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Little Victories

I’m actually pretty pleased with myself today.

This morning I went and had my flu and Covid vaccines done. Then I came home and I changed my sheets and bedding, followed by a lovely hot shower, and then I wrote two pages of my novel after being stuck with writer’s block for ages. I’m a little sore after all the movement, but I got through it. All over and done with now - I can rest. 😌😴

My GP is always telling me that I should celebrate every victory - even the itty bitty ones. I’ve made myself a lovely hot chocolate with a dash of Bailey’s Original as a treat, and I’m huddled up with my fluffy hoodie on now, all cosy like.

#chronicillnesswarrior #ChronicPain #POTS #AutonomicDysfunction #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #EDS #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Jointpain #jointhypermobility #InterstitialCystitis #BladderPain #Diabetes #NAFLD #LiverDisease #BPD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Depression #Migraines #sciatica #BackPain #littlevictories

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Definitely my feelings #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #catheterlife #MentalHealthAwareness #mentalhealthmatters #MentalHealth

Ive not been on here in a while .Since march I have long term catheterised which has caused so many issues,non stop hospital stays which along the way now dealing with other problems.Mentally I am so drained I feel miserable that I'm not who I was 9 months ago,I can barely do anything.ive become basically house bound and most days the pain stops me even doing simple daily tasks.i feel like such a failure as a mum and as me in general .I hate seeing myself in the mirror now with cathter, more scars from the skin cancer biopsies,having to use walking aid due to the spinal issues & pain I just hate what I see and what i am now.But I'm so fed up feeling this way and I try so hard but each day between pain and everything going on my aims to try and feel better seem to just completely become non existent.....

I hope everyone is well ♥️
#ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #BladderPain #BladderProblems #catheterlife #Endometriosis #MentalHealth #MentalHealthAwareness #mentalhealthmatters #Anxiety #Depression #biopsies #SkinCancer #CheckInWithMe #MentalHealth #AloneTogether #loveyourself #Selfcare #Melanoma #Bekind #loveyourself

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Since you all loved the photo of him the other day… I present - Loki being cute.

As I said, you all loved my beautiful Loki the other day. Today, he’s been curling up around my feet cus my blanket was too warm for him. I’m feeling much better today - the antibiotics have done their job, as have the heavy painkillers.

Thank you all for wishing me well. I hope you all have a fantastic and easy week ahead of you!

#chronicillnesswarrior #POTS #EDS #NAFLD #LiverDisease #Diabetes #Migraines #InterstitialCystitis #ic #bladderdisease #BladderPain #ChronicPain #Kidneyinfection

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Animal Intuition - He Knows.

So, I’m in the middle of an Interstitial Cystitis flare and possible kidney infection and I’ve been in so much pain with it and I’ve been utterly miserable. Mostly just curled up on my bed with a heat pad on my bladder area.

Loki has been the sweetest kitten/cat. Whenever I’m unwell he does tend to stay close to me. But earlier while I was half laying down, he just shuffled up to me, and laid right across my lower belly, nuzzling me and every so gently padding at my belly. He has completely melted my heart. He’s been doing it all morning. If I get up to get a drink or use the bathroom, he sits and waits and then when I’m back, he comes back and lies across my belly. 🥹

I love him so much.

#chronicillnesswarrior #ChronicPain #InterstitialCystitis #BladderPain #POTS #EDS #NAFLD #LiverDisease #Diabetes #Migraines #BPD #Depression #Anxiety

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A smile can hide many things .... #MentalHealth #mentalhealthmatters #Anxiety #ChronicDepression #Depression #Selfcare #Parenting

Just because someone is smiling doesn't mean they're FINE .Just because someone you see that is unwell or has been dealing with any physical or mental health issues is smiling doesn't meant they're BETTER .It doesn't mean they're OK now or that they're not in pain .Usually alot of the time it's because they are used to dealing with their struggles and pain and are just trying to put on a smile and get on with it .You never know how much someone is really struggling so don't judge them .Don't just assume or make comments to them about their health being better or because they don't look sick if they're smiling or have managed to get dressed or go out .You've no idea how much it's taken them to even do that ....
And you never know just how much someone need syour kindness today ♥️


#MentalHealth #MentalHealthAwareness #mentalhealthmatters #Anxiety #Depression #Selfcare #Melanoma #SkinCancer #Insomnia #longcovid #COVID19 #PTSD #Upallnight #CheckInWithMe #Bekind #loveyourself #GeneralParenting #Parenting #MomGuilt #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #BladderPain #BladderProblems #bladder #Endometriosis #AloneTogether

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This is a question for anybody that has urinary issues… This might be a bit TMI so I’ll explain it all below in the main body of text.

I live with my mum as she’s my carer these days. Because she has issues with her back, she doesn’t clean the house very often. I try and manage what I can, but usually it comes down to her. The house isn’t exactly a pig-sty but it’s definitely not clean and tidy either. The stairs and walls have marks all over them from spills, or people with dirty hands touching things. There are sometimes bin (trash) bags on the upstairs landing from when we’ve tidied up a bit and need to take the rubbish outside.

Onto the bathroom… As I said - I help when I can. But usually it’s mum that does it. And it isn’t done very often. Because of this, inside the toilet at the very bottom off the bowl (where it flushes away) is covered in this awful grey/green/black grime. And there’s often a bit of a weird smell. I usually give the bathroom a bit of a spray with air freshener, especially when we have company.

Most people don’t say anything, but when people (usually other family members) DO mention the state of the toilet… Mum throws me under the bus. She will sit there and tell whoever asks that it’s entirely my fault. That my bladder issues make my urine do strange things inside the toilet. Like growing that grime and dirtying it up. And that that is responsible for the bad smell.

And it’s really starting to upset me. I don’t think it’s my fault. At least, I really hope it isn’t. But the way she says these things just really embarrasses me. So, I guess my question is… Does anyone else have this issue? That your toilet is all grimey and gross because of their pee? Or is this all just a load of crap that she’s made up, and it has nothing to do with me?

#chronicillnesswarrior #ChronicPain #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #InterstitialCystitis #NAFLD #LiverDisease #Diabetes #BladderPain #BladderIncontinence #Advice

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I feel weird...

So, I have quite a few chronic health conditions, but the two that give me the most pain are Ehler's Danlos Syndrome and Interstitial Cystitis.

As a result of this, I live in pain every day of my life. But I have good days and bad days. I have flares.

Today, strangely, is a very good pain day. It's nowhere near as far as it usually is. If I were to put it on a scale with one being the lowest and ten being the absolute worst... I'd give it a 3. On the average day, I tend to be around 5 or 6. So being feeling like a 3 is... Weird.

I'm so used to the level of pain I'm usually at. But today I feel so strange. It feels like something isn't quite right and it honestly makes me feel very nervous. And I have no idea why. I feel ridiculous.

Does anyone else feel like this when their pain is better than usual? I feel like an idiot.

#chronicillnesswarrior #ChronicPain #POTS #EDS #EhlersDanlos #posturalorthostatictachycardia #InterstitialCystitis #BladderPain #Jointpain #IBS #cramps #NAFLD #LiverDisease #Depression #Anxiety #BPD #Weird

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Good news! (And a rant).

Hey, everyone. How was your Christmas? Mine was pretty awful, honestly. I'll try and explain it as best as I can.

Around 4 years ago, my mum was talking to my big sister (her name is Dawn), and she told her about my health conditions/problems. Dawn then proceeded to accuse me of faking my health issues. Despite the many scans and test results clearly showing they are real. And then, shortly afterwards, she said that any gifts or presents I buy for people for birthdays/christmas (and everything else) are worthless because the money comes from a 'government handout' (disability benefits). After learning this, I refused to talk to her unless she apologises. So, we didn't talk for several years.

My little sister (Jess) gave birth to my nephew in 2021, and I love him very much. Since Dawn doesn't live near us, she was only able to visit this passed Christmas, and she stayed at Jess's house for two weeks.

Originally, before Dawn announced she would be coming, the whole family was going to go to Jess's house for Christmas dinner and whatnot... But once she booked her tickets and everything, Jess said that I wasn't allowed to go to the event. I wasn't allowed to spend time with the whole family. Which REALLY upset me. So much so, that I seriously comfort-ate for a couple of weeks. I was binge-eating whatever I could get my hands on. And I spent the entire of Christmas day curled up in bed watching stuff on my laptop. It was my first Christmas alone and I hated it.

Anyway, that leads up to the good news. I was really expecting my diabetes to be so much worse, and I was expecting to have put on a lot of weight. So, I reluctantly went for my weight and diabetes check last week. After they recorded my weight, they told me that since last July, I've lost 20lbs! And my HBA1C blood test came back yesterday - it's not worse! In July it was 63, and as of yesterday, it was 62. Admittedly, it's not much progress, but considering I was expecting it to be a disaster, I feel pretty good.

Anyway - I'm sorry for this rant, I guess. I just needed to get it out. Thank you for getting this far, though. Have a great day!

#chronicillnesswarrior #chronichealth #ChronicPain #POTS #POTSUK #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #EDS #NAFLD #InterstitialCystitis #BladderPain #BPD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Familydrama #Depression #PTSD #Migraines #Diabetes #diabetic #WeightLoss

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New Year's Resolutions

Every year, I always set myself difficult NYRs that I never manage to fulfil for some reason or another. It's usually something like losing 35kg/80lbs off my weight within months, but I never do it.

So, this year I've set myself two relatively simple ones that I think I'll be able to achieve by the end of the year, as long as I keep reminding myself. Hell, I might write them on my white board that's in my room so I never forget.

Number one: To learn to accept and respect my limits with regards to my physical health.

Number two: To know my worth and never settle for anything less.

What ones have you set?

Happy New Year, my lovelies!

#chronicillnesswarrior #ChronicPain #POTS #posturalorthostatictachycardia #EDS #EhlersDanlos #NAFLD #InterstitialCystitis #BladderPain #Diabetes #Migraines #Depression #BPD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #newyearsresolution #nyr #Happynewyear #goals

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