Thyroid Nodules

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Thyroid Nodules
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I’m new here!

My name is AnnKelly58. I’m here because I was diagnosed with PTSD in 2012. I didn’t really understand it but I knew trauma. I’m one of those people the narcissists prey on. I don’t know how I became easy prey but it started when I was 20 and I continued to be their prey until I was 53.

#PTSD #Depression #SuicidalThoughts #Anxiety #Nightmares #CKD #Osteoporosis #ThyroidNodules

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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is LadyTiriki. I’m new to The Mighty and look forward to sharing my story.




#ADHD . I have been diagnosed with fibromialgia costochondritis , peripheral neuropathy ,thyroid nodules (checking now for cancer ) Hashimoto's Thyroiditis,, ADHD,. I have pain everywhere, The pain from the neuropathy is constant and at times excruciating. Because of this and loss of balance it is hard to walk ,even with my cane .I'm the wife of a disabled veteran, also his official (according to the Veterans Administration) caretaker and fiduciary The constant fatigue,brain fog and pain are making it very difficult to care for my husband and do my cooking and household chores . . Both my husband and my adult children ( two of whom live with us ) cannot understand how sick feel and are always upset at me because don't do what need to do.They think I'm lazy and refuse to help me . I am not shy or unable to speak for myself but 'm at a loss of how to make my family understand and how to change this dynamics.

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Upcoming thyroid biopsy #HashimotosThyroiditis #ThyroidNodules #ThyroidCancer

Hello all! I have an upcoming biopsy next week. I’m a little nervous, a little terrified, and everything in between. My symptoms have been worsening for a while now. The growth rate of one nodule is concerning. Even if it’s benign, I have a feeling my endo will recommend surgery, simply because of the size of the nodule. This year has been very hard for many people, including myself. I don’t want to go into 2021 with a cancer diagnosis. I’m slowly losing hope. Please help ease my mind.


But at least it’s a diagnosis ^_^ ❤️

Ever had people say this to you after years of ambiguity? I’ve had all these symptoms with normal test/lab results and doctors telling me I’m depressed as a result (apparently ignoring that I have CRPS), and then wow! turns out I have thyroid nodules too. Yeah it’s something of a new diagnosis, but I haven’t been to an endocrinologist for them yet.

I’m allowed to be scared and stressed about the implications of this, and the prospects of biopsy and surgery. 20 years ago I woke up during surgery on my neck. I remember it clearly and boy does it give me anxiety to think of doctors fooling around there. But at least it’s something different than another normal test result.
#ThyroidNodules #thyroid #Anxiety #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #Biopsy #Surgery #scared

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#ThyroidNodules I had my thyroid removed due to nodules, it’s only been 9 days, Is it hard for anyone to sleep deeply after having thyroid removed

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World Thyroid Day! #ThyroidDisease

Today is world thyroid day! The very first article I ever wrote for The Mighty was about my under-active thyroid!

Getting yours tested is usually a just a simple blood test. If you deal with depression, anxiety, foggy brain, sluggishness, weight issues, and many more symptoms - it likely is worth having checked out!

Here’s my article.

#Hyperthyroidism #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease
#thyroid #HashimotosThyroiditis #ThyroidNodules #CheerMeOn

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Lupus ? #LupusDiagnosis #ChronicIllness

I feel like I have a lot of symptoms that get their own separate diagnosis and I’m wondering if maybe they are linked ? ... I’m going to list all my issues/Diagnoses (prepare yourself, people tend to look at me sideways whenever I actually lis them all😐) IBD: Ulcerative Colitis, precancerous colon polyps, Mild Gastroparesis, GERD, Endometriosis, gluten intolerance, dairy intolerance, benign thyroid nodules, mild anemia, clinical generalized anxiety disorder with moderate depression (manic episodes) chronic sinus infections, nose ulcers.
....should I get tested for lupus ?

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#CheckInWithMe biopsy today...

Life is on hold, waiting in the balance. I am exhausted. I am not strong enough. I am a burden. I am unworthy and incapable of being loved. I am done being strong and fighting. This is the beginning of the end. I am weak. I am hurt. I am broken. I am numb. #ThyroidNodules #FNAbiopsy #numb #Broken #ChronicIllness #MentalHealth