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ItsWebApp, WebDesigning, Seo, SMM, MobileAppDevlopment

Intelligent Technologies is a IT sector company providing services like Web Development, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing (SMM) and Mobile Application Development.#intelligenttechnologies #webdevelopment #seo #smm #mobileappdevelopment #itswebapp #It #website #websitedesign #website #websitebuilder

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My Oultet - Blogging

After years of dealing with depression and anxiety. I finally found my outlet... Blogging. I created my own website about my journey with mental and physical health, I'd be so happy for you guys to check it out 💜
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#Outlet #Anxiety #MentalHealth #Blog #website #Blogging #mystory #Depression #Checkitout #welcome


A Little About Me

I have been dealing with depression since I was 18 and anxiety/panic attacks since 2017,
I've recently had a lot of physical problems since 2018 and it is still an ongoing investigation,
so far I have been diagnosed with osteopenia, which has led to early stages of osteoporosis.
I'm 29, married with 1 child and have a support cat.
After recently attending a course in digital marketing I decided to create my own website called Me A Blog And I, where I write about my experiences with mental health and physical health. It seems to be a good outlet for me and then I found the mighty. #Depression #Anxiety #MentalHealth #Blog #website #Blogging #ME #PanicAttacks #Health #mum #married

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Is this a Legit #digitalmarketing Service Provider ?

As we all are very well aware of the current pandemic situation in the US and all around the world. My business-facing too many Losses.

I heard that the digital marketing adaptation could bring my business back or can give me another life.

I came around a site that provides Leading Digital Marketing Services companies in New Jersey.

Kindly review it for me pls? help needed.

#digitalmarketing #usa #newjersey #nj #seo #website #design #development #services


What Mental Health website you wish existed #website #MentalHealth #help

So, I recently I started studying web development, and as a project I wanted to make a website within the Mental Health spectrum. Since I want it to be published, I wanted to know if any of you had any 'ideas' or had ever thought 'hey, I would like that x website existed, or that there were a page with x info' about all of this. I want this to actually be helpful to someone (at least).
Thanks for listening and I hope I can hear from you

Have a lovely week!!

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Check In

One thing I’ve learned in the past few years is that it’s important to have people in your life who are there for you.⁣

Family is great. Nothing can replace them, and they’re definitely always there when you need them... and even more so when you think you don’t need them.⁣

God is number one on the list of people(?) who are there for you. He’s always there. Even when you think you can’t see or hear Him, He’s there quietly working and waiting for you to give everything over to Him.⁣

But God also created us to need friends. To need someone to share our lives, experiences, ups, and downs with. Someone who will simply check in on us. It doesn’t always have to be a best or close friend, sometimes it’s just someone willing to take the leap and say, “hey! I hope you’re doing well. How was your week?”⁣

So this is me being that person. This is your end of the week/beginning of a new week check in.⁣

How was your week?⁣

What’ve you got planned for this week?⁣

Let me know below, and I hope you’re doing well!⁣

#liveremarcably #myremarcs

#whatsup #checkin #checkup #checkonyourfriends #familyisforever #Family #Friends #BestFriends #Newfriends #bffs #god #Godisalwaysthere #NeverAlone #takealeap #leapoffaith #Weekend #newweek #Newstart #sunday #SMA #SpinalMuscularAtrophy #wellness #letstalk #writer #Blog #website #disabilty #RareDisease #MuscularDystrophy

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