I’m so happy to be here… a refuge for my refuge
In the midst of, drama and chaos lies art. The refuge for my spirit and soul. What makes this time so special is that my daughter and I I spend time on the weekends and weekdays for thirty minutes or three hours. She’s the color in my world. She makes all the appointments, surgeries, treatments, hospitalizations worth it. She’s been the reason why I get up every day. I’m a single mom and both my daughter and son developed about 7 -10 of my diseases. I have severe systemic disease, autoimmune and connective tissue, causing Crohn’s endometriosis, demyelineating syndrome, degenerative spine disease, primary imomunudeficiency disorder, epilepsy, localized scleroderma, migraines, interstitial cystitis, and DISH. Art allows me to process and find a place of sanity amidst much disorder. When I see beauty in the world, like a sunset or piece of artwork, it is my reminder to stop running and appreciate the beauty and that it is a miracle. No matter how bad my day was I always knew I had the sunset. And if I wasn’t going to appreciate the sunset and leave the world a little better than I found it, then why was I here. I thrive on color. I’ll use any thing I can get my hands on a pen to draw or a needle for needlepoint.