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Allium #Allergy

I am here to moan and not rub my eyes or scratch. A few years ago, I developed an allergy to onions and garlic. A neighbour has recently developed Alium Love and cant' stop cooking onions. The allergens seem to be getting into my flat through those vents old buildings have. It smells lovely until I can't breathe, rub my eyes raw and claw myself. I took an antihistamine as soon as the smell registered. Is there a place on the planet where my allergies will not be a problem? #FoodAllergies #neighbours

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Home Alone but not alone #neighbours #CheckInWithMe

Hello Mighty Family n Friends 🖐

This migraine and the UK heatwave we are having must be having a very strange effect on me.

I fell asleep last night at about 9 pm and woke up around 11 am
My 2 pups didn't even wake me up with their usual antics to go out for a wee 💩
But alas I awoke to day 6 of this dam migraine thing 😕
But finally the heatwave has ended so that must have been why I finally slept at last.

I came out into my kitchen and my neighbour Was washing my dishes and making me a cup of tea.
She must have checked in on me 4 times today.
She has picked up my parcels and tidied up too.

The pic is of all the different uk helpline centres available.
Please copy it and save it if you are in the uk.

Remember we are never truly alone. Someone is always there for us.
Love n hugs Tj

#Love #ClusterHeadaches #PsoriaticArthritis #RareDisease #Anxiety #Bekindtoyourself #Selfcare # #Migraine #Kindness #Depression

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Morning ChatSpace #CheckInWithMe

Good Morning Chatties 🖐

Its actually Sunny in the UK today. The sun has decided to show up today 🌞

All of July its rained and been a wet damp wash out. Looks like August might actually be more like a Summer . 🏖

Today I'm off out again for only the second time since lockdown with my neighbour, to go out for a lite lunch and help her with The stock of Teddy's 🧸she sells at a local antique store.

It's a way for me to reconnect with the world in a small controlled way. Baby steps.
After 4 months in isolation it's pretty scary and very Causes lots of anxiety. 😷
The store is huge, very few people there during the week, they all turn up on the weekends.

So that's me for the day.
What are you up to today ?
Love n hugs Tj

#Chatspace #Vent #Hope #Talking #Love #Selfcare #52SmallThings #Bekindtoyourself #Anxiety #talkingtherapy #neighbours #Kindness #Bekind #Reconnecting #checkonyourfriends

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Shopping I'm out out #CheckInWithMe #DistractMe #Anxiety

Hello Mighty Family n Friends

I'm out out eek

I've finally left the confines of my home and little community of the park, and been out for a coffee and Sandwich with my Neighbour/friend.

Had a look around the eclectic(probablyspelt wrong)/antique store it's huge. There's so much space . No problem with social distancing here.
My friend has a space here she sell a few Teddys and Jewellery bags etc.

This was the last place I Went before lockdown. Seems very appropriate it's the first real place I went to coming out of my Shielding too.

Strange thing is, I wasn't anxious at all going out with my friend at all. She has been waiting a few weeks since July 6 to take me out. But because I 'popped' my hip out of place last month we've had to wait till I could walk more comfortably with my stick.

I was fine, that is till I walked back in my front door.

BOOM anxiety kicks in.

Why does it do that.

Anyways how are you today?
What's you day been like !!!

Love light n big hugs Tj
🥰🤩😎😍😘😏😳🤪🤯🤤🙄🤗🙏🐕💩💚💞Oh yay they poo'd on the floor in protest of being left . Even though I left music on. Either that or they didn't like the music channel I put on!! 😅🤨😤😬😷🧐🙉🙊🙈

#RareDisease #TrigeminalNeuralgia #GlossopharyngealNeuralgia #ClusterMigraines #ClusterHeadaches #Hope #Love #Selfcare #Bekindtoyourself #MightyTogether #NeverAlone #ActsOfKindness #neighbours #52SmallThings #Depression #RacingThoughts

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All the Best People Are #CheckInWithMe #bonkers

Hello Mightys
Good Day to you all.

Sorry my daily post is a bit late today my delightful neighbour made me help her by sitting on my porch today and watch her cut my grass 👩‍🌾She is a tyrant.

Actually I did help a little bit
I raked up the cut grass, no bending needed for that bit and not much moving involved either, as my little plot of grass quite small. 😅
So my grass is no longer 2 ft tall.
My pups are no longer getting their tummy wet on the grass.
Cool beans 😁

I am so not allowed to help . Ha ha. But I had made some chocolate muffins yesterday to distract myself from my mental and physical pain. It helps me.
24 were made. Far too many for just me to eat. They are super moist and very yummy.🧁
So as I stuffed some into boxes and then into both my neighbour doors lol then another into a bag for the handy man who lives here. Now only 10 left. Much better.
I also made seeded bread yesterday too. I just had to keep distracting myself waiting for my doctors call.
I've had to go back onto my meds that I was withdrawing from. Far too many bad side effects . Physical n mental.

So now I have nothing to help with the cluster headaches 🤯😞 again.
My doctor is great . He is phoning again on Thursday. I have a very complicated medical history. Awkward I say. Dam awkward. Too many things wrong. Covid19 so can't see the consultants yet. It's all by letter or video.


But my grass is cut, I do feel a bit better today, even though I didn't want to start taking the dam med again. Seems wrong somehow. Like I got defeated by a tablet. I know I know.
But that's me. Just talking out loud on the Mighty. To my family and friends.

Let's see what the hospital say to my doctor what they recommend to him. As I said he is great. The best there is. ⭐🌟

Love hugs n kisses Tj

#ClusterHeadaches #TrigeminalNeuralgia #PsoriaticArthritis #RacingThoughts #Bekindtoyourself #InflammatoryArthritis #SphincterOfOddiDysfunction #GlossopharyngealNeuralgia #SuicidalThoughts #Depression #MentalHealth #RareDisease #Love #Family #Friends #NoJudgment #Kindness #Selfcare #checkonyourneighbours #Chatspace #neighbours #Doctors

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Good Morning #NeverStopDreaming #CheckInWithMe

Happy Monday Morning Mighty Family

I hope you all had a fabulous Weekend and enjoyed your July 4th Celebrations

I even listened to a few fireworks go off in my quiet Village about 11pm🕚 on july 4th lasted 5 minutes.
My pups didn't even wake up. 🐶🐕🐾🤨❤
The just carried on snoring 😴
I spent most of the day in bed, feeling the effects of my arthritis and especially hip pain.

But yesterday I did manage to go outside and tidy the garden a bit more . Only to be stopped by my new neighbours.
Told off.😂😡 literally told off.
I was sent to sit down. They came in and finished the grass and cutting the edges.
My hips and back were in agony my face must show far more than I thought.
Fully told off I sat and watched and chatted.
🤨 love my community, my neighbours, my newest neighbours a Thankyou.

I am on my sofa today.

Netflix coffee TV remote pups cats that's me set for the day. Check.

Oh Happy Birthday Lou 🎈🎈🎈🎊🎉🎁 for Saturday ❤
Happy Birthday to my Daughter-in-law Gemma Today ❤

What did you do this weekend or not do.
Did things go to plan or were you told to sit down like i was.
Tell me all.
Love n hugs Tj
❤🥰🐶🐕🐾🤗😘🌷🌞💪🏵💮🌷💐🦠🤗😘🎈🎊🎉🎁❤ #Hope #Love #Hugs #ChronicPain #ChronicFatigue #ChronicIllness #RareDiseases #Family #Friends #Anxiety #DepressionAndMentalHealth #PsoriaticArthritis #TrigeminalNeuralgia #ClusterHeadaches #GlossopharyngealNeuralgia #Chronicpainwarrior #check #neighbours #NeverAlone #Selfcare

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Sundays cake #neighbours #Friends #VictoriaSponge

Today's little Cake I made for my neighbour

Not so little 😅

The reason there is icing piped onto the top is to hide the slight
Mishap that it collapsed in the middle.
Why I have no idea.

But I did count wrong and put one to many eggs in it.

Didnt drink enough coffee before making it this morning ☕☕☕☕
Must wake up more before baking next time.

What you guys been up too!??
Any mishaps like mine.

I'm now collapses on sofa by the way with puppies but I do want more coffee ☕🤔😅
So do need to move oh
And tidy kitchen up. Looks
Like monkeys have been in it. 🐒🐵 playing .
Brighten my day
And tell me what you are up to
While I recoup my energy
Love n hugs Tj 🤗💞😘😋😋☕☕🍰🐕🐈🐱🐶🐾 #Cake #coffee #Fun #Talking #baking #Weekends #Kitchendisaterszones #baking #Bakingfun #Chatspace #Ventortalk #SpaceForYou

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Cooking Distraction #NoElectric #distraction

So the builders today where I live thought it was a great idea to start work exactly where an electric cable was. Boom no power for 5 hours. No one was hurts. The Power company had to come out and fix it.

So what could I bake without using my electric mixer?! My arthritic hands can't stir or mix without it and but have a gas stove and oven.

Mmmmm so Flapjacks an oaty goodness crunchy yet chewy plain or not. Sweet and yummy.
So chocolate flapjacks with mixed fruit and two mashed up bananas.

Because I live on a Mobile Home Park. I always make loads more than I need, I have three little ones living next to me so I made some plain ones for them too. #MightyMoments . They rest are more for adults so I added a dash of Baileys to it. Just before I popped it in the oven.

I now have cut it up and my neighbours have picked it up and it's been eaten no doubt already.
I do so like being useful while I'm stuck at home. My neighbours are shopping for me, walking my dogs, taking away my rubbish/trash, picking up my post and parcels and checking in on me daily.
This is my way of giving a little bit back. 🎂🍪🍩🍰🧁🥧
#checkonyourneighbours #Bekind #Arthritis #baking #Cooking #Flapjacks #neighbours #Bekindtoyourself #Love #Hugs #Selflove #Lovethyneighbour #Family #RareDisease #lovingkindess

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Neighbour delivery So I can make more scone and bread

❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤My neighbour delivered more flour without me asking her too. She is an essential worker. How kind how thoughtful.
We need more of this in our world right now. It's happening right now. ❤❤❤❤❤
What's your #MightyMoment

#Hope #Love #Bekind #neighbours #Selflove #baking #COVID19 #MightyTogether #Inittogother #RareDisease #TrigeminalNeuralgia #SphincterOfOddiDysfunction #Anxiety #MightyTogether #checkonyourneighbours #sendingoutmybaking