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Work Discrimination

Having severe #PanicAttacks at work - coworkers and boss ignore me, act as if I’m not there, treating me like a toddler that’s throwing a tantrum. Expected to run entire dept w/o prior experience, little training, 5 mos in, not the job discussed in interview. Today coworker said “I have no sympathy for you” when I said “I’m having a panic attack” - it lasted 5 hours. Worst one yet! #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Discrimination #alienated #Unappreciated


I want to thank everyone for their support

#Suicide #ChronicDepression #ChildLoss #Anxiety #alienated #PTSD #EmotionalNeglect

Does anyone else talk to themselves? Is it just me that finds myself telling my son Jacob who committed suicide "please honey let mommy have peace in my heart and mind, even if it is only for a little while"


Hard day

I used to love being alone, in fact I enjoyed my own company over others at times. I'm an introvert and extrovert. When I go to the store I talk to everyone. I love meeting people and hearing their story. I planned to go to a bar/restaurant that has trivia tonight. I'm not a drinker but do enjoy being around people for a limited time. Now I just want to climb into bed and cry. I heard the following on a TV show I watch "life isn't meant to be solved, sometimes it's a tragedy that you endure" (not exact) but it's tragic but somewhat true " I'm not sure I can endure it any more. #sad #Hopless #Depression #ComplicatedGrief #estranged #alienated #alone #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder


Borderline personality diagnosis psychiatrist told me that it sounds like I have BPD. She didnt think it was "necessary" to put it down on my medical record. I'm thinking this is because of how people, even professionals, look at sufferers of BPD as being bad scary people??? Ofcourse i've questioned myself as being both those thing for most my life...I don't have any serious friends now because (obvious reasons lol) I just suck at keeping friends. I wish i had a friend that was aware and accepting of me and wouldn't hate me after showing my emotions--but it's like everyone runs away. My last "friend" ended up alienating me (just like so many before) and when I asked her about it she said that we were just two different people in two different places in life??? It is so frustrating. I feel like an alien. Maybe aliens would be more acepting? 🤔 lol #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #frustrated #hypersensitive Personality Disorder #alienated #Emotionaldisregulation

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The horror of complete loneliness, the shame and anxiety!

Those who are following my posts would
know how low, defeated, rejected and frightfully anxious I'm ... I wonder... Is it so wrong to expect certain vindication, empathy from few who matter? I don't get any even from such ( I find I have become more disdained in eyes of even the very few and so avoided further 😢)​ leave alone others who in any case I have stopped being bothered about. I keep ignoring people like this, trying to tell myself that my self worth is my own... can one have any esteem with absolutely none to call one’s own and someone who somewhere cherishes you, so acknowledges you and we get certain reassurance and sense of purpose, meaning and belonging? But I’m so alone, helpless sapped of all sense of self worth, so ashamed...just hate myself!😢
#Loneliness #Rejection #Anxiety #SuicidalThoughts #CheckInWithMe #alienated

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An abandoned soul and death of hope...

Those who are following my posts would know how low, defeated, rejected and frightfully anxious I’m ... I wonder... Is it so wrong to expect certain vindication, empathy from few who matter? I don’t get any even from such ( I find I have become more disdained in eyes of even the very free and so avoided further 😔) leave alone others who in any case I have stopped being bothered about. I keep ignoring people like this, trying to tell myself that my self worth is my own... can one have esteem with absolutely none to call my own and someone who somewhere cherishes me, so acknowledges me and I get certain reassurance and sense of purpose, meaning and belonging? I’m so alone, helpless sapped of all sense of self worth, so ashamed...😢 just hate myself!
#Loneliness #SuicidalThoughts #Anxiety #Shame #alienated #Depression #Grief


Why, why, why?

This morning, I’ve seemed to be full of ‘why’ questions. Many of which I feel don’t have answers. I feel totally frustrated, angry, hopeless, among other things. Why should I hold on to anything if nothing really stays? Why should my life be looked at as valuable if all I feel is invisible in a world full of people? Why do I hold such hope and compassion for people who only care about what they can get out of life for themselves? Why do I create space for people whom I feel don’t care for me as much as I care for them? Why should I keep showing up for people who only care when I’ve stopped coming around? Just... Why? And I keep putting myself through hell every time. Maybe it would be better to close myself off from the world... I’ve become soured by life. I’ve given up looking for signs of good because my heart has been broken enough times while looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and always finding fool’s gold. My life, among other things, don’t seem to have the importance it once had, and all I want is to vanish into thin air. #Depression #MentalHealth #whybother #why #hurtandangry #frustrated #alienated #questions #angry #Lostmyjoy #hopelessness #isolated #aloneinlife #givingup #Lossofcontrol #ivehadenough

1 comment

Has any one ever used a legal aid lawyer? And is there such a thing as a regular lawyer that does pro bono work? #alienated parent #Divorced #Lawyers #Missingmydaughter #Ithurtssobad #Narcissistfather #Iwasafool #Hebrokeeveryrulejudgemade #MyHeartHurts #Pleasetellmeyourhonestopinion

It’s been 3 years since my daughter has lived with me, he enrolled her in a school without me knowing, I don’t see her for months. I thought that things would go back to the way they were which was shared custody, I was in huge denial, I never thought anyone could be so mean. I’m not perfect, but one thing I can tell you is that I followed all the judges rules each and every one, and raised my daughter the very best that I could, never said a bad word about her dad, or tell her how mean he actually is to me. And he has bought her love, and told her many lies. He has $$$, and I don’t! #Talkingtohimdoesntwork #Hetellsmeconstantlysheisjusttobusy #Heputherineverysportimagineable #Wantmydaughterback #Ifeelsodown #Hehaswreckedmyselfesteemandselfworth #Somedaysiwishiwouldjustdie #Thepainistomuch #Ilovedbeingamom #IwantmybabybackHELP #dontknowwhattodo #Mydaughterneedsamom #Shehasnosparetimetoseeme #Ilovehermorethananything


one of my worst fears is that I’ll better myself with professional help but still won’t be good enough for anyone.... does anyone eles feel the same?

#Depression #Loneliness #alienated



I shared some deep emotions and things I was going through in what I thought was a safe space and it resulted in being shamed for bringing it up at christmas time. #BPD #Anxiety #alienated #noonewantstolisten #Noonewantstounderstand