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does anyone else have a bad vitamin d deficiency? #vitaminddeficiency #Anxiety #PanicAttack

I’ve been struggling with this for about 5 weeks now. It causes anxiety (unexpected) and my brain is just sensitive to everything right now. How did you cope/what can I do to cope while I get better? And how long did it take for your levels to return to normal?

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1 year later!

Health Post: Long Caption/Story Below ↓

It’s been a year now. The picture on the left I have never shared with anyone prior to today. In the photo on the left I was 116 pounds with unmanaged chronic pain, working insane shift work, barely sleeping, & barely functioning. My pain got so bad I ended up so sick that I lost 56 pounds in just under 3 months!

I struggled with mental health for the first time & experienced crippling anxiety during this period of time. I lost a lot of people I cared very much about who did not understand what I was going through with my physical health & my new anxiety about my health. (I don’t blame others, it’s hard to understand at a young age unless you or someone you love has been through it).

Although a year later, things are not perfect. I am still not back to work but I’m making so much progress in learning to live with my chronic illness(es) and still be healthy and happy. I know I haven’t talked about my health much lately but with the change of seasons I feel like the three steps I’ve taken forward, I now feel like I’ve taken a step back. I’m not going to let this deter me however! Moral of this post: it gets better, it gets easier & healing is not linear or straightforward! Keep pushing 💕💪🏼
#ChronicIllness #InvisibleIllness #Fibromyalgia #ChronicPain #PCOS #WeightLoss #Healing #Anxiety #Pain #progress #Positivity #Motivation #Healing #MyofascialPainSyndrome #vitaminddeficiency #young #Canada #Osteoarthritis #osteomalacia #rickets #Migraine #PainManagement #PainAcceptance #GenitoPelvicPain #ItGetsBetter #BackPain #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS #ChronicIllnessBloggers #blogger #Asthma #FoodAllergies #Allergies #PersonalGrowth #kneesurgery #Appendectomy #fighter #warrior #hormoneimbalance #HereForYou #pacing #TheMighty #MightyFeatures


anyone else find a major change in symptoms with the change of seasons?

anyone else find a major change in symptoms with the change of seasons? and I’m not talking like SAD, I mean physically... it seems every year around October or November my health changes and I start having problems with vomiting and nausea! I have fibro, PCOS, chronic myofacial pelvic and abdominal pain syndrome, vitamin d deficiency (it’s maintained), arthritis, and still have on going tests occurring. I’ve had 4 knee surgeries and an appendectomy. I’ve had scopes done and I have IBS but nothing wrong with my GI otherwise! I just don’t know what to do, I’ve been doing so well and was hoping to get back to work in January but I feel like I’m regressing with this. I have vitamin D deficiency and have my levels check regularly and have increased it under doctors orders due to the change in seasons. I just don’t know what to do, please help! I’m desperate!! I’m 24 and I just want to feel like myself again! #help #Pain #ChronicIllness #Fibromyalgia #MyofascialPainSyndrome #PolycysticOvarySyndrome #vitaminddeficiency #Desperate #helpneeded #Regression #ChronicPain #struggling #Arthritis #kneesurgery

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Electrolyte imbalance and such #ChronicIllness

Okay, I have a huge problem with electrolyte imbalance and I also have heart issues. And it affects my kidney function. Had to go to ER last night and got massive amounts of fluids. I've been resting today and drinking fluids but my feet are still swollen. How do you all handle your electrolyte issues? I drink water and Propel and Vitamin Water and some days it helps, others, well I look like this. We continue to play with my meds and we have me on one a fluid pill that spares my potassium but if I don't take my fluid pill my feet look like this. Such a catch 22!! So any suggestions are welcomed! #earlyckd #afib #svt #Hypertension #electrolytes #vitaminddeficiency


Vitamin D - Really?!?

I’ve been in the darkest place I’ve ever been in my entire life for the last six months. Depression. Anxiety. “Someone shoot me” or “I just don’t want to wake up” kind of suicide idealization. I had no motivation, no hope, nothing. The only thing that kept me going was my anger, and the idea that I could spite life’s BS by continuing on despite it.

I’ve been taking vitamin D for years now, around 2-4,000 ius or whatever the unit of measurement is. I had a recent blood test that found me still on the low side, so the doctor put me on a prescription level of vitamin D. Within hours of my first dose I felt better than I have in years. Today, 2 days later, I feel better than I have in DECADES. I haven’t had a panic attack in about a week, which is a record for the last couple months.

Has anyone else experienced this? #vitaminddeficiency #Depression #Anxiety #PanicAttack #Vitamins #Sunshinehelps


Deficient #vitaminddeficiency #vitamind #postpartum #Postpartumcare #Vitamindcouncil

Just one thought? I’m a nutshell, I’m 15 months post partum and it took me 14 of those to realize I was vitamin d deficient/insufficient. I have had a multitude of symptoms since I gave birth and have been to countless doctors, on so many meds, and it was vitamin d the ENTIRE time. My blood work indicated I was low in pregnancy but that was looked over. I’m angry...I’ve lost over a year of my life feeling like a zombie. Be your own advocate and speak up! Don’t give up when you’re not being listened to!