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It’s the Duke’s 10th Birthday! 🇬🇧

Turn out the bunting and hoist the flags—HRH is turning 70 in dog years today!

When I think back over the years, it is clear that he has always been unashamedly his fabulous, slightly divaesque self… and proud of it.

He is never afraid to make his thoughts, pleasures and displeasures known. He is a glutton for pleasure, though when us Jeeveses fail to indulge his every whim, he is known for his petulant pouts and attempts at endearing himself to us, so that we might change our minds.

His personality is mixture of Garfield, Marmaduke, and Winnie The Pooh. The latter representing his cuddly side that lives for bones instead of hunny, and his daily sighs of “oh bother.”

So when it came to finding the perfect picture, I had to think long and hard about what best captured his personality. There are the Marmaduke moments of him managing to jump into a bed so he could bury his precious bone within the folds of the sheets, and looking at me coquettishly like butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth upon being discovered.

There are far too many pictures of him swimming while attempting to avoid the camera to choose from, and as many moments of him carrying his toys up and down the stairs as he does almost every night, because the diva within loves being praised for this particular prowess.

In the end I thought this one was most fitting… a bit of light shining out of his butt, because he wouldn't have it any other way than to have us all believe that the sun literally shines out of his backside!

Long Live The Duke and Long May He Reign 👑

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Petflix: Bellywood Star Edition

Last night I remarked to the other half about how funny it would be to reimagine movies but with pets cast in the leading roles instead. The Duke, we decided would definitely be frenetically jumping up and down borking “show me the foods!” So I’ll dig in and start him with first, before offering up some of my other ‘pawsome' reimaginings.

First up: “Jerry Macanine", where instead of Tom Cruise, we have a pug mix loudly borking the unforgettable line, "Show me the foods!" Our pooch protagonist is a sports agent who struggles to keep his clients satisfied with squeaky toys and belly rubs. Instead of navigating the world of professional sports, he has to make his way through the competitive landscape of dog shows. Due to his demanding career, he doesn’t have much time for a special someone. But he is all like “you had me at hello” every time one of his Jeeveses opens the treat cupboard door 😍

Now, let’s gnaw on a classic: "Jurassic Bark". In this version, eccentric billionaire John Hammond opens an amusement park featuring gigantic cats and dogs. There’s the larger than life T-Rexton, a colossal golden retriever, shaking the earth with every step, and the Velocir-felines, a terrifying pack of oversized rag tag cats, chasing our protagonists around the park. The iconic line "Life finds a way" transforms into "Fluff finds a way" as our oversized pets manage to unlock their cages and face lick everyone into oblivion… except for that one awkward moment when the Pugtato-saurus steps out of the river from a refreshing swim, only to cause an unexpected smelly downpour of wet dog raining down on us all as he tries to shake himself dry!

Next up, “Harry Pawter and the Sorcerer's Bone" reimagined in the style of Tim Burton. The world of witchcraft and wizardry gets a serious furball makeover. Harry, Ron, and Hermione are all different breeds of dogs attending 'Hogwarts School of Biscuitry and Fetchcraft.' The Houses? Gryffindog, Hufflepurr, Ravenclaw (featuring actual ravens), and Slinktherin (for all the mischievous ferrets and reptiles out there). The climax scene, in this case, involves Harry retrieving the Sorcerer's Bone—an ancient and magical chew toy—from the wicked Professor Quirrell and his hairless Sphynx cat, Voldemort.

Let's not forget the old Bellywood classic "Pawsablanca", but instead of Humphrey Bogart, we have a gruff bulldog named Bogie running the show. And the iconic line, "Here's looking at you, kid," becomes, "Here's sniffing at you, kid." Ingrid Bergman's character is played by a graceful Siamese cat, and the emotional drama unfolds as they negotiate the tumultuous world of a kennel during war time and a disconcerting kibble shortage.

Lastly, the beloved British romcom classic gets a delightful canine spin in "Bridget Bones". But instead of Renée Zellweger, we have an endearing and slightly clumsy Basset Hound named Bridget. Bridget Bones is the quintessential 'good girl,' always obedient but a bit of a klutz, often tripping over her own ears. Instead of keeping a diary to document her love life and weight woes, she chews on different bones to reflect her moods—rawhide for the good days, and squeaky plastic for the bad.

The dashing Mark Darcy, is now Mark 'Barky,' an impeccably groomed Afghan Hound with a slightly aloof demeanour. By contrast, Daniel Cleaver is a cheeky Jack Russell Terrier, always ready to stir up mischief and steal Bridget's favourite bones. The infamous "I like you very much, just as you are" scene is now "I like you very much, just as you chew." And the hilariously awkward fight between Mark and Daniel, is turned into a comical scuffle over a particularly coveted squeaky toy.

Bridget Bones’s clumsy charm, tail wagging optimism, and endearing howls at the moon when things go wrong will surely steal your heart. And remember, it doesn't matter how many times Bridget trips over her ears, she always gets back up—that's what makes her the perfect doggy heroine ❤️

Sure, the scripts may need a few rewrites, and there'd be an awful lot of snacks involved in filming, but who could resist those Oscar worthy puppy eyes, or the Award winning cat song “My Meow Will Go On”? One thing's fur sure… the red carpet at the Petcademy Awards would breathe new life into the ageing ceremony. Of course there would be the usual bitchy gossip, but now with added high octane cat fights, and lots of pupparazzi trying to catch photographs of our stars, and the art of grooming would be taken to a whole new level!

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Diva Problems

When you are a Mighty good boi, and can’t decide which furry toy to bring upstairs for bedtime, so you carry them both. In your mind you view it as the more, the furrier 🥰

But you are also sad, because you don’t like the Jeeveses taking pictures of you, because your spirit animal is Zsa Zsa Gabor.

#nopicturesplease 📸

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Foto Fursday

The other half is away for a conference in Paris (nice for some), and our dog walker also happens to be on holiday (what are those again?)

So I had to get myself out of the house to walk the furry overlords. The Duke had himself a nice swim, and Little Spare enjoyed tracking the scent of some pheasants that were ahead of us. We got lucky that we missed the rain, and I picked myself some fresh blackberry leaves which I’m going to try in a tea later.

Not super exciting—but also more excitement than I’ve had in some time, and it’s always nice to feel a bit of warm sun on your face ☀️

#MightyPets #Dogs #ForTheLoveOfDogs #DistractMe #ChronicFatigue #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis

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To anyone needing this ..... #MentalHealth #CheckInWithMe #Insomnia #SkinCancer #Anxiety #Depression #Selfcare #MotivationalTattoos

So lately I have been struggling and to learning to live and find my ways of coping and living with all these new health changes/issues.
I really thought WOW even just the past 6 months alone it's been a lot .It no wonder rim overwhelmed & struggling.Id been thinking I was crazy ,my moods right now are so unpredictable & my best friend told me tonight Emma look what you've been through and how strong you really are you just don't believe it at times.
It really is OK to not feel OK, it's ok to take a min to realise I am strong ,I have been through he'll and back yet I'm still here. It's ok to think I can't take anymore but it's not ok to think your alone or you have to give up !
Were in it together ❤️

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All My Childen: Pet Edition

This came up in my memories this morning which made me smile 😻. When I think about the furry ones, I’m always reminded of that line from The Blind Side where Sandra Bullock’s character Leigh Anne says of Michael Oher, he’s changing my life.

I feel the same about my fur children—they enrich my life and have changed me for the better so that their paw prints will remain furever in my heart 🐾

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Splooty Booty Tuesday!

A memory from when Little One was a wee nipper and would take naps in random spots like this 🥰. He still does the odd sploot—usually while he’s chewing away at a treat. With his back toward us; half in and half out his bed; unconsciously wagging his tail in enjoyment.

The great thing about our mighty pets is not just that they make for good company, or that they remind us to laugh with their antics, or that they give good cuddles. All this is true. But for me their greatest gift is that in their vulnerable dependence on us to nurture and bring out the best in them, it brings out the best in every one of us. They remind us daily what it is to live fully in each moment, and not take ourselves too seriously.

This is a source of magic available to us on a daily basis. One which I will always cherish, no matter how many times a day Little One throws himself at me demanding I indulge him in what is perhaps his greatest joy; ALL the belly rubs!

#MightyPets #Dogs #ForTheLoveOfDogs #DistractMe #Hope #Gratitude #RoomForJoy

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Flying into the new year like…

What can I say but that I have two very impressive puppies that appear to hover rather than walk or run! Cuteness aside, I’ve been very lucky the past few days to have some increased energy since I switched from adrenal support to pregnenolone, which allowed me to make the most of the other half’s remaining days off work, so that I was able to rally and go walking with him and the dogs.

Nothing makes me happier than going for these walks, because for a moment in time, every other worry is suspended and I just get to be me—and it’s a glorious thing to just be.

#Dogs #ForTheLoveOfDogs #MightyPets #ChronicFatigue #AdrenalInsufficiency #AdrenalFatigue

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The Name’s Muck… Lord Muck

Double post from me today because this photo from our dog walker was too funny not share! I think it’s the pug in him, but Lord Muck’s mantra is “if it’s a kind of water and I fits, I sits!” One time he did this, it was so thick I spent about 5 minutes just laughing at the state of him at the front door while the dog walker profusely apologised, all the while he just sat there looking very happy with his chonky boi self 😂

Now it’s rainy season, we have to do near daily baths and the Duke is rather displeased and indignant about it all like “Jeeves… I worked very hard on rolling in that mud and fox / sheep poop so it would camouflage me. Now the other dogs are going to laugh at me tomorrow because of how stinky you’ve made me with this thing you call ‘shampoo’ except there’s not even any poo in it!”

Us Jeeveses are fickle beasts like that 😆

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