with everything. I'm still gonna try and still gonna give it everything I got which honestly isn't much at this point. Still gonna give it a go. Got to continue this dance in homes that some day it will be 6 steps forward and 2 steps back instead.

#FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #ChronicFatigue #ocupationaltherapy #PhysicalTherapy #notmakingprogess

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