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3 days in a row #Cleaning #proud

Yes! Three days in a row I managed it to clean the kitchen after every meal with my family! It is so hard but I am proud!

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Welcome to #november 2023

Hey Friends. How are you today?

I am at work at the moment and I'm about to head home soon. However, I wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you. I #Care about you, too. I know that this group is not as large as many others, but I just want you to know that this is a place where you can #Talk and say #Whatever your heart needs to say. Just remember to be loving and kind when you say it.

Sometimes we #struggle to deal with things like #Anxiety disorders, or #panic disorders. For me, I have both. These types of things hit me at night when I least expect it. I want things to get better for my job life, and I feel like it will help me with my #Anxiety and make it so that I feel more #proud of myself or that I can #accomplish something. #MentalHealth is so important to keep on the front of my mind when it comes to working. One of the major things I hope to do in the near future is have my own business, but I need the help, the love, and support of those around me in order for me to do what it is that I need to do and function.

Lets #Pray that tonight I do not have to deal with an #AnxietyAttack and that I can #Sleep peacefully. Please share your thoughts with me!

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I am proud of you! #proud #Positvity

I saw this in my photos and it made me think about a lot of people whose stories I’ve read. I know it is very hard to pull yourself out of a dark place. I know I have trouble. I want you to know you’re not alone and I’m proud that you do it when you can.


Saw my friend graduating

So in my new job working in events management i get to see all sorts of events going on from concerts to meetings to sports and today we had university graduations and i got to see one of my mates from church in his robe and cap. I may not have gotten to see him walk the stage but i felt so happy for the bro lining up to go in was so cool to see. I didnt make it to my best friends graduation because I couldn’t afford to travel but this felt so cool and just makes me even more thankful for this job. #Events #Graduation #proud #GodisGood #thankful

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Be #proud of yourself.

Do something that makes you feel proud today.
That could simply be the fact you've had the energy to brush your teeth and that's good enough.

Little things are hard to do when you love with a #ChronicIllness so be proud of those little things you accomplish.

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Saved for New Tablet #proud #tablet

My tablet broke a few months ago, one of our cats knocked it down and bent the shit out of it, luckily, had some money saved cause I was already planning on buying a small one, I ended up getting one the same size as the old one, but I went with a Samsung Galaxy Tab A7.

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#CheerMeOn Letting it out

I had a good cry with one of my parents tonight (well I cried, they listened). It felt good to be vulnerable and open; it also felt good to just allow tears to flow instead of holding it all in and ultimately having it expressed or taken out on myself in less healthy ways. I am #coping and I am #proud !

How do you cope and/or express your emotions? For me talking it out helps and like I said, sometimes you need a good cry! I also enjoy writing and art as a release too. #creativewriter

#Trauma #PTSD #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #MentalHealth #Depression #BipolarDisorder #Bipolar1Disorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Autism #LearningDisabilities #Dyscalculia #SensoryProcessingDisorder #ADHD #Anxiety


#upfornoreason #DepressionAndMentalHealth #SuicidalIdeation

It's 3:00am here, so yesterday morning I woke up went to my seaking safety class, talked to my #AddictionRecovery specialist, and the #HealthNurse . "As you might think I'm an attention seaker" Ha I wish,my life is a F* mess. Well I finally opened up and let know what all I was going through & how I felt about #DependentPersonalityDisorder . They all told me they was #proud of the #progress I was making. Well apparently I'm not allowed to #haveagoodday . Well little later I have go get my license and insurance card I forgot. 1st The Dr decided close early 2nd My car wouldn't start I even tried getting a jump, no luck. 3rd Husband in #jail for #DomesticViolence on me. I let him know what all happened. So he starts going off on me yelling, cussing me out, telling me how F* stupid I was and how I always do stuff to make him mad. "Like ya I wanted to get stranded in the hot weather" so here I am awake from #Stress #Worried wish I could just sleep. "Not trying to OD" but I've taken 3 of my 400mg of #serequel I'm just so over this I'm just praying I'd pass out and #notwakeup I'm sorry #justventing #DepressiveDisorders #LifeProblems #Readytogiveup