Worthless. Unwanted. There's no point to me being here. These are the things my mind keep telling me.
Lately my mind is a dangerous place to be. I just feel utterly worthless and unwanted and question why I'm even here when all I'm doing is going through the motions and just existing rather than actually living. I am exhausted. Insomnia is kicking my butt lately and between that, my anxiety and depression, it's all just making my mental health plummet. And I know part of the reason is some stupid health issues I'm having that I go to the doctor for in a couple weeks, but I can't help but think that once those issues are resolved, that it's not going to make things better and I'm just going to go back to struggling like I normally do, just without the health issues adding to that. I'm just exhausted from trying to pretend that I'm happy, that I'm okay. I am tired of putting on this show for everyone around me. But in the back of my mind, I know that if I were to show how I'm feeling and speak about how I'm feeling and the thoughts I'm thinking, people would leave just like they always do when things get too real. I just don't even know what to do anymore.
#Anxiety #Depression #Insomnia #worthless #unwanted