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#married to narcissistic caveman

I am 50...I have spent 25yrs with a narcissist abuser...half 15yr old is growing up to be his dads doppleganger...i could write a book about it...We moved in with my mom bcuz my dad was disabled and had mini strokes till ge died...if i pack up and leave now..he wont help mama with her mama is my world so i stay bcuz of her..tboughts? Please dont bash....

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Hello my fellow Fibro fighters!! So about 3 weeks ago now I had major back surgery to repair the first back surgery from 10 years ago….. so it s been tough. Feeling much better now … as a matter of a fact going for my first recheck in about an hour. So? My question today for you is ??!! Who has had a surgery, an accident anything that would require “help” from your significant other and how have they reacted to the situation? AND how does their actions make YOU feel ?? I guess I’m really reaching out for help from all of you this time …… #married #Communication #Surgery

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A Little About Me

I have been dealing with depression since I was 18 and anxiety/panic attacks since 2017,
I've recently had a lot of physical problems since 2018 and it is still an ongoing investigation,
so far I have been diagnosed with osteopenia, which has led to early stages of osteoporosis.
I'm 29, married with 1 child and have a support cat.
After recently attending a course in digital marketing I decided to create my own website called Me A Blog And I, where I write about my experiences with mental health and physical health. It seems to be a good outlet for me and then I found the mighty. #Depression #Anxiety #MentalHealth #Blog #website #Blogging #ME #PanicAttacks #Health #mum #married

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I’m new. I’ve come across many articles from this page and so many rang true. No one else I know knows how much this hurts. Thank you all for sharing so I don’t feel like no one understands, now I know you do.

#Depression #Anxiety #married #mother


How can I help a #friend #coworker who seems #depressed and is #isolating herself.

She #discarded me as a #friend many months ago when she entered a #rapid #relationship and got #married . Now she seems more and more #Upset and #depressed , #isolating herself in her office, no conversations with anyone. All of us in office are very concerned.

#Controlling #Toxic #relationship

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Can a #Introvert #hangover ruin a #relationship ?

I know a proudly self-proclaimed #Introvert who says she’s been having severe #Introvert #hangover ever since she got #married a couple months ago. She says the #Constant #social interaction with her husband at home makes her unable to #socialize with others. What does this say about her #Marriage ? #introversion #Isolation #

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Do #introverts have only certain amount of time during day when they can best #interact ?

Have #Introvert #coworker who used to occassionally chat with others, but has #isolated herself almost completely in her #Office #closeddoors every day after got in #relationship #married .


A #friend who #devalue / #discard me half a year ago when she got #engaged / #married just suddenly started #Talking/ #communicating with me today.

She started talking to me suddenly as if nothing at all ever happened. Like we travelled six months back in time!! Same inside jokes and everything. #Borderline #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #narcissistic #NarcissisticPersonalityDisorder #unstable #relationship