I’m type 2 diabetic - I was diagnosed in 2019, on my birthday. The nurse that I spoke to gave me the impression that I could CURE it. That one day, if I worked hard enough, I wouldn’t be diabetic anymore. I wouldn’t have to constantly watch what I’m eating and drinking like a hawk. I kept thinking that for about a year, until a different nurse told me the cold, hard truth. I will always be diabetic, and I will always be fighting to keep control over my sucky pancreas. (Yes - I’m bitter about it).
For 2020, I managed to get my diabetes in remission and I was so fricking happy.
But, I had a reeeally rough time last year (2021). I was completely unable to exercise for months on end and I hated it. My HBA1C started steadily climbing upwards despite cutting down carbs and avoiding sweet stuff. Then, at the beginning of THIS year, I started going for 45-60minute SLOW walks with my sister and baby nephew once a week. My numbers began going down. I’m not in remission yet, but I plan to be.
And recently, I’ve been struggling a fair bit with my mental health and the urge to binge eat has been seriously strong. I really really want a slice of chocolate fudge cake from my favourite bakery. But my problem is that I can never stick to having just the one.
So, at the beginning of this week I decided to buy a packet of my favourite biscuits - Hobnobs! It’s just an oaty biscuit, but I love them. Each biscuit is 3g of sugar, so I’ve been allowing myself two or three a day. I haven’t pigged out, I’ve been sticking with it and I’m really proud of my restraint.
I could really do with a pat on the back right now. This is such hard work. No one told me it would be this hard.
#chronicillnesswarrior #ChronicPain #Diabetes #Type2Diabetes #POTS #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #AutonomicDysfunction #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #InterstitialCystitis #Migraines #BPD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Depression #Anxiety #BingeEating #Food