Elephant in the room #3 : Masks #Depression #Anxiety #honesty #Relationships #PTSD #MentalHealth
Perhaps you can relate to this. You are in the car on the way to church and you can cut the air with a knife. Words have been exchanged that morning. Tension is palpable.
Yet when you get out of the car at church it’s all happy smiles. I hate masks. I detest the pressure to portray something that isn’t real.
When I first started in the ministry we were taught to hide our human failings and to never let people see us struggling. The thinking was that we had to be a positive example to others. This thinking was at best misguided and at worst downright dangerous.
If people think the church leadership is close to living perfect lives they will be reluctant to open up about their struggles and feel they are a second rate Christian because of those challenges
Many years ago I disclosed from the pulpit my battles with mental illness and have maintained a high degree of transparency since then. Some Pastors are shocked I would do that because it shatters the “mystique” centred around us. I say let it shatter.
By removing our masks we invite others to do the same and get the support they need in a non judgmental way, just the way Jesus did. God doesn’t rub our noses in our sin, He rubs our sin away.
Are you comfortable being transparent?