Interstitial Cystitis

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Looking for friends in Australia

Hi there,

I am new here a single parent and have Diabetes type 2
Severe fatty enlarged liver
Psoriatic arthritis
Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
Chronic pain
Complex regional pain Syndrome right arm
Mild pots syndrome
Interstitial cystitis
C5/c6 disc replacement
Hemiplegic migraines
Medical PTSD
Complex PTSD

I'm really looking for anyone who can relate to being so unwell and parenting. My partner also has BPD and is putting me through hell I'm thinking of leaving him. So I'm really struggling in my own and so isolated and lonely 🪷🪷

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J Pouch surgery experiences? I need j pouch after total colectomy w ileostomy has anyone had this surgery?

I had toxic megacolon that required emergency open surgery total colectomy w ileostomy. I found out that the j pouch surgeries to reconnect my colon need to be open invasive surgery cutting open a large scar from abdomen to pubic bone from the colectomy. The colectomy and ileostomy was the most painful experience, the surgery was over 12 hrs w complications during and after. I can’t imagine reopening this scar and all the scar tissue around it 3 more times. I’ve had 8 spinal reconstruction surgeries in 10yrs w titanium screws, plates & rods including replacing my tailbone - those surgeries hurt less than the colectomy. Has anyone had j pouch after colectomy? I’m worried about pouchitis and other infections bec I have a primary immunodeficiency disorder? I read ppl have 8-12 bowel movts after surgery? How long does recovery take? Is the pouch connected and working after first surgery? Is life every normal w a pouch?
#CrohnsDisease #DegenerativeDiscDisease #Colectomy #Ileostomy #jpouchsurgery
#colorectalsurgery #Scoliosis #PrimaryImmunodeficiency #InterstitialCystitis #demyelinatonsyndrome #demyelineatingsyndrome

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Freelance Work

As some of you may know from my previous post, I am on a medical leave from my retail job due to a herniated disk in my lower back. I also suffer from several chronic illnesses (fibromyalgia, CFS, chronic migraines, endometriosis, interstitial cystitis, degenerative disc disease and numerous allergies and sensitivities) and I had a cervical fusion and a non-cancerous mass removed from my spine a few years ago that left me with nerve damage in certain areas. Due to the back injury my other conditions have spiraled out of control and I’m realizing that I may not have the ability to return to my retail job once my medical leave ends. So I have been researching other kinds of money making options and freelance work keeps popping up. I’ve been looking into Fiverr and Upwork and I’m wondering if any of you have any experience with it that you could share? Trying to figure out if it would be an effective way to earn some income. Any input would be appreciated!

#ME /cfs

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Not strong enough for this 😢

I’m not sure how to keep going. I’ve been doing my best to live with fibromyalgia, CFS, chronic migraines, and many other accompanying issues since 2017. It all began with a car wreck in 2016 that led to a cervical fusion. Fast forward through many different treatments and surgical procedures and we get to 2022 when, after being a stay-at-home homeschooling parent to 4 kids, I finally made the choice to leave my narcissistic abusive husband and had to go to work in retail. My health was not good to begin with and working has just made me go even further down hill. But I’ve had no other choice but to keep trudging through. My two daughters (20 & 22) are both living with me due to their health problems and I have been doing my best to take charge of their care. They are both disabled from chronic physical illnesses and mental and developmental problems. We are currently waiting to see if they are going to be approved for disability benefits. Several months back I began experiencing severe vertigo and vision issues/disturbances along with worsening cognitive function, disorientation and total inability to focus or multitask. My doctor thinks I’m possibly having ocular and/or vestibular migraine symptoms. However, I’ve had to wait almost 2 months to be seen by my neurologist and have an appointment at the end of January. Unfortunately at the beginning of December I ended up in severe pain and couldn’t walk without help due to a suspected herniated disc in my lower back. I have been referred to a neurosurgeon and will be seen at the end of January. I have been put on a three month medical leave from my job and am trying to survive on the tiny bit of savings I have. The money isnt going to last for long. Due to the meds I was given for my back (multiple rounds of steroids, pain meds and muscle relaxers) I have had horrible reactions and coupled with the pain and difficulty getting around, I have been sent into what feels like a never ending CFS crash and my brain function and emotions are severely affected. The fatigue and fibro pain and autonomic symptoms are so awful I feel like I’m dying. I’m barely eating because I’m constantly nauseous and I’ve lost 10lbs since this began. I’m basically living in my bedroom and bright lights and loud sounds are quite intolerable. My doctor doesn’t have a lot of knowledge about my conditions but is extremely willing to help me in any way she can with referrals or medication that I am interested in trying, but otherwise I’m on my own. I don’t yet know if surgery will be necessary for my back, but I’m also questioning whether I’ll be able to go back to work at all when the medical leave ends. If I can’t, then I’m not sure how I’m going to pay my rent/bills and take care of my daughters. I have no idea if or when my girls will be approved for disability and even though I could apply also, the process can take so long that I’m afraid we would be homeless before I got approved. Just not sure what to do anymore and I’m barely functional which just worsens it all. #ME /CFS #Fibromyalgia #ChronicMigraines #AutismSpectrumDisorder #Dysautonomia #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #EosinophilicEsophagitis #UlcerativeColitis #MajorDepressiveDisorder #cognitivedysfunction #Endometriosis #InterstitialCystitis #HerniatedDisc #Vertigo

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Incredible guiltTraumatizing my kids (19&21yo) I got toxic megacolon 3 wks ago, the drs saved my life w colectomy w ileostomy. I’m a single mom

Both my kids are persevering with multiple serious medical problems. I’m a single mom with very limited family, friend and community support. I’ve nearly died three times this year and 1-2 times every year for the past six years. My kids are very depressed about almost losing me again. My kids both have treatment resistant depression, CPTSD, endometriosis/ademomyosis,
rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s, epilepsy, polymigratory arthritis, degenerative spine disease, scoliosis, reynaud’s syndrome, cardiac issues, migraines and fibromyalgia, complex regional pain syndrome. The crushing guilt of being an ineffective mother, giving birth to two children who each have 5-6 illnesses inherited from me and their father who hurt them physically and emotionally especially when I was in the hospital getting 8 reconstructive spine surgeries with hardware, screws, plates in nine years covering most of my spine. My son is autistic spectrum disorder high functioning and affectionate. I’m so lucky to be here for my kids with my kids. I understand that without emergency surgery and a fully invasive opening, I wouldn’t be here today. I’m grateful to Gd for saving me. What have I done to my kids. I wasn’t so sick when I got pregnant. I didn’t know when I got pregnant that the kids father’s side has most of the same illnesses and there are many. Now both my kids, as they mature, their health diagnoses increase to longer terrifying lists of diagnoses including many of my dozens of disorders including from Crohn’s, epilepsy, an unspecified connective tissue disorders, immune modulatory disorder, endometriosis, interstitial cystitis, seronegative rheumatoid arthritis, primary immunodeficiency disorder, MGUS/multiple myeloma (monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance), demyelinating syndrome like MS without known disease prognosis. This year I almost died three times from necrotic aspiration pneumonia with large abscesses in my lungs. I am eligible for the reversal ileostomy surgeries (2 surgeries- the first 8-10 hours is almost as devastating as the emergency colectomy. There’s a small window (4months) when surgeons can do this. It’s my only chance to get my life back to live w/o an ostomy. It’s a long process after surgery and the stoma is repaired in a follow up surgery. I need this surgery. It’s a long long recovery and major surgery with many complications. How can I do this to my family? I worry that my son & daughter can’t handle this much disruption, stress, sadness. We have such little support and no one called my kids to check on them as the plan we created was supposed to happen in emergencies. No one called. Every one gave excuses, so disappointing. Such a problem for future surgeries. I know they should be independent by now yet given their medical status, being an independent young adult is very challenging. I’m so thankful to my daughter who has been helpful beyond any thing I could have hoped for. She’s incredibly giving and loving to me. It’s hard to be here. Not functional, not effective.

#UndifferentiatedConnectiveTissueDisease #MixedConnectiveTissueDiseaseMCTD # primaryimmunodeficiencydisorder #PrimaryImmunodeficiency #AutoimmuneImmunodeficiency #CrohnsDisease #PTSD #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #CongenitalHeartDefect #Epilepsy #RheumatoidArthritis #DegenerativeDiscDisease #Scoliosis #InterstitialCystitis #Pneumonia #AspirationPneumonia
#Gastroparesis #gastrointesinlbleed #RheumatoidArthritis #singleparent #SjogrensSyndrome #DiffuseIdiopathicSkeletalHyperostosis #Diabetes #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #Ileostomy #Colectomy

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I’m so happy to be here… a refuge for my refuge

In the midst of, drama and chaos lies art. The refuge for my spirit and soul. What makes this time so special is that my daughter and I I spend time on the weekends and weekdays for thirty minutes or three hours. She’s the color in my world. She makes all the appointments, surgeries, treatments, hospitalizations worth it. She’s been the reason why I get up every day. I’m a single mom and both my daughter and son developed about 7 -10 of my diseases. I have severe systemic disease, autoimmune and connective tissue, causing Crohn’s endometriosis, demyelineating syndrome, degenerative spine disease, primary imomunudeficiency disorder, epilepsy, localized scleroderma, migraines, interstitial cystitis, and DISH. Art allows me to process and find a place of sanity amidst much disorder. When I see beauty in the world, like a sunset or piece of artwork, it is my reminder to stop running and appreciate the beauty and that it is a miracle. No matter how bad my day was I always knew I had the sunset. And if I wasn’t going to appreciate the sunset and leave the world a little better than I found it, then why was I here. I thrive on color. I’ll use any thing I can get my hands on a pen to draw or a needle for needlepoint.

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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is iamsickandtired1994. I'm worried about getting a laparoscopy? Doctors want to check for endometriosis…after 10 plus years of IBS and ICPBS symptoms. Has anyone done this procedure? It it worth it?

#MightyTogether #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS #InterstitialCystitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #Endometriosis #PTSD

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Worried and in pain 🥲

#RheumatoidArthritis #BackPain #ChronicPain #InterstitialCystitis
I’m honestly not sure what I have im dealing with a lot of health issues and have been for years but never paid much attention to it. But I remember always putting icy hot, bandages and taking pain relievers, and then forgot about it. And now that I’m on disability leave and haven’t been working I notice my body is still in pain even when I do minimal exercise. It tires me out so much, and I have appointments coming up with a podiatrist, rheumatic and a urogynecologist. I’ve healed from my bladder infection but I’m still struggling to urinate. And I keep going in circles about what I could possibly have and I just can’t figure it out. I’m really looking forward to going to my doctors appointments next week. I’m tired of being in pain. :(

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