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Day Off: why #Anxiety ?

Today my schedule is open, like, this is NOT the norm. However, I woke with a drive to GET GOING! So, whilst half asleep, I started the chore of making myself ready to make something happen! But as I briefly sat to fashion myself, I had a thought telling me to take seven deep breaths.

Upon the completion of this slowing down instruction, I returned to my room, sat still, and told the Lord, “I am actually tired, really tired.” #honesty to God and self can move mountains. I therefore returned to bed and started reading and studying a wonderful Bible verse. Once that was complete, I viewed my weather app: 90 degrees heat wave. Mind you, I was heading outdoors to work in an open field.

Did the Lord part a sea for me, this morning? Did the Lord protect his child from the heat today? Did the Lord intervene by stopping me from making myself habitually busy? Did the Lord let me know that this day is reserved for me to enjoy his divinely gifted day off? So I say, #Depression #Anxiety and #Guilt , you can leave, for #busyness can take a backseat—until tomorrow—because this day is reserved for stillness by my Heavenly Father!

Yes, to you, #TheMighty #Christian , we can be #christ like and sleep on a wind-blown and tossed about boat, especially in the midst of the storm(s) called #Life . How? Well, we can take heed to obey Jesus’s words inviting us to “abide in Him” and “follow Me.” And that I will do!

Today’s Agenda:
I am heading to the back of the boat because it is time for me to take a nap!

#rest IS #stregnth !😁
#peace not #PTSD !

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Elephant in the room #3 : Masks #Depression #Anxiety #honesty #Relationships #PTSD #MentalHealth

Perhaps you can relate to this. You are in the car on the way to church and you can cut the air with a knife. Words have been exchanged that morning. Tension is palpable.

Yet when you get out of the car at church it’s all happy smiles. I hate masks. I detest the pressure to portray something that isn’t real.

When I first started in the ministry we were taught to hide our human failings and to never let people see us struggling. The thinking was that we had to be a positive example to others. This thinking was at best misguided and at worst downright dangerous.

If people think the church leadership is close to living perfect lives they will be reluctant to open up about their struggles and feel they are a second rate Christian because of those challenges

Many years ago I disclosed from the pulpit my battles with mental illness and have maintained a high degree of transparency since then. Some Pastors are shocked I would do that because it shatters the “mystique” centred around us. I say let it shatter.

By removing our masks we invite others to do the same and get the support they need in a non judgmental way, just the way Jesus did. God doesn’t rub our noses in our sin, He rubs our sin away.

Are you comfortable being transparent?

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Telling someone you love them, even if you know they don’t feel the same way? OPINIONS?

I was just wondering what your thoughts are on telling someone you love them, even if you know the feeling isn’t mutual? There is a man I love…we’ve been friends for a while, and slipped into a situationship a couple of years ago, but it has been mostly platonic for the last year or so. He’s been hot and cold over the years, but has always kept me at arms length. His reasoning is the age difference, and he’s said he doesn’t feel that way towards me. Even though it’s definitely seems he has at times, he’s verbalized that he doesn’t. I however DO love him and have strong feelings for him. Do I tell him I love him? Not in hopes that he’ll love me too necessarily, but because I feel like I need to? Is it wrong to him if I put him in that position? Or should I not worry about that and speak my truth? I’m scared, but feel like I need to tell him how I feel. Life is short. Even if he doesn’t feel the same way, at least I shared how I feel. I’m curious everyone’s thoughts and opinions on this? #Love #Anxiety #heartbreak #Opinion #Truth #help #MentalHealth #SpeakmyTruth #honesty

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Fake accounts#CPTSD #honesty

I have noticed a very large number of fake profiles recently.No writings.No history.Fake people trolling and bating vulnerable people for fun.it is obvious when an account is fake on here. Unnecessary and sick to be completely honest.I do not respond.People use the sight for support.Not to be questioned,mocked or ridiculed.I have found myself filtering my writing...should beable to express without looking over ones shoulder on a site like this.

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Honesty could lead to me taking my life

I had a very bad mental health break down at home. I lashed out and broke down in front of my brother multiple times today. I obviously need a lot more help mentally

I wanted to tell my dad about everythign tonight but I fear his response could lead to me wanting to take my life

#help #Suicide #honesty


Afraid of judgment by therapisf

I see a clinical psychologist about once a month, and lately I’ve been feeling like she judges me.

I’m going to be honest…I believe I am imagining it out of guilt for my shortcomings and issues.

But it is affecting how honest I am with her. I know…I know in my heart of hearts, and with my whole brain that honesty is the most important thing when dealing with my mental health team.

My husband says I should bring it up with her. But then I worry about her judging me for my paranoia…

Where does it end?

Have you ever been in a position like this? How did you handle it? #BipolarDisorder #Therapy #Judgment #honesty

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Weekly sharing (7)

Hello Mind Conquerors!

Like i would like to do every friday, i will repropose this initiative, these are the concepts:

- Sharing how you are feeling in this moment

- Activating notifications on this post

- Reading comments as they are being made, and replying to those to which you can relate to, either with practical advices or kind words :)

If you want to, feel free to give any suggestion to change or improve this post!

The idea is to make us talk with each other in a form that look like a community chat, to stimulate communication and give life to interesting conversations!

If you don't want to comment or reply, don't feel like you have to!

You may just read or skip without any problem, as you please 😊

Thanks to everyone who spent time reading this post :)

#Weeklysharing #conqueryourmind #feelings

#MentalHealth #Suicide #Anxiety #BipolarDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Addiction #dissociativedisorders #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder

#ADHD #Fibromyalgia #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #PTSD #Cancer #rarediseas #Disability #Autism #Diabetes #EatingDisorders #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #RheumatoidArthritis #Schizophrenia #Abuse

#Happiness #Sadness #freedom #Fear #enjoy #anger #calm #disgust #Pride #neutrality #peace #Stress

#honesty #Openess #dark #light


Honesty, Truth, Authenticity, Acceptance

Sometimes there will be a theme that comes up for me throughout a period of time. Today's recurring theme has been Truth.

The day began with providing my partner with some peer support. They needed reminding of the Truth of how things are, and to be reminded of the Truth of who they are. We discussed radical acceptance and living authentically.

After lunch, I had a workshop on the Seven Sacred Teachings offered to us by indigenous peoples across the continent. Today's teaching was honesty, to others, to ourselves, in relation to reality, and in relation to our spiritual path and guides. Speaking and living and acting in Truth.

Before dinner, I chose to watch a nostalgic kid's movie about an important car race. One of the characters meditates on desert hill between races, seeking guidance from his ancestors. He receives a vision, an elder who speaks to him and warns him of a danger in his path. The man believes this danger to be a physical threat and continues with caution. After the next race, he goes to meditate and the elder comes to him again. When he asks the elder what the danger was, the elder replied, "The greatest danger of all is to see only what you want to see, and not what is true."

Does this theme of honesty and truth resonate for anyone else today?

And does this ever happen to you? Do you recieve thematic lessons from the universe, etc?

#MentalHealth #Spirituality #Truth #honesty #RadicalAcceptance #authenticity

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