Interstitial Cystitis

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I’m so happy to be here… a refuge for my refuge

In the midst of, drama and chaos lies art. The refuge for my spirit and soul. What makes this time so special is that my daughter and I I spend time on the weekends and weekdays for thirty minutes or three hours. She’s the color in my world. She makes all the appointments, surgeries, treatments, hospitalizations worth it. She’s been the reason why I get up every day. I’m a single mom and both my daughter and son developed about 7 -10 of my diseases. I have severe systemic disease, autoimmune and connective tissue, causing Crohn’s endometriosis, demyelineating syndrome, degenerative spine disease, primary imomunudeficiency disorder, epilepsy, localized scleroderma, migraines, interstitial cystitis, and DISH. Art allows me to process and find a place of sanity amidst much disorder. When I see beauty in the world, like a sunset or piece of artwork, it is my reminder to stop running and appreciate the beauty and that it is a miracle. No matter how bad my day was I always knew I had the sunset. And if I wasn’t going to appreciate the sunset and leave the world a little better than I found it, then why was I here. I thrive on color. I’ll use any thing I can get my hands on a pen to draw or a needle for needlepoint.

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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is iamsickandtired1994. I'm worried about getting a laparoscopy? Doctors want to check for endometriosis…after 10 plus years of IBS and ICPBS symptoms. Has anyone done this procedure? It it worth it?

#MightyTogether #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS #InterstitialCystitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #Endometriosis #PTSD

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Worried and in pain 🥲

#RheumatoidArthritis #BackPain #ChronicPain #InterstitialCystitis
I’m honestly not sure what I have im dealing with a lot of health issues and have been for years but never paid much attention to it. But I remember always putting icy hot, bandages and taking pain relievers, and then forgot about it. And now that I’m on disability leave and haven’t been working I notice my body is still in pain even when I do minimal exercise. It tires me out so much, and I have appointments coming up with a podiatrist, rheumatic and a urogynecologist. I’ve healed from my bladder infection but I’m still struggling to urinate. And I keep going in circles about what I could possibly have and I just can’t figure it out. I’m really looking forward to going to my doctors appointments next week. I’m tired of being in pain. :(

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Autism and Borderline Personality Disorder….. the misery experienced by loved ones is immense.

Living with my chronically ill, autistic, BPD, young adult daughter is like living with an abusive spouse ( I would know cause I lived with one for 16 years before divorcing him). I can’t kick her out cause she isn’t totally capable of living on her own and doesn’t have much income and I don’t have any family that she could go live with. She doesn’t drive either so is totally dependent on me to get her to her part time job and frequent doctor appointments. However I am chronically ill too with several difficult conditions and work full time and care for my youngest daughter that is totally disabled from her chronic illnesses and it is just too much to always deal with the continual cycle of ups and downs she goes through due to her mental and developmental diagnoses. She is on medication that is helping some to stabilize her moods and help her severe anxiety, but she still goes into really awful episodes where her thinking is all over the place and she lashes out verbally and accuses me of things that don’t even make sense. She yells and cussed at me, calls me names and says I’m stupid and don’t really love her. She does the same to her sister but on a lesser scale than with me. In those episodes I can’t reason with her and she is determined that I’m causing her problems. When she is clear headed she can be kind and loving, but she always has another episode before long that is horrible for me to deal with. I feel I’m being verbally and emotionally abused just like I was from my ex- husband. I want a peaceful life and I just can’t seem to ever achieve it due to the whole situation. Has anyone else had experience with this kind of thing? I would really appreciate input. #Fibromyalgia #AutismSpectrumDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #chronicmigraine #ADHD #Anxiety #Depression #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #Dysautonomia #UlcerativeColitis #EoE #OCD #DisorderedEating #InterstitialCystitis #Endometriosis #IBS #FoodAllergies

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Are you struggling with chronic pain, anxiety, or age-related health challenges?

Meet Kristo—he suffered from pains in his body, fibromyalgia, three heart attacks, and one stroke, and has been using a sleep apnea device since 2012.

After 25 years of diligently following the medications and surgeries prescribed to him, his long-term doctors informed him in mid-May 2019 that they could no longer do anything for him. By this point, his body had deteriorated significantly.

He could no longer walk well. His vision was only 30% after two failed eye operations. Using two crutches, he could move a maximum of 100 meters before losing balance and falling over due to the pain. He had been suffering from chronic fatigue for at least 30 years, dragging himself through each day.

His wife, his caregiver for many years, juggled her job in childcare with an unpaid "job" as a nurse, driver, cook, cleaning lady, gardener, and chef, leaving her little time in her busy, hectic life.

Kristo was told to get comfortable in a scooter for disabled people and a wheelchair because that was going to be his life going forward. Their world fell apart - until a friend introduced him to our program.

See the new man! Kristo’s journey from chronic fatigue and debilitating pain to renewed vitality is just one example of how our program is helping many people get their lives back holistically, without medications and surgeries.

We are looking to talk to 60 men and women, especially those over 50, who have health problems and are serious about finding a proper solution.

Your insights will help us build a program tailored to your needs. Participants will be rewarded with a 10% discount when the program launches. It provides transformative results, by the way.

Interested? YES or NO?

Comment below if you want to participate!


#ChronicFatigue #ChronicIllness #ChronicDailyHeadache #ChronicLungDisease #ChronicPain #chronic #ChronicLungDisease #ChronicInflammatoryResponseSyndrome #ChronicPancreatitis #ChronicTraumaticEncephalopathy #ChronicObstructivePulmonaryDisease #ChronicOrthostaticIntolerance #ChronicVestibularMigraine #MentalHealth #Addiction #chronic #Anxiety #Arthritis #BackPain #CeliacDisease #CommonVariableImmuneDeficiency #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #Eczema #EosinophilicEsophagitis #HashimotosThyroiditis #ChronicLymphocyticLeukemia #HashimotosThyroiditis #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD #InterstitialCystitis #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS

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Hitting a wall.

How many of you have had to quit school due to chronic health problems?

WARNING ⚠️ the rest of this post is lengthy!!!

I have been working on my bachelors in community health through online courses (one class at a time) for the past seven years. A few months prior to beginning my degree program I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia following a car wreck that required a neck fusion surgery. From there my chronic illness diagnoses have continued to accumulate. I now have chronic migraine, endometriosis, interstitial cystitis, chronic fatigue, degenerative disc disease, tinnitus, IBS, C-PTSD, and a long list of food and environmental allergies. I have 2 sons and 2 daughters. My youngest son (15yr) has serious ADHD. Both of my daughters (21yr & 20yr) have long lists of chronic health conditions. They live with me and probably will for their whole lives due to the impact of the disability that their issues cause. Neither girl can drive either. The oldest has Asperger’s, fibromyalgia, Ehlers Danlos, ADHD, C-PTSD, severe anxiety, depression, Eosinophilic Esophagitis, IBS, mild Ulcerative Colitis, numerous food allergies and possible Borderline Personality Disorder. The youngest has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Dysautonomia, C-PTSD, depression, anxiety, disordered eating, restless legs, Eosinophilic Esophagitis, constant skin picking, and numerous food allergies. All three of us girls and my youngest boy has severe sleeping problems. Me and both my girls have applied for and been turned down for disability. Up until 2022 I had been a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom. At the beginning of 2022 me and my 2 girls and youngest son ( oldest son is in college and pretty much living on his own) loaded up and left my narcissistic abusive husband of 16 yrs. and began to start over in a tiny apartment in a small town with me re-entering the work force and starting a full time job in retail and officially divorcing him at the end of that year. My youngest daughter has since tried to commit suicide twice and my oldest has had several mental breaks that were extremely hard to deal with. Throughout the whole time I have continued with my school classes. Determined to finish what I started. However, my health has continued to decline from all my illnesses and the stress of my life and it is taking a toll on my cognitive abilities. I took a 8 month break from my classes but have started back recently and I’m struggling to keep up with the assignments and not learning as I know I should be. I only have 6 classes left, that will take me the next year to complete due to the schedule I’m following, but my body, mind and finances seem to be making it extremely hard for me to keep going. I’m really considering quitting, but feel like I would be a real failure if I didn’t finish it.
If you read all this……Thank you! 🙂 #ChronicFatigue
# Migraine
#c -PTSD

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Where to go from here. #ADHD #Fibromyalgia #InterstitialCystitis #Migraines #Disability #Agoraphobia

I don’t know where to go from here.

Not only do I have multiple conditions that have caused me to be on disability, I have 3 kids, and been trying to get a medical billing job part time at home, but I cannot get my own space. We can’t move, we can’t add on, I can’t get a office shed.

How can we get ahead in life? I’m so tired of trying to push forward that I’m just about to give up trying, let the bills go to collections and disappear.

I also can’t find any friends who are willing to hang out online since I can’t go anywhere outside of my house.

I just need to know I’m not alone here.

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Where is Hope? She is so quiet today.

At 6 it was sexual abuse
At 12 it was type 1 diabetes
At 14 it was IBS
At 16 it was PCOS
At 17 they took my gallbladder
At 18 It was Anxiety/Depression
At 20 It became agoraphobia with panic
At 21 Chronic pain began
At 23 it was Migraines
At 24 it was GERD and reflux
At 25 it was kidney stones
At 27 It was fibromyalgia
At 29 it was CFS
At 31 it was balance/vertigo issues
At 32 it was IC
At 34 it became PPPD

I turned 36 two weeks ago and spent it in the ER and still don't know what happened.

Today I am depressed, discouraged, and desperate for some hope.

I'm Christian and I have been praying for answers.

So I thought I'd lay my burdens here and see if you Mighty Warriors have anything to share with me.

I wish you all the best in your own battles as well.


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