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I feel like everything sucks rn | TW swearing, all caps, mentions of cryptocurrency, problematic AI, politics, inflation, all caps, angry

You ever just wanna throw your hands in the air and say “fuck it all”? Well that’s exactly what I’m feeling right now. I feel like everything fucking sucks rn. America’s insane for having Trump TWICE (we could’ve have our second chance for a woman president BUT NOOOO, a Neo-Nazi got president again instead!), I’m so sick of everything being “AI”’d purely because of harmful shit like AI art for existing and not caring whether something labeled AI or not, CRYPTOCURRENCY LIKE BITCOIN IS HARMING THE FUCKING ENVIRONMENT, NFTS STEALS ART WITHOUT ARTISTS’ PERMISSIONS… I can go on. To the point where it’s becoming FUCKING UNAVOIDABLE like in Apple’s AppStore and of course there is ABSOLUTELY no way to turn these suggestions off, LIKE NO, STOP SUGGESTING ME AI ART GENERATORS AND CRYPTO!!!

I don’t fucking trust or like Microsoft or Google anymore because of the shit they’ve done (including AI art generators).

Still can’t even get a FUCKING DISABILITY PAYMENT after all of these FUCKING YEARS let alone get a lawyer because WE AREN’T RICH LIKE THAT, ESPECIALLY BEING SOMEONE OF COLOR! Even then, I’m sick of having my autism being the reason, because it is NOT a disability/disorder, my anxiety and trauma disorder are the real disorders!! Next time, it will NOT be autism as A reason, but honestly I just want to say fuck this process in general because I’m so sick of it and possibly being misgendered all over again (I’m non-binary).

Many things I used to like/go to I cannot anymore because of the fucking inflation and higher/change of free plans (which I do understand that plenty of it is thanks to 2020 event and virus that shall not be named).

Things could’ve been better this decade, but NO. THINGS HAVE NOT BEEN FUCKING BETTER!!!

(Don’t call me human, I identify as something else non-pessimisticly and spiritually. Words relating to the 2020 event trigger me, like highly upset me and will bring up bad feelings. Thanks for understanding.)

#VentPost #Anxiety #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #AutismSpectrum #MyAutismIsNotADisorder #MyAutismIsNotADisability #angry #fedup #unfair #triggerwarning #venting #OSTD #OtherSpecifiedTraumaDisorder #DoneWithEverything

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I don’t trust this world, especially when it comes to being autistic | TW vent, swearing, all caps, ableism

I wish the DSM haven’t changed the Autism label to include “disorder”. My autism is NOT A FUCKING DISORDER!! Although I do get those who do believe that their experience is disordered, and that is valid and fine! I just mean generally when ASD is used to describe the whole community… I hate it. With a passion.

Autism is a spectrum. “Low functioning” and “high-functioning” are harmful terms for the community (unless there is any way to reclaim these labels and genuinely make sense, maybe not using “functioning” because what?)

We are not born with “defects” or “impaired” (unless an autistic individual genuinely view their autism this way in a non-ableist way) and the DSM symptoms was written to (maybe unintentionally) put blame on us for being different and having different social communications.

There is no such fucking thing as a “look” to having autism.

It’s not just men that can have autism. Woman/womxn and those outside of the binary spectrum (e.g. non-binary) can, too.

The puzzle design has been ruined because of a shit ableist company called Autism Speaks, and it grosses me out every fucking time I see it now.

I lost one of my ex-favorite singers 4 years ago because she turned ableist towards the autistic community.

I’m extremely sensitive to ableism when it comes to autism… because I feel like not many allistics (non-autistics) really get us… I’m scared to fucking go out again. I feel like I can mostly trust autistic individuals to talk to without being judged or thought of a ridiculous misconception. I’m scared to interact with most neurotypicals again because I fear of what they actually think of me or what common misconception they think of autists. I’m so sick of this….. I almost wish that I wasn’t autistic so that I no longer have to deal with knowing the existence of these fucking stereotypes and misconceptions and stigma that I involuntarily have to possibly face! This sucks!!! Why is it so scary being a part of such a small yet pretty misunderstood group?!! I don’t want to hide who I am, but I don’t want folks/folx to start thinking of stereotypes if I do wear an autism pin again!

(please don’t call me human, I non-pessimistically and spiritually think otherwise mentally, I get species dysphoria being called human and will just make things worse so please respect this, thank you!)

#Anxiety #AutismSpectrum #MyAutismIsNotADisorder #MyAutismIsNotADisability #Stigma #sad #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #OSTD #OtherSpecifiedTraumaDisorder #Vent #triggerwarning #LGBTQIA

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You're gonna wanna be here for this

If y'all have seen any of my posts, you know some of my ups and downs. I know I haven't been as active, but that's because I've had a LOT of mental legwork to do. Ain't nothing wrong with taking care of your needs! So, I did 😊

Made a post on facebook this morning and thought maybe it might #help someone out there. Either way, posting this to look back on for myself isn't a bad thing either. With that being said, here is my post (also take note of the picture of me from 5 years ago to today. Just the difference in the smile is wild to me 💜:

BLANKET #triggerwarning :

I'm going to share a LOT in one post (especially for so very early 😅). It's going to get deep and it's going to get a bit long winded, but please stick with me and feel free to share. I'm making this public in hopes it might help someone, anyone, even if it's just my future self to remember. I'm also a pretty open book so feel free to ask questions of you'd like 💜 fr let's talk about it!

The "me" in the top photo is NOT the me I am today. Even looking at, to me at least, the difference is striking. If only I could have known just how far I'd be, just mentally, that I'd be, just to let me know I'd be more okay than I could have EVER hoped to be just 5 years later. At the time, 5 years would have felt like forever to the me who couldn't see past moment by moment.

To the me then:

Oh, how I wish I could have assured me that I'd one day have an ounce of love for myself. How the situations I was in wouldn't last forever and that sooner than later, I'd actually be happy with the life within me. That one day, the heavy cloud over my head would dissipate. That one day, all the "faking it till I make it" wouldn't have to be faked anymore. All of the med changes, mental hospital stays, moving, losing my tangible things, losing sight of myself, would one day bring me to actual peace, happiness, protection of my peace, understanding of self. I'd tell me then just how proud of me I am for doing anything and everything to be honest with my support system the best i could so that I could make it another minute, hour, day, because all of the just "surviving" the moment to moment would lead me to today. That, no matter how you quantify or measure the distance of a single step forward, that moving forward is still progress. I'd let me know that one day, I'd look at myself more kindness and love than I ever have and that one day I'd learn just ow valuable my peace is and how one day I'd actually take steps to protect it and that boundaries aren't as scary as I thought they once were.

Oh, little me, how I'd love to let you know so much. There's so much I wish I didn't go through, if for no other reason than because now I know that I made a lot of lessons a lot harder than they had to be. That one day I'd be writing a post about me with the kindness, understanding, and compassion that I've spent so long giving to others.

I think I would have laughed. I wouldn't have believed it. Even if I could have stood in front of myself like a mirror reflection come to life, the me who couldn't see a future, who thought I wouldn't be alive to have any of what I have now (mentally, physically or otherwise), wouldn't know what to do with the information I have today.

And that's okay.

Oh little me, I'm so proud that we lived to see another day. This day. Because it's all we ever wanted and hoped we could get to.

Bad days will come. Ups and downs happen, I know. However, may the me I am today never forget the me I was, lest I lose the raw appreciation for just how far I've came.

FOR ANYONE WHO MADE IT THIS FAR IN MY POST: please know, as long as there is breath within you. As long as you're here to see tomorrow, there's always hope for an even better day after. In spite of the hiccups, the unfortunate, the unforseen and unplanned, there is always room for a better tomorrow....but ya gotta be here for it to see it 💜 PLEASE NEVER BE AFRAID TO BE HONEST WITH YOUR SUPPORT SYSTEM!!!!! THIS INCLUDES YOUR DR/THERAPIST/COUNSELOR!!! I used to be terrified to until I realized that you can not be involuntary committed unless you are actively planning to hurt yourself or someone else! Please, don't be so afraid that you don't get the help you know you may need.

-2x in a mental hospital voluntary committed
-years of therapy
-years of med changes till where I think we finally got it the closest to right I've EVER been
-dv/sa survivor
-"sewer slider" attempt/and ideation survivor

There is hope
Ya just have to be here to see all the hard leg work you've done, even if it does take years.

Remember, a painting up close seems chaotic. Every brush stroke looks imperfect and messy, but a step or so back, when you're actually able to look at the bigger picture more and more, I promise it's so beautiful and so very worth it. 💜

You're gonna wanna be here for this 💜


The previous 988 Lifeline phone number (1-800-273-8255) will always remain available to people in emotional distress or crisis.

The 988 Lifeline’s network of over 200 crisis centers has been in operation since 2005 and has been proven to be effective. Trained crisis counselors listen, provide support, and connect callers to resources when appropriate.

Callers who follow the “press 1” prompt are connected to the Veterans Crisis Line. A Spanish Language line is available by pressing 2, and more than 240 languages are supported through a Tele-Interpreters service. Callers now also have the option of following a “press 3” prompt to be connected to a crisiS counselor specifically trained in supporting LGBTQI+ callers.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: The Lifeline and 988

#MentalHealth #BipolarDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #PTSD #Anxiety #Depression #SuicidalIdeation #SuicidalThoughts #SuicideAttemptSurvivors #Selfharm #Addiction #Loneliness

The Lifeline and 988

988 has been designated as the new three-digit dialing code that will route callers to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. While some areas may be currently able to connect to the Lifeline by…
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TW hopeless, exclusionism, swearing, vent

What’s the point of being here?
This world just hates anybody who is different. Why am I here? I don’t want to be here… I want my old home. This planet was never my home. I don’t want this home. It just hates anybody who is different. This “home” was meant to put me and others in misery. This “home” was meant to make us feel ignored. I didn’t deserve this shit. There’s absolutely no community in this world that I feel completely safe in anymore, including the LGBTQIA+ community with all of the constant bullshit gatekeeping and invalidation. I’ve given up on any form of social media a year ago (I guess except here) - it’s just always filled with drama.

I don’t want to be born here. Not in this sad place. I hate it here. Why was I born here?!?!

I’m trans nonbinary, I’m black, I’m overweighted, I’m non-romantically polyamorous, I’m nonhuman (aka I hate being called human, not in a pessimist way, just self-identification for personal reasons), I’m on both aromantic and asexual spectrums. I have plenty of triggers thanks to trauma and honestly how stupidly problematic some individuals can be. And I do not want to be on this stupid planet any longer. Sometimes I wonder if being dead would be worth it, honestly, if it would solve my problems. I’m trying to keep going, but I just cannot fucking stand this world. It feels so fucking hopeless at this point: I swear, one more cyber-bullying raid online, one more transphobic political bill, one more misusing autistic as “weird” or “quirky”, one more misuse of the word “triggered”….

#MyAutismIsNotADisorder #MentalHealth #Anxiety #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #SocialAnxiety #LGBTQ #Exclusionism #Vent #Trauma #triggerwarning #SuicidalIdeation #SuicidalThoughts #hopeless

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How to even have more faith in society? | TW mentions of exclusionism, some swearing, some all caps











I'm LGBTQ+. I'm transmasc non-binary. I'm otherkin (not human). I'm Black. I have autism (please don't call my autism a disorder/disability/syndrome) and anxiety, and someone with trauma. I cry very easily. I am overweight. I am a part of a plural/collective. I am non-romantically polyamorous. And every damn day, I feel like this world called society is just here to for the sole purpose to shit on others, betray others, or just to secretly judge others, including me.

Every day, it is getting much harder and harder to believe that there is a single damn individual out there (other than my current therapist, all of my partners, my dad, and a few friends) who has common sense, is open-hearted, is open-minded, and doesn't like to discriminate or invalidate others for being different or for experiencing different things, or labeling themselves differently. Sometimes, the anxiety gets to the point where it seems like going out is stupid for me. What's the point?

It's like almost every damn community I've been a part of (and left) and witnessed just LOVES to INVALIDATE OTHERS SOMEHOW?! It's so annoying and stupid and it's just like... why can't you just fucking accept someone for who they are??? All of this just makes me so fucking angry and just...!!

...Sigh. Now that that's off my chest... may I ask for advice on how to go about this? I already currently seeing a therapist, luckily. Right now, it is very very hard for me to get off this mindset because I believe it's true, sadly.. this society and all of other individuals' opinions is tearing me apart..

#MyAutismIsNotADisorder #MentalHealth #helpme #Vent #venting #Anxiety #SocialAnxiety #SocialAnxietyDisorder #anger #help #Society #Advice #triggerwarning #Neurodiversity #LGBTQIA #plural #otherkin

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#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #triggerwarning

It’s not about the abuse it’s not about that it’s just …
it’s just
the feeling.
I got so use to that specific feeling.
I don’t feel satisfied or ok with the softness around me. I’m so use to people doling our emotions or expressions with obligations and tactics. I’m use to people telling me what I have to do or how I’m suppose to behave to get that reaction. I’m use to crumbs and crumbs and more crumbs and every time it’s given freely without want or obligation it’s like I can’t stand it. It’s like my brain can’t accept it. And I can’t ///feel. It’s there but it’s like a light switch being turned on and off repeatedly every hour every day every minute. It’s like trying to feel through a mist and I cannot see. I know it’s there but it’s so out of my reach. And I feel the barbs on my skin I feel the teeth I feel the knives and I don’t I can’t …I can’t relax. This gentleness doesn’t feel good against my skin it’s **** burning me. I want more but I am petrified. And I don’t know how to fix it . I don’t know what’s wrong with me anymore.

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I’m scared and done with this society… does anyone even care…? | TW mentions of police, family, swearing, some all caps, possibly ableism?

Being autistic feels like a fucking crime these days.

I was staying at a hotel because was about to lose my fucking mind staying at home with my youngest nephew making a lot a noise constantly throughout the day. What my dad said earlier about check-out, I’ve misinterpreted, but he fully apologized and takes full responsibility as he should’ve made it clearer.

I was getting ready to check-out, but it was an hour later because I was getting ready to check-out. Security came to my door and said that I needed to come out, and I told them that I was just getting ready to leave. Packing as fast as I possibly could, they came back again and threatened to call the police on me if I didn’t get out of there soon. I literally told them that I was packing as fast as I could and that I had an appointment an hour after the check up time (and I couldn’t reschedule or else my mom would have to pay over $100 for canceling ,and I didn’t want to do that to her!) … and of course they did care about that last part.

Pissed off, I left the hotel in tears and placed the card keys at express check out. I wanted to complain, but I didn’t bother because I was just so mad and honestly scared for my life.

My dad told me that the police part is just something they say to get others out. If this is a fucking neurotypical norm, I want to let you know: 1) I HATE being pressured or someone trying to rush me and 2) I HATE being FUCKING THREATENED, especially regarding something TO DO WITH THE POLICE! Are you kidding me?!?!

Society SERIOUSLY needs to know how traumatizing and/or stressful that is to hear for neurodivergent individuals who 1) completely misinterpreted what check-out restrictions mean, 2) are trying their fucking hardest to do something in time, and 3) LITERALLY MEAN NO FUCKING HARM!!!!!!!

Now, I’m fucking scared to even go outside anymore. I feel like society just doesn’t want me. I feel like society just sees me as a criminal, or just sees my autism as criminalistic.

I know I was overstimulated earlier with my younger nephew, but I’d rather deal with this and possibly lose my mind than be FUCKING THREATENED TO HAVE THE POLICE ONTO ME!

#IsThisAbleism #MyAutismIsNotADisorder #Anxiety #SocialAnxiety #NeurotypicalNorms #StopThis #Police #overstimulated #Norms #scared #Stress #Society #venting #Vent #triggerwarning #MentalHealth #Ableism

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Triggers, pet peeve responses, and being overwhelmed | TW swearing, family

For my mental health sake, I sincerely ask if you could please censor c*v*d-19 (o, i) or the other words, p*nd*mic (a, e), and q**rantine (ua) or leave them out entirely before posting any comments. Thank you, you’re the best!
Before I say anything, I just want everybody to know that I am not intending to be/sound rude when I say any of this.

Saying that “well, *trigger word* is not going to go away” or “it is what it is” are the least helpful things you can say to someone with triggers, because to me, it feels like you’re saying “welp, you’re screwed for the rest of your life” and for the latter “I simply don’t care”, even if you’re not intending to sound that way.

Yes, I still have these words as my triggers everyday. It still brings me flashbacks whenever I fucking hear any of the words and how much of a sad life I’m still in (and I already have mostly negative views about society) because I unintentionally drag myself into that very sad period of 2020 and beyond.

I’m trying to work this over with my therapist, but I haven’t because there’s a thousand things that happen with me and are on my fucking mind everyday, and if not everyday, then most days (traumatic flashbacks, being overstimulated by youngest nephew constantly, stress dreams, trying to make time for all 7 of my queerplatonic partners (yes, it’s healthy, non-romantic, and consensual) and trying to be perfect around them all the time (I should probably stop doing that), waiting to move out of here already into a more safer and quieter environment, extreme social dysphoria as a non-binary individual, etc. etc.)

#MyAutismIsNotADisorder #SocialAnxiety #Trauma #Anxiety #triggers #normalizetriggerwarnings #overstimulated #overwhelmed #triggerwarning #venting #LGBTQIA #MentalHealth

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Asking for help…

I did what I didn’t want to do. I asked for help. From a few people.
My psych, who is now seeing me every two weeks for now.
My case manager, who is working on finding me a therapist.
My mom, who is now safe guarding my meds.
And my boss, who has been amazing.

The ideations are back. Do I have a plan. No. Do I have access to crisis lines and units, yes. But… just in case.

Mom is holding my meds, I get enough for seven days, and she watches me. (Funny story, not really, but anyway… bottles of pills are apparently my go to when having a full blown anxiety attack. Hence why my mother has my meds.)

Everyone is worried. Concerned. Trying to figure out how to help. I wish they knew that everything they are doing right now is everything to me. #triggerwarning #Depression #Askingforhelp

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Healing the spirit of worthlessness..,alongside DID

Hi y’all. So LSS, I’m near-40, have at least 5 parts in the system and just barely had it validated (and so not yet treated, just barely getting started) that I rank high in the DID diagnosis, coming from 12 years of being told it’s “just” “some extreme form of PTSD the DSM doesn’t have a name for yet”, and Borderline. 8 years prior to all THAT, I was initially diagnosed with adjustment disorder (ahhh the easy days!) and rejected inner child work yet accepted then is when I noticed that “me” is not “me” and that I had at least two different demeanors/personalities/parts.

Back to the current - I was raised with zero religion/care to the soul/etc, so after myriad searching across religions, I had an encounter of supernatural healing Jesus’ invite to trade yoke and burden that I confirmed wasn’t fitting the dx for delusions in psych world and DID fit spiritual experiences of fellow Christians, and have come to Jesus as of April 2022.

At this point while not all of my parts necessarily thirst for Jesus or even communicate well at all besides me feeling they’re “there”, none have rejected my suggestion that if it feels okay, I’m gonna pursue my faith in Christ because we all do agree that it’s been some thing other than our fragmented self who’s kept us going and protected and etc, and that that likely ain’t done by ie some “gods and goddesses” or just by “harnessing the universal power” or whatever. And so one way I’ve set to grow my faith deeper is by learning more of how to be in His will, what He says about me, etc etc.

All that said, I feel, faith-walk-wise, like if I started in the spiritual milk Paul(?) talks about, now I’m on the light veg; I believe for myself that God is real, AND actually engaged in our lives vs. far away, AND that from all what’s said in the Word or testimonies from others or looking back in my own “that trauma shoulda killed you/how are you still alive” moments that yes, God DOES do things either to just give blessing or protect people from their mistakes, as He wills.

But!! One thing fed deeply into many of my parts and likely what fragmented me out so much, was a spirit of fear of being killed, and at the same time, so unworthy of love or agency or or or, and then it was reinforced by multiple unrelated others and events as I left home as a kid, and even into my mid thirties, by even the guy I was to marry and a pastor when I first started seeking Christ. So…

I notice that even tho head knowledge I fully embrace that He’s there and can and will do good/healing/justice bringing acts in our lives, if I’m totally honest there are at least some parts of me who are like “yeah but not for me/us”, tied to that spirit of worthlessness. And advice I’ve received from my church people? “Pray in full faith against that, and expect God to start showing up for you not just in danger but because you expect him to even in the easier things - that job/relationship/new car/healing of your dogs cancer or your DID.” and yet, I try that and feel GUILTY, because who am I to “expect” anything from God? I can’t even expect or count on or be heard even if I outwardly demanded from people of the earth much less my Creator who’s already rescued me from so much.

And yet? It’s biblical to be like Jehosephat in 2 Chronicles 20, or Mary when the angel tells her she’ll have a child, or the woman who reaches for the garment as Jesus walks by…

So all that to say…

Especially if I’ve got some parts that are still crushed IN the idea of not being enough, and I can’t truly and just automatically posture my heart when I’m this part of me who’s so hungry for all He’s got (because I know deep down He didn’t bring me thru all I’ve survived only to have His redemption die with me and all that, I mean.) to like snap my fingers and tell God He BETTER heal me, provide abundance of money so I can have a ministry, etc etc…how am I ever to get to the point where, in faith like in Acts, “they went out and laid hands and…” and all of that?

Part of me feels ashamed to even have to ask this question because by asking I’m not JUST trusting God, and yet, I’m so eager to grow in my walk and having no discipler types that even get mental illness and DID parts and how one piece of me can earnestly believe and yet IS damaged by other parts still stuck in unworthiness, I don’t know what to pray or how to grow my faith, but don’t want to also grow stagnant on the path… #Religion #triggerwarning #god #DissociativeIdentityDisorder #Christian

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