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Hi, my name is rissdiculous_1. I'm here because I have Bipolar and work as a peer. I want to understand more about others' experiences of altered states. I want to share and contribute specifically around women with BP and other mental health conditions. I've also been diagnosed with PMDD and carry some trauma from my treatment for BP.

#MightyTogether #BipolarDisorder #PTSD

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😔The Biggest Smile Can Hide The Greatest Sorrow😔

There is so much stigma around mental health issues, especially amongst men. That is why, this Men’s Mental Health Awareness Week, it’s important to remember that sometimes the biggest smile can hide the greatest sorrow. Similarly to the old saying “you can’t judge a book by its cover”, you can’t judge someone’s mental health based on how they appear - just because someone appears happy on the surface it doesn’t mean that is how they truly feel.

#MentalHealth #Depression #BipolarDepression #MajorDepressiveDisorder #MoodDisorders #PersistentDepressiveDisorder #PostpartumDepression #Selfharm #Suicide #DepressiveDisorders #Grief #Anxiety #MightyTogether #ItsOKMan #Loneliness #OtherMentalHealth

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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is CourteousGrizzly76. I'm here because I am trying to learn how to best support my wife, who has been diagnosed with BPD and a few other mental health disorders. In addition to supporting her, I want to gain a better understanding of how to navigate the challenges associated with her diagnoses, including those that impact me and our relationship.


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Self Care & Depression

This week we will be diving into why self care is so important for recovery. Even though some of us aren't diagnosed with clinical depression, many of us still have depression in hard seasons or hard days; depression can also be part of other mental health disorders (like PTSD).


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Teach Your Mind to Support this Thought "I am enough, I am Worthy of Love"

Have you ever felt like your own worst enemy, with every thought a weapon aimed squarely at yourself? It's like being stuck in a cycle of self-doubt and self-loathing, with no way out.

Shift your thinking to: "I am deserving of love and kindness, starting with the love I give myself. With each positive affirmation, I rewrite the script of my inner dialogue, nurturing self-compassion and acceptance."

Try This With Me: Choose one positive affirmation to repeat to yourself each day. Write it down or say it out loud in front of a mirror. Examples include "I am enough," "I am worthy of love," or "I trust in my abilities." Repeat your chosen affirmation several times throughout the day, allowing it to sink in and become a mantra of self-compassion and empowerment.

#MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #Loneliness #OtherMentalHealth

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First Post

Hi, my name is U_moxi_kcarc66. I'm here because

Ultimately I want to write, and i also want to help people. I have a lot of personal experience with addiction, I’ve been struggling with drug addiction for more than 20 years on and off, I’ve been in an exorbitant amount of inpatient treatment centers and all kinds of other mental health related places. I have watched so many people get clean and I might have gotten clean a few times but I never stayed clean. Unfortunately for this reason I don’t find many people to relate with…which is why I want to put my story out there. Maybe I just need some encouragement…also what is this pop up that keeps invading this screen???

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National Semicolon Day

National Semicolon Day is dedicated to raising awareness about mental health struggles, particularly focusing on suicide prevention and supporting those who have struggled with depression, self-harm, addiction, and other mental health issues. The semicolon is a symbol of hope and solidarity, representing a pause rather than an end in one's life story. With all that has happened in our world in recent days, weeks and months this could be a good day to reach out, check in & provide some compassion and care. You just never know the burden someone is silently carrying through their days and just maybe your words could help make it a little lighter.

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Misconceptions Of Mental Illness Can Put Put The Public At Risk 🙄

Yesterday I responded to a post regarding Narcissism, as I am a survivor of narcissistic abuse (Hitchcock style, seriously). Over the past few yrs I've uncovered instances where individuals who have studied a particular illness extensively, claim with all certainty that they've thoroughly captured all of its aspects.

This is extremely hard to deal with, because often missing facts perpetuate social vulnerability. Why vulnenerability? Because predators hunt and potential victims can be better equipped for self-defense if they know what to watch out for.

Has anyone else has run into a similar situation for this or any other mental health illness(s)? Dr. Ousterhout, what type of mindfulness approach would you recommend in this type of situation? Any other thoughts you could share would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

#ADHD #Trauma #Anxiety #Depression

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People having mental health issues are not aliens!!

“I wish people could understand that the brain is the most important organ of our body. Just because you can’t see mental illness like you could see a broken bone, doesn’t mean it’s not as detrimental or devastating to a family or an individual.”…. Demi Lovato

I personally always try to keep in mind, try to help, try to understand the problems faced by those who are fighting with mental health issues. l, myself, dealing with anxiety, panic attacks and depression so I can say that I understand these conditions better than other mental health issues.

I’m not debating here or exaggerating the fact which is worse mental health issues or physical health issues, but the ground reality, we all know that , stigma related to physical health issues is less than that related to mental illnesses.

Its my personal observation, experience and perspective that mostly family and friends avoid those who are dealing with mental illness, reason is ‘coz of stigma attached to it , that such people are always in negative zone and funny part is they think mental illness is contagious too. If they keep in touch with such people during their low levels, they get infected too, by negativity and toxicity.

Nobody wants that, though its not practically possible for anyone to be in zone full of positivity and optimism, but ‘coz being positive, optimistic are so much overrated concepts these days and yes, its part of social status too, the ‘in thing’ to talk/show in so called intellectual lobbies of society. But,everyone of YOU, who avoid us don’t know that ” We, who suffer from mental illness are stronger than you think. We fight to go to work, care for our families, be there for our friends and act ‘normal’ while battling unimaginable pain”.

Even in cases, where we are being neglected, leave us alone…most of us, are there for people around us ,’coz we believe that everyone is fighting their own battles, we respect it even if we are not able to understand it and above all, we know better than others that whether its being asked or not, we all need someone by our side. We believe its not okay to leave someone alone in their negative phase of life just ‘coz we want to safeguard our so called positivity!!

We don’t need much from you, What we need is your little understanding and acceptance that people dealing with mental health issues are not faking it, we have no intentions to drag you in our negativity or toxicity zone , we just need you by our side during our low phase, sometimes a listening ear, a shoulder to lean on, hands who hold ours to give warmth, love, feeling and assurance that we are not alone. What we need is your empathy and not sympathy.

And in case, if you can’t do this much, its a humble request that, please leave from our lives, it will be less painful than the dealing with situations where you stay with us during positive times and vanish during low phases…. pratyaya singh #MentalHealth #Anxiety #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #Depression

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