I've never been brave enough to ask this question outloud let alone even try and bring this up to anyone because in my mind it seems crazy or it doesn't make sense because I cannot find the words i want to say or to explain but I'm going to do the best that I can so here it goes.... so like when I'm around certain people it's like I internally take on the role of the person that I feel like the people that I'm around at the time have assumed me to be and it's exhausting why can't I just be myself around whoever and why do I get these thoughts that I'm supposed to act a certain way or be a certain person around certain people it happens on a weekly basis somethings daily and I don't even know that I'm being myself when I'm just by myself I have self diagnosed #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder and #ComplexPTSD with #Anxiety and #BipolarDepression if you have experienced something similar or if you just want to tell me about your experience tell me in the comments let's make each other stronger by openly talking and supporting one another!