Saturday giggles
How do you make a tissue dance?
You put a little boogie in it
(Gross, I know; but I have kind of a warped sense of humour)
How do you make a tissue dance?
You put a little boogie in it
(Gross, I know; but I have kind of a warped sense of humour)
Good Morning Mighty Family
If you have ever had a cat you Know how Much they Love their boxes
A happy cat has a box 💗 #Giggles #giggleswithafriend #Friends #Family #Anxiety #RareDisease #NoJudgment #Bekind #checkonyourneighbours #ChronicIllness #DepressionAndMentalHealth #Cardboardbox
A Great many things
Can be solved with Kindness
Even more With Laughter
But there are some things that
just Require
Kindness laughter and cake
Three Things to be grateful for
Along with friends 💞
#saturdaygiggles #Cake #Kindness #laughter #Friends #always #grateful #Family #Love #Hugs #checkonyourneighbours
Giggles with kitty's
No kitty were harmed in the making of this meme 😁😁😁😁
#Giggles #funny #giggleswithafriend #Kitty #laughterisgoodmedicine #Nokittywasharmed #LaughOutLoud #PsoriaticArthritis #Bekindtoyourself #checkonyourneighbours
Fibro Fog hacks... I’ve done this 😂
#saturdaygiggles #Fibromyalgia #FibroFog #sjogrens #Lupus #RheumatoidArthritis #CPTSD #PTSD #Anxiety #Depression #MentalHealth #Grief
Saturday giggles
#Fun #laughterisgoodmedicine #giggleswithafriend #Love #saturdaygiggles #peace #RareDisease #Havingalaugh #GottaLaugh #lovinglife #Family #Passwords #Incorrect #stayingsafeathome #Stayinghome
Such a funny picture
Thought you could caption it for me 💬💭 what is this dog thinking?
Much love Tj
#Dogs #CheckInWithMe #saturdaygiggles #Bekindtoyourself #MightyPets #Love #Fun #RareDisease #CaptionThis #EmotionalSupportDog #lovingmyselfagain #saturday #Easterweekend
Hope this made you smile or even laugh
It did me when I saw it.
Much love and lots of hugs Tj
#DistractMe #hopeful #Hope #Love #stayingpositive #Stayinghome #Giggles #Weekend #RareDisease #Selfcare #lovingkindess #lovingmyselfagain #savinglives #NHS #ICU #Friends #Family #MightyTogether #saturdaygiggles