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What is something you have learned over the years?

Any wise wisdom you’ve learned from life, good and bad, self love messages, your journey through mental health, etc ? :) feel free to share or explain, what you would like others to know or recommend to them to remember when going through tough times, positive messages, so on. #MentalHealth #TheMighty #newhere #MightyTogether #notalone #Mindful #positive #itsokaytonotbeokay #Anxiety #Depression #ChronicPain #wisdom #Selflove #Thinking #Deep

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°" This Company Just Can't Seem To Keep People Empolyed At All"° ?¿ #AnUpdate

• " So I Came In At 7:30 A.M. All Because People Don't Want To Work At This Restaurant... 3 People Didn't Show Up... And 1 Have Might Have Quit... I Feel Like I'm Going To Get Shafted... Into Working Crazy Day's And Wierd Hour's Now.. My Lower Back And Mainly My Sciatica Have Been Giving Me.. So Much Issue's.. I Haven't Been Off Of My Feet For 2 Week's Or More... Today Alot Of Customer's Decided To Become Super Annoying Af And Undecisive Like Alway's... Wasting My Time.. I Was Doing Or Being Asked To Help With Other Thing's.. Because We Were Short Staffed... It Never Seem's To End.. And I Will Never Be Able To Get Out Of This #Deep Depression Cycle... " ° Sincerely, •●•Skaoi Kvitravn •●•

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¡ " Today Was An Extremely Stress Inducing Day " ! #IHateMyJob #Depression

° " Today I Was Yelled At All Day By My General Manager. For No Reason... I'm Trying My Best To Run Around Everywhere. I Just Can't And Do The Register At The Same Time. And Trash. I Understand That Bosse's Are Under Pressure Too. But The Verbal Abuse And Yelling Is Insane. I Had An Anxiety Attack Today. And Now I Can Only Do Patio / Trash/Restroom's All The Time. And That To Me Is A Waste Of My Skill's... Idk What To Do. I Feel Like I'm Being Wasted And Having My Experience Destroyed. I'm Getting Super Tired Of Being Verbally Abused On A Daily Basis By Customer's. One Of These's Day's... They Might Hit Me... Or Spit In My Face. I Would Hate To Lose My $11 Dollar's An Hour. But The Stupid Minimum Wage In TX Still Sit's At 7.25. And That Hasn't Changed In Decade's. SO I'M STUCK!!!... I Doubt That My Co-worker's Will Do What They Are Tasked With. We Will See I Feel Like It's Going To Be A Hurricane. 2 Assistant Manager's Have Already Been FIRED... What Else Is Going To Happen ? I'm On Edge About Losing My Job.. " ° - SKAOI KVITRAVN - #Deep Depression

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! " Sigh.. Thinking Of Quitting My Job The Bullying Is Everyday Now... For No Reason... " ¡ #Deep Depression

° " I'm Trying My Best With This Job The Work Load Is Too Much Back And Fourth Running Around.. And Doing Mulitpule Thing's At Once.. I Can't Even Pace Myself... Meanwhile Everyone Else Has One Thing To Do... And Get The Work Load... Is That Even Fair To Me... I Don't Think So... A Co-worker Told My Boss About The Girl Bullying Me.. Non Stop Today... I Don't Think That Anything Will Be Done Tbh.."° ☆°☆SKADI KVITRAVN ☆•☆ #Thought 's

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♤ " Good Morning! Mighty Family.. I Just Wanted To Say."♤ #Thank You!

☆" I'm Still Extremely Depressed And Sleepy AF... I Cried Last Night Out Of Nowhere... My Self - Esteem... Is In The Tolilet... I Don't Want To Work Today But I Have Too... I Don't Think That I'm Going To Get My Own Place After All... And Just Pay At A Stupid Hotel And Put My Stuff In Storage Instead. This Sux Every Apartment Place Want's 2x , 3x Time's The Rent... I Have Worked So Hard For Nothing... And It's Dumb For A Studio " × #Deep Depression ☆▪︎☆ SKADI☆▪︎☆


Growing Pains

Back in the day,

We used to play outside till dawn

Now, we're just another government pawn

Back in the day,

We used to live, laugh & grow

Now, we are forced to work our asses off bro

What is this shit? (mind my language)

Death is a trap to try and get us to submit?

As kids, we couldn't wait to be adults

Now, I reflect and I am like that was truly nuts!

The days when we could cry and be comforted

Childhood turned to adulthood and those days plummeted

Now, we're struggling to make ends meet, Who would have thought, childhood was only a treat

But it's life,

So put away that knife

It is what it is -

God is good, all is his

Better days are ahead

So, go and continue to chase that bread!

#Life #resilience #NeverGiveUp #Suicide #SuicideAwareness #Selfharm #selfharmawareness #strength #courage #bravery #Independence #freedom #freedomwriters #useyourwords #expression #expressyourself #creativity #Deep #deepthinkers #bold #Spirituality #Meditation #Spiritual #calm #Zen #gowiththeflow #liveinthepresent #loa #TheSecret #manifest #manifestation #Positivity #PositiveVibes #GoodVibes #vibes #Energy #YouCanDoIt #Believe #Hope #Care #Empathy #compassion

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inner glow

#Deep inside us

there's a glow

brightly showing

where to go

when uncertainty ((sometimes fear

shakes us down

softly listen

as our guide lifts us up!

((thank-you :)

#inner #Glow #angelwithin

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Thankful for The Struggle today #CPTSD #PTSD #greif #Anxiety #ChronicPain #Depression #Deep

Never knew I could be so adaptable- Definitely thankful for all the wrong and painful things that have made me who I am. We are truly artists in our own right.

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#Deep in thought

Hi all, I'm new on here. Not even sure if I'm doing this right? I'm useless with technology


#Deep in thought

Hi all, I'm new on here. Not even sure if I'm doing this right? I'm useless with technology