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Building #Selfesteem , ending insecurities, and taking control of #Anxiety that’s ruining my relationships

I posted about finding myself. I’ve done a little research. Evidently to find yourself you must commit to #Lovingyourself by building your #Selfesteem and stopping #insecurities . #Affirm yourself by acknowledging what you do right. Find what makes you happy like truly happy, that doesn’t involve another person. #Selfcare , have personal or “me time”, learn a new skill or hobby. Challenge negative thoughts, forgiving yourself, writing down negative thoughts then challenge them with positive thoughts. Spend time with people that love you seeing yourself through the eyes of those who care about you because that will help you appreciate your own unique qualities. Stay away from negative people and bad situations, surround yourself with positive people and healthy situations. Reflect on the good by celebrating ALL successes, no matter how small. Start an appreciation list, every day write three things you #appreciate about yourself (like a gratitude journal, but for appreciating yourself). Find things that bring you and only you #Joy . Prioritize alone free time. Do what makes you happy, in all aspects of life. Learn a new skill or hobby you are passionate about. Talk with a therapist. And lastly, focus on baby steps! Finding yourself will not happen overnight! Baby steps grow into bigger steps and keep you moving forward! #loveyourself #findyourself

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That little voice..

"Im a failure" I used to think those words about myself daily.. I used to wear it like an identity.
Every new task I undertook those words would flare and shout from the back of my mind, undermining each action I took..

I had heard these words as a child and they still echoed through my very character and sense of self.
I'd always tell people "be positive and you can achieve anything!" Yet somehow I could never apply those words to myself.

As I grew, so did my understanding.
I realized that I am Not my trauma, that I am more than a sum of my parts!
That inner critic I had let rule my life, was a echo of abuse and Not my inner guild as I had always thought.

Finally I was Free, in the knowledge that my inner guild only Ever wants my highest good!
So every time the little echo whispered "you are a failure.." I could see it for what it was, an abusive comment that my young mind had taken on as a self belief.

I know now I wasn't failing.
I was surviving.
Until I was able to learn to Thrive!

#PTSD #BipolarDepression #CPTSD #FailureToThrive #thriving #copingskills #Selflove #growth #Hope #Lovingyourself #BDD

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Morning Chatties #Chatspace #CheckInWithMe

Hello there guys

How are you today. Are you full of beans aka full of energy
Or like me couldn't lift a can of beans

I've woken up with no get up and go. It got up and went 🤣🤣🤣
Where it went I'd love to know, answers on a postcard please. 😁

So how are you guys today !
What is annoying 😡 you or making you smile 😁
Remember ChatSpace is for you.
If you want to you can put your own New Thought post up or you can comment on my post below.
This space is for you.

Love n hugs Tj

#Nojudgemnent #Justlove #Chatspace #SpaceForYou #compassion #Vent #rant #Chat #Talk #Gettingtoknoweachother #Energy #Bekind #Kindness #checkonyourneighbours #Selflove #Lovingyourself #sleeping #Friends #Newfriends

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Its Saturday I think #Weekends #weekendfeelings #CheckInWithMe

Hiya Mighty Friends and Family

I'm pretty sure today is Saturday but dont quote me on it.

I'm laying here in bed been awake for hours the birds have finally woken up and it's getting light now. My dogs are still snoring next to me 🐶🐕🐾.

Cant seem to stay sleeping much passed 4am Anymore.
But my wonderful doctor has given me a prescription to try the lidocaine patches on my face. Yayyyyyyy.

So fingers crossed I should get that delivered today 🏍🤞🤞🤞🏍 by a very nice man on a motorcycle.
Then I can try it on my face and see if it helps cut down on the pain.
Here's hoping!!!!!!!!

So how are you? What are you hoping for this coming weekend or coming week? Are you going to try a new hobby or new exercise? Are you not sleeping like me or are you in sleeping like a baby!!!!!!!!

Much love Tj 💝🤗😁🥰💗💓💖☘🍀🌿🐶🐕🐾 #Hugs #Love #TrigeminalNeuralgia #checkonyourneighbours #Safeathome #Bekindtoyourself #Lovingyourself #Bekind #ChronicPain #Chatspace #peace #Weekendroutine #Chattingwithme #stayhome #whyme #Anxiety #PanicDisorder


Contemplating Universe Devious Plans

We need different things at different point of our life. Sometimes we know what we need exactly and when and other times you just run around the circle and don't get it. The Universe comes into play to help you out at times either directly or indirectly and you need to see the signs when it actually happens.

Lately Universe had been drawing me to a corner and asking me time and again to embrace myself and try to learn to enjoy my own company. At first I thought It was all in my head but then people around me started to act differently, distancing themselves, shutting me out and just disappearing.

I get the whole we should love ourselves the way we are but it gets difficult at times. #LifeLessons #Lovingyourself #Healing #acceptingyourself #enjoyingyourowncompany


Contemplating Universe Devious Plans

We need different things at different point of our life. Sometimes we know what we need exactly and when and other times you just run around the circle and don't get it. The Universe comes into play to help you out at times either directly or indirectly and you need to see the signs when it actually happens.

Lately Universe had been drawing me to a corner and asking me time and again to embrace myself and try to learn to enjoy my own company. At first I thought It was all in my head but then people around me started to act differently, distancing themselves, shutting me out and just disappearing.

I get the whole we should love ourselves the way we are but it gets difficult at times. #LifeLessons #Lovingyourself #Healing #acceptingyourself #enjoyingyourowncompany


During the toughest days... ##Selfcare #Lovingyourself

This Christmas I am dealing with a multitude of changes and heartbreak. It’s always been my favorite holiday, but not this year. I have a wonderful DBT Therapist. One of the topics we are revisiting is how to re-learn how to love and take care of myself. Usually, I’m forever working at using my skills and fighting my symptoms. But given the severity of my current situation, both she and my psychiatrist continually remind me that being kind to myself, easy on myself, and allowing myself time to heal, guilt free, are critical right now. So it’s okay to stay in bed and watch tv, hold off on housekeeping, and eat cereal for dinner... for now. This won’t last forever, and soon, I can start to return to the world of the living, one baby step at a time. My psychiatrist reminds me that depressive episode relapses are much like major surgery. It can take weeks to months to heal. So I’m giving myself time to heal, as I cuddle with my emotional support pup and cat, watch tv, read simple and fun novels, and color when I have enough energy. All the rest can wait.


Listen to your own advice on #Anxiety #Lovingyourself #MentalIllness #Motherhood

I am so hard on myself but I give my daughters love, advice about loving theirselves, how much they deserve, how beautiful they are... Sometimes I need to remember to practice that in my #self -talk and #Bekind to myself. Just think you’re talking to your daughter when your inner voice pops in.