Keep going! 💚
For anyone struggling right now..
#youarenotalone #MHWarrior #CheckInWithMe #Depression #youareloved #MentalHealth #Survivors #strengthinnumbers #MightyTogether
For anyone struggling right now..
#youarenotalone #MHWarrior #CheckInWithMe #Depression #youareloved #MentalHealth #Survivors #strengthinnumbers #MightyTogether
I talked to myself many times, and yes, I answered to myself. I wonder how many of you have conversations with yourself. No doubt I feel lonely and isolated many times, and I wonder if will find MY PERSON one day.
I LAUGH A LOT! And I like that about myself because I have fun with myself, I AM PROUD OF MYSELF, because I have managed to find wonderful coping skills to survive, and so, YES, I tell myself, I LOVE YOU!
NO DOUBT, I'm imperfect, full of asterisks, commas, exclamation points, and yes, question marks, but....with my rambling I SEE MY SHINING, MY CONNECTION TO ALL THAT IT IS, MY HELPING MANY PEOPLE AROUND ME.
I don't have to ask if I have made a difference in this world, I KNOW IT. Is this pretentious? Is this crazy? Is this WEIRD?
I know you are there, I have my open arms willing to hug you, and my eyes sparkle connecting with my SPECIAL YOU, and with all of you. Simply, I AM ALIVE!
Maybe I am a WEIRD SURVIVOR, #survivingstill
AM I WEIRD? FEEL ME! because I am willing, to be the supporting EQUAL SIGN, that knows it will never be EQUAL because we'll be changing every day, but SO willing to LEARN each day.
Because somehow, I AM HERE, even in my dreams. My subconscious lives with the second-by-second fight or fly, while my consciousness knows: THE RIVER OF LIFE is rocks, fish, water, atoms, energy, and dirt.....WE, THEY, US, YOU, and Me.
#Survivors #Anxiety #PTSD #againstageism #stopthehate #Hope #MentalHealth #saludmental #pandemia #Cancer #Sepsis #balance #Love
The strength it takes to push through each day is only understood by the survivors. Unfortunately, the survivors to often feel they have to fight the battle alone and in silence. There is strength in numbers and knowledge is power. The more we share our stories the stronger we are with the knowledge of other survivors and their experiences. #Survivor #Survivors #warrior
💔💔 Couldn’t be more exact. For anyone who is feeling overwhelmed, anxious, depressed, sad, fearful, stressed to the max, in physical, emotional and mental pain..I hope this quote helps in any way possible for you. #Survivors #MajorDepression #severeanxiety #ChronicPain #IBS #Insomnia #Asthma #ChronicMigraines #Justnotfeelingittoday #RemainPositive
Don't judge yourself too harshly, even better, don't judge yourself. Second, if you live with chronic pain, pain is not punishment, pain is simply pain. So, even if it comes from your subconscious, let's stop the WHAT DID I DO TO FEEL THIS WAY? or, WHY ME? No worries, even I ask myself that. Am I good enough? what? why do keep asking ourselves those questions, because we have health issues? We are a treasure of wonderful things, besides the health issue you have. I also told myself a few days ago, because I was watching a new series called UNSTABLE. I AM UNSTABLE and I LOVE IT! UNSTABLE CAN BE SO MAGICAL. In the end, I simply am what I am, and yes, I always try to be better, but there are many things I can not change. I AM A ROMANTIC SINGLE LATINO, tall and handsome, LOL, and yes, with some health issues. So, yes, tell yourself, I AM KISSABLE. @healthevoices #Survivors #ChronicPain ing
AH! LA VIDA!!!! Mojame vida, y mantiene mi fuego encendido aunque haya tormenta. Rain, LIFE rain, make every cell of my body wet but maintain the fire of my existence alive. #wekeepgoing #Survivors #Caregivers #ChronicPain #COVID
I live with chronic pain, and other chronic illnesses, including anxiety and PTSD. Many days, I can do one thing per day, and I feel thankful. I am a hero who many times is unable to move much, but my superpowers are full of love and kindness. #Survivors #advocates #hivlongtermsurvivors #wekeepgoing
I do believe very deeply in my heart that I was abused when I was a baby/kid, but how can I be sure of it? My traumas as an adult, my relationships with men, my I AM A GOOD BOY, my so many reactions in/to live. Therapy? yes, I have done it, and I keep exploring my journey. But I keep asking myself, am I making this up? I remember very vividly this person in my life, abusing me physically and mentally, and somehow I know I was just part of his own journey of mental health problems. But, did it happen? It can be very easy to say, forget about it, and live life by the moment that exists, but is not that easy. Part of me wants to find the answer, but then what? I am thankful for who I am, my amazing life, my I'm still here after 37 years with HIV, cancer survivor of 12 years, and living with chronic pain. I am single, and still looking for that partner in my life, I think I'm incredibly strong, powerful, special, smart, and simply open to getting to know someone. I remind myself each day to repeat BE HUMBLE, but also PROUD of who and what I am. #Survivors #HIV #hivlongtermsurvivors #MentalHealth #Hope #Sleep #dreams #PTSD
Is anybody experiencing horrible sleeping problems? Sadly, out of the blue, around 15 days ago, even with sleeping medication I'm having some horrible times with sleeping. I can not find any changes in my routine affecting me this way. How do you deal with this problem? how many of you have sleeping issues? Have you ever tried Ambien or the generic Zolpidem and had strange side effects? I need to find answers because I feel exhausted. Is funny in some way I want to find my personal solution, and another side wants to find out more in general about how is this problem part of our health communities. #MentalHealth #Sleep #Insomnia #Anxiety #saludmental #Survivors #advocates #PTSD
Not a second passes by that I don't dance with pain, I go from the twist to that cha cha cha, from hip hop to the waltz. Pain makes me tremble, and inside I sing with high tones, but my body keeps dancing. Vibrate, from the core of my heart, the inside of my column, and the bottom of my feet. Hands up, hands down, the Michael Jackson moonwalk, backward, forward.....and my skin keeps dancing. The reality is that most of the time I'm not moving because my pain dancer partner keeps me tied up to my bed, but wow, my imagination, NEVER stops dancing. #chronic pain #chronic #ChronicIllness #Survivors #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Hope