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Blind Spot


•I’m doing more....vulnerable art again here lately. When I get a “deep” or meaningful thought, I’m making a habit of writing it down in my Procreate app (that I draw in) with the intention of turning it into art later. There’s more freedom to make mistakes with digital art, so I’m finding it to be a great way to get out these thoughts and create a beautiful, meaningful drawing in the process.

•These drawings mostly stem from the consistent, repetitive thoughts I have. Whether they’re positive or negative. So when I create an artwork based on those thoughts, it also paints a picture in my head of that thought. This gives me more power over the thought(s), instead of just letting them roam around in my head creating more fog, sadness, and confusion.

•This drawing is a personal one I did a few weeks ago. These are consistent thoughts I have almost daily. I made a joke to my husband that I actually feel like I exist in a bind spot, invisible to almost everything and everyone. It was a joke but...it stuck with me. I’ve always tried to be honest in my art. I also want to show the light and dark parts of life. I love colorful, happy art but I can’t and probably never will be an artist who creates “be positive” art. Besides, you can’t appreciate the positives without suffering through some negative shit. I’ve come a long way with my mental health but it’s a struggle every single day to not let myself drown in the Darkness. That’s also what this drawing represents. The color I’ve created in my world only means so much to me because I know how horrible the other side is. I can, you can, find a way to exist in this world by balancing the light and dark. You can be resilient and strong af but still have a shitty day where you feel like the world is against you.

•It can’t rain all the time.

#mightyartist #Art #Drawing #Depression

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Snowy Good Night

This was created with my momma in mind. This is the third and final piece created in my studio today. 3 finished pieces is unheard of. Hiper focus was fabulous !! Thinking the full Moon 🌕 is at play here. What ever the reason it’s time to clean up and say good night. Till tomorrow. Be well mighty friends. #ADHD #mightyartist #MightyTogether #Insomnia #Depression

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Helpful Positive Activities!

As the heavy stuff of life hits the fan I find positive activities to ground me.

I have to.

I'm so scared about giving my video statement to the police about the horrific things I saw/ lived through as a child.
Yes I am scared. But I also feel empowered, I am doing all I can to save the lives and souls of children.
To stop them is to save children I'll never meet.. always praying that get each little one gets safety, protection and innocence in ways I never did!

Im finding the only way to control my brain from running through every flashback-flim I have to keep my mind active 24/7 yet can only seem to focus for minutes at a time..
This form of diagram seem much easier for me than any other kind of gratitude list or spider diagram.
They are also really visually effective, which means you feel a sense of achievement when you have finished one.

Positive practice is the Only way I've managed to cope over the years..

What is one tip, tool or technic that help you stay positive???

#MightyTogether #copingskills #Depression #Mania #PTSD #mightyartist #artheals #positivematras #positive #Selfcare #positiveoutlook #CPTSD #MightyQuestions #Survivor #warrior

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Favorite #HolidayMeals ? What’s you favorite dish?

This year’s Holidays will be much different for many of us. While we may be missing family and friends we can still enjoy the comforts of some good home cookin. Soul food!! 🤤 🦃
What will you be cooking? We’ve got a turkey in the brine now, stuffing is prepped, starting on apps and sides. We’re having potatos 2 ways, glazed carrots, roasted squash, fresh veggies, jello bowls, scalloped corn, fresh bread, 3 kinds of pie, and ice cream....for our family of 6. Maybe that’s a lot.....my hubby and I are having a cooking contest for the kids. Keep it fun and interesting so we’re not missing Grandparents and everyone else to much. #WarmWishes #Depression #2020 #mightyartist

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Working Progress #mightyartist #Depression #Anxiety #Autism

I’m keeping myself busy painting, it’s coming together in the last day or so 🙂. I paint to keep my mind distracted. To keep me present in the here and now. 🐾🎨🐶

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Rainbow Inspired 🌈🌈🌈

So I normally stick to paint but fancied a change. Over the past few days I created my rainbow inspired colouring. Like painting, colouring has helped my mental health by providing a distraction. It helps to keep me present so I stop overthinking and catastrophising for a short period of time during my day. I’ve enjoyed using bright, vibrant colours. #Depression #Anxiety #Autism #mightyartist

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My Latest Painting! #mightyartist

Painting really helps my mental health, it stops me from overthinking and gives me a focus. I was asked by my church to paint some images of Jesus and I’m loving it!

My latest painting is of Jesus at the last supper. He’s holding the wine and the bread is on the table, the jug in foreground was done to create a nice composition. I’ve titled it ‘In Remembrance of Me’.

I said I would keep sharing my artwork for you guys to see. I’ve already started my next piece too so watch this space. 🙂
#Anxiety #Depression #Autism