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Goodbye 2020, you were a tough year

#Depression #COVID19 #shieldinguk

I know I am not the only person who has found 2020 a difficult year. Depression has circled around me like a vulture the whole time. Ever since March, when I was told to work from home, the lucky compromise to the letter I received from my country's chief medical officer which encouraged me to stay at home because I have a long term health condition. I am grateful that I have been able to work this year from my kitchen table, however, the isolation has been so difficult to manage.

I miss office tittle-tattle. The little stories of life's problems I was privileged to witness every day. I miss being the person to listen, offer a few words of comfort or humour, to be able to offer a cup of tea or coffee to get us all through the working day. As time has gone by I feel less and less connected to the people I had forged friendships with these last 9 years. I feel I am fading, the edges of me melting until I am transparent. Fleeting thoughts of despair flash through my mind as week by week my hold on to my carefully held positive mental attitude is loosened.

Without an end in sight to my isolated life, I am not sure how to keep going. The few Microsoft Teams meetings and Zoom catch ups are not enough, but I am grateful Covid-19 has happened at a time when it is possible to see loved ones faces via a screen. I crave more though. I miss being hugged.

When 2020 finishes in a couple of days I know life won't suddenly return to normal, but I will be glad to see the year finished.

I have hope that life will get better.
I have hope that I will see my parents again.

2021, you have a lot to offer us all.

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Hugs Any kind #CheckInWithMe #Hugs

Sending You

Big hugs
Little hugs
Snuggle hugs
Loving hugs
Healing hugs
Comfort hugs
Whatever kind of
Hugs you you need
This should
Have it covered
Especially for you.

I could use a Hug too

Love Tj 💖❤💘😘😘😚😗🥰 #free hugs #loving hugs #snugglehugs #IloveyouHugs #Bekind #Chronicpainwarrior #Insomnia #TrigeminalNeuralgia #GlossopharyngealNeuralgia #Arthritis #PsoriaticArthritis #Anxiety #Stayinghome #checkonyourneighbours #lovingkindness #Snoopy #needhugs #shieldinguk #allalone #lovingmyselfagain #selfcare #Kindness

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Government Food Parcel UK #shieldinguk #CheckInWithMe #ChronicIllness

Good Morning Mightys 🖐❤

This food parcel of essential foods turned up at my door yesterday afternoon.
Full of essential foods just the basics.🥕🥔🍞☕
I am one of the UK people told to shield for 12 weeks or maybe longer due to chronic illnesses and medical reasons, because of the virus and what it could do if I caught it. To protect me.

This was a suprise, I didnt realise my doctor had registered me with the NHS.

But it has made me feel vulnerable now. I didnt feel vulnerable before but now I do.
Why does a box of basic essentials Make me feel vulnerable? I dont really understand.

I've now been home alone for about 6 weeks, I've not had a hug for that time. 🤗I've seen people talked in person to my neighbours as they check in with me . Seen my sons from a distance as they've popped over to drop off shopping or mother days gifts. I know I'm not Alone. I dont feel alone.
I have my pups my cats 🐕🐶🐈🐱🐾🐾
Ah I'm sure this feeling will pass as they do just wanted to share how I felt with my Mighty family and friends.

So how do you feel today? Up or down. Good or bad. Its always good to share how you are feeling.
Check in with me
Love and hugs Tj
Ps My toilet roll was wet. I think the carrots had a little wee on them 😅😅😅😅🥕

#laughterisgoodmedicine #RareDiseases #Love #Fun #ChronicPain #Bekindtoyourself #Bekind #feelings #PsoriaticArthritis #TrigeminalNeuralgia #SphincterOfOddiDysfunction #Anxiety #Vunerability #checkonyourneighbours #carrot #Toiletroll

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More Minions #laughteristhebestmedicine

Dear Sleep😴
I'm sorry I hated you when I was a young kid ☹
Right now I love you very much and cherish every moment with you.❤

For all of us insomniacs poor sleepers and night wakers

Or just for a giggle

#Bekind #RareDisease #PsoriaticArthritis #CheckInWithMe #DistractMe #TrigeminalNeuralgia #checkonyourneighbours #selfisolation #shieldinguk #Depression #SphincterOfOddiDysfunction #Anxiety #PanicAttacks #checkinwithfriendsonline #stayhome #Selflove #MightyTogether