It's all BULL
First, you'd think I could just type but no, let's make sure you don't forget HASHTAGS. Super annoying that the app assumes I don't know how so inserts one as soon as I type. This only makes my
#Anxiety work itself up which leads to #Depression . Which then leads to... why bother? There's no simple way to just share a joke or note and when I really need to feel connected... what a let down. Feels just like the way my mom treats me #neglect as if I am a spoiled child. She never was bullied her entire life, she didn't have to hide # Hidradenitis as best she could because her mom wouldn't take her to the dang Dr and then only went once, decided it would clear up and not even provide proper bandages for wounds I shouldn't have been going to school with! And just like my HS, my # RA started at 13 but not a diagnosis until 35. So now that I found out I'm screwed for surgery, meds all because of a crap dentist so I have 5 or 6 roots that must be surgically removed and not ONE DOCTOR EVER talked about the RISKS with any of this with me. I haven't had a Dr ask anything that actually might have helped- and they don't listen. I even had some fun reactions to sulfasalizine because no one asked about my dental health. I am tired, I have no one to turn to. I have no interest in making friends, irl no one has ever asked me anything. I have heard " oh I just assumed..." more times in my life by people who called ME their BEST FRIEND. In fact, the one person I did think was my best friend was really just a friend of convenience. Only around when no one else was available or broke up with her latest bf. She actually got mad at me for moving back to my mom's. Nevermind my mom decided to move and didn't care if I had a place to live. Within a month everything was shit. I lost my job, my car blew up and was towed, my sister I ended up living with had lied about her roommate being a friend when she was just someone she met ONCE at a sci-fi convention! She was a drug addict. My sis called my mom after 8 months, apparently because it was so awful. I only found out after she borrowed money and bought a van ( that was barely running, it didn't make the whole trip) and decided we were moving. My BEST friend actually kept acting as if I was abandoning her. She literally tried to make me feel bad for doing what I needed to do. She has been there before she knows better, except she only had to bat her lashes or cry about her dead parent and everyone fell over themselves to help. She flirted her way thru life.
Never mind she did nothing for anyone, all innuendo and flirting. Now I didn't judge any of that until I moved. I came back to visit by BUS, and was immediately introduced to her NEW BEST FRIEND. I tried to let that go but it seemed the more I learned about this friendship , the more it seemed very off. Never mind, already cut off.