It's been 4 months since my boss demoted me, cut my pay, and created a new position That I now report to and promoted one of my colleagues to that new position. In a conversation about it she made an offhand remark:
"Some people are just more resilient."
I don't know why that one statement has such with me, bothers me so much. I pretty sure she was implying that I'm not resilient. She knows about my physical and mental health issues, about the sexual assault trauma I've experienced, but I don't think she understands.
Synonyms for #resilient include #strong #tough #bouyant and #irrepressible . I think the fact that I keep going despite what I've been through proves I'm all of those things.
What about you? Has anyone who has no real clue what you've been through accuse you of not being resilient enough? Don't listen to them. I believe you are!
#Depression #PTSD #Trauma #Fibromyalgia #resiliency #encouragement