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#panic #neis #PTSD #Gastroparesis

1100pm. I am once again on the bathroom floor. I have had treatment resistant gastroparesis and intractable nausea since 2020. Also, I have had panic disorder for 42 years. If I eat the wrong thing or eat too much of something, I experience severe nausea, vomiting, and everything out the other end. It also causes panic. Panic also makes me nauseous. It's a vicious cycle. Usually, I would be able to take iv meds through my port but 2wks ago I had a blood infection and had to get the port removed. That is also why I'm panicking. I was able to take orally disintegrating zofran and ativan dissolved under tongue but nausea still severe. This is a nightmare scenario. Encouraging words would be appreciated.

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Panic attack disorder/Hypochondria

Hi, I’m Phoenix. I’ve been dealing with a crippling panic attack disorder for years now, centered around hypochondria. Recently it’s stemmed into some really dark thoughts and is putting me in a really dark place. I got recommended to be here by a Crisis Line. Just looking for any help and above whatsoever as i’m really struggling.
I’m on medication, ativan as needed and Lexapro daily. I recently upped my Lexapro dosage from 10mg to 20mg as well, if that info helps at all. #panic #PanicAttacks #PanicAttack #Hypochondria #IfYouFeelHopeless #MentalHealth #Anxiety

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Panic Disorder

Hello! New to the group. I have Panic Disorder that has been under control for 8 years until 3 months ago. I also have an auto immune chronic illness. Does anyone else deal with panic disorder and what meds have helped you. Many thanks!#panic disorder

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A little story of my own #Anxiety #panic #Fear #AutismSpectrumDisorder

I once went to a baseball game with a community group I go to, called “ bridge the gap “ a group for teens and young adults with autism.

At that baseball game, our lives were on the line. Because we were sitting in the front row and there was no net, absolutely no net, and we had t be aware of all the foul balls coming at us, otherwise, we could’ve gotten hurt, or even killed.

The whole time I was watching this baseball game, I actually, legitly, 10000% thought I was going to die.

But strange thing is, life didn’t flash before my eyes, strange to me, because they say when you’re about to die, your life flashes before right before your eyes, heck, that’s one of the things I think about when I see character die on tv.

And I really did not want a baseball game to be the day that I die, I wanna die because I’m growing old.

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Tea for the victory

I had a panic attack this morning. I was in a situation that was triggering, and I panicked because I felt helpless.

So….. shower, pjs, comfort soup, and hot tea. Feeling so much better.
#tea #panic #self -care

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Ironically no deep breathing is helping

I’ve been trying deep breathing for non-stop chest tightness the past 2 weeks severe anxiety that I haven’t felt for such a long period and bodily sensations before, but I got more panicky when I tried breathing techniques and nothing would help how it usually would, I think ironically at the moment just not doing it at all might be helping more. Instead of being frustrated and panicked feeling hopeless it’s not working. #Breathing #panic #hopeless #body #symptoms #shortnessofbreath #chesttightness #ChestPain #past2weeks

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Somatic OCD Breathing symptoms

I don’t have OCD personally but I have Anxiety GAD and I came across this while trying to find why I’m super anxious than normal and obsessed with my breath. I will feel so dump and weak like I can’t control it and it’s taking over my day and making me feel miserable like I can’t take a deep breath in and then I panic and it cycles and I’m constantly monitoring my breath where it doesn’t go automatic like it should :( please help sometimes even after meditation or deep breathing I still don’t feel good. #Anxiety #OCD #help #panic #AnxietyAttacks #PanicAttacks #anxious #sad #Upset #miserable #frustrated #dumb

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Took a mental health day today from work. #Work #HealthCare #panic #Stress #LungCancer

Had medical and financial stuff to do and needed more than a two day weekend to do it. And needed a weekday to make phone calls during busines hours.
So still worried about things medical,health, financial and future planning.
But i got some sleep. Yay me.

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Panic Poem

Heart thumping,
Heat rising,
Palms sweaty,
Words frozen.

Chest tightens,
Breaths shorten,
Light headed,
Hands tingle.

Pressure building,
Ears buzzing,
Tears falling,
Panic risen.

#MightyPoets #panic #PanicAttack #PanicAttacks #Anxiety #MentalHealth

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Welcome to #november 2023

Hey Friends. How are you today?

I am at work at the moment and I'm about to head home soon. However, I wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you. I #Care about you, too. I know that this group is not as large as many others, but I just want you to know that this is a place where you can #Talk and say #Whatever your heart needs to say. Just remember to be loving and kind when you say it.

Sometimes we #struggle to deal with things like #Anxiety disorders, or #panic disorders. For me, I have both. These types of things hit me at night when I least expect it. I want things to get better for my job life, and I feel like it will help me with my #Anxiety and make it so that I feel more #proud of myself or that I can #accomplish something. #MentalHealth is so important to keep on the front of my mind when it comes to working. One of the major things I hope to do in the near future is have my own business, but I need the help, the love, and support of those around me in order for me to do what it is that I need to do and function.

Lets #Pray that tonight I do not have to deal with an #AnxietyAttack and that I can #Sleep peacefully. Please share your thoughts with me!

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