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Transformative Journey: My Autobiography’s Opening Sentence

Despite her struggles, and worries, Nicole morphed into a butterfly, full of hope, and new beginnings. This is the opening sentence I would use for my autobiography. It captures every aspect of my journey that led me to self-discovery. it is a clear message that I’m trying to convey.

It has taken me a long time to feel comfortable in my own skin. I would constantly burrow deep within myself, hiding others and my environment. Much like that of a caterpillar creating its cocoon. There I lie dormant, waiting patiently for the release I’ve been longing for. I grew tired of waiting around for something to happen. Like a magical fairy coming to sprinkle pixie dust to make all of my worries disappear. That just simply isn’t realistic. I had to search for that the inner strength and courage to break free.

For years, I felt like I was living in a world that didn’t quite make me feel acceptance. I struggled with my mental health, often feeling lost, misunderstood, and invisible. I was always a step behind. I tried to catch up but never quite reached where I was supposed to be. I wore a mask, pretending to be okay while battling an internal storm that few could see.

I was diagnosed with a few mental health disorders such as ADHD and Autism. Only then did things finally fall into place for me. The weight I had been carrying for all those years began to lift. I wasn’t broken like I had thought. I was just wired differently. Understanding myself became the key to unlocking a new world. One that was filled with hope, desire, and self-acceptance.#

Like a caterpillar trapped in its cocoon, I had to endure the darkness before I find my way out. It certainly wasn’t an easy process, but there were moments when I thought I’d never emerge. I was slumped into a deep dark depression, and I felt worthless, useless, and minute compared to others. But through self-discovery, therapy, and learning to embrace my true self, I slowly began to spread my wings.

Now, I no longer see my mental health struggles as something that holds me back. They are an integral part of me, but they do not define me. I’m a uniquely perfect in everyday, and It took courage to realize this about myself. I have transformed into someone who is not just surviving but thriving. I have found my purpose in advocating for mental health, sharing my story, and helping others feel less alone.

Life is still a journey. A roller-coaster full of ups and downs, twists and turns, and sometimes stuck in a loop. However, I move forward with hope and courage. My heart is open and vulnerable to new tasks and adventures. I have finally become the butterfly I was always meant to be.

If you ever felt lost, you know that your wings are waiting for you too. It surely takes time. When you’re ready to fight, you will break through the barriers of that cocoon. Then you’ll see just how beautiful the world can be.

#MentalHealth #transformation #Butterfly

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Pain That knows

#Depression #Anxiety #GenderDysphoria #MentalHealth #transformation #rebirth #Rise

A long time ago in a far far far far distance from where we are today there was this person who was neither alive more dead. This person never felt the same nave felt included or connected with the people around them. This person would do what is expected and would put on that smile wear that hat 🎩 or that hat 🧢 well maybe that hat 👒 so as to blend or fit in until the time when IT was time to move on and try again. The emotional damage built over time IT really did. So much so that the person #disassociated #DID or as the person who explains #Dis #Divergent #Identity #Spectrum . The person didn’t feel real lived in #Autopilot mode and #DID what was expected of them. #Numbess #hurt #Pain #sorrow #Loneliness #Sadness #abandonment and yes #homelessness .

#transformation from a spiritual perspective and a physical perspective is a profound experience that changes your perception. When you have read the bible searched through Google and endured countless hours of counseling you realize #It . IT is what IT is isn’t IT. #please choose you. #please choose your present. #please choose your path. When you do not choose #you to be who you are others do.

#Transition ended the cycle.

This person sacrificed their life so that a new life could be! Now #free in #2023 this person has hope and a life that is full of love in so many different ways. The love this person has is #Selflove #SelfIdenty #Selfcare and yes #SpiritualLove .

No longer dose the person stare in the mirror 🪞 trying to see someone else. No now the person sees someone who is actually looking back at them. That person smiles! That person is happy! That person dose what makes them an individual!

We are all different and we all are special in so many ways so please 🙏 know there are better days!

#yournotalone #YourWorthy #yourlifematters

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I Finished A (Big) Accomplishment Today

Disclaimer: This thought contains themes that may trigger you.

Although this might sound like an easy task to carry out, I have been struggling to find out how to carry myself forward. Every single day, I have been feel nothing but dread and lethargy to such extent that bringing trash downstairs takes a lots of balls and hours of anxiety-driven planning before I could get it done.

Days turned weeks, the anxiety has become more unbearable that I had no choice but to do something about it. Today is the unfortunate day when things turned upside down. In other words, everything I have written and posted today are events that happened not too long ago.

With almost 10 years in the freelance writing business, one could imagine that I am this kind of person who is an expert and ideal for business success. While that was how it seemed from the surface, what’s beneath was far from reality.

I was rotting inside. My soul was crushing and dying. Physically, I became a fan of self-inflicted bruises and wounds. Mentally, I was not able to think for myself right to such a point where choosing the most basic of things took a lot of time and effort. Overall, I wasn’t okay.

Years forward, I am still working on my new chapter of my life. The urge of self-inflicting damages has been gone, as well as the loud scream of my bulimic tendencies has been whispered.


Since 2 months ago, writing a book has been helping me out in my journey. It has been years since I’ve started this self-improvement journey through writing.

How about you? What keeps you going?

#Writing #recover #transformation #writingformentalhealth #Selfcare

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Chances are you've found this to be true as well as I have...

Radical transformation is a bitch but it's totally worth the time and effort. Perhaps the hardest part for me is being patient with myself and trying to appreciate that the little steps I take, some of which I will accomplish, eventually add up to a lot.

#silentsons #PTSD #EmotionalAbuse #Childhoodtrauma #adultsurvivorsofemotionalabuse #transformation

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It Feels Like a Good Day for a Transformation Thursday!

What is one area in your life that you’d like to prioritize/improve to benefit your overall mental health?

What are some practical steps that you think you could take to make this change occur?

Share in the comments below!

#MentalHealth #mentalhealthwarriors #MentalHealthAwareness #CopingTips #Anxiety #Depression #PTSD #transformation #BeTheChange #YoungAdults &MentalHealth

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How do you cure a wandering mind?

When I am drained from a wandering mind, I push myself to go out for a run. Everything starts to look vivid. I see color. I feel the warm embrace of the sun and the air that flows through me. I can hear a soft voice whispering, and that is when I am reminded to stop and smell the flowers. #Anxiety #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #ADHD #MentalHealth #mindbodyspirit #transformation

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I feel..

Sometimes, I struggle with being “the embarrassment”. Holding the titles as the unemployed, unestablished, dependent, divorcing, formerly institutionalized child, the “mistake” of a wife, and the uncool but usable friend kills ones my self-esteem. Is this what people I love or once loved perceive me as?

Life, the people encountered throughout life, and life’s experiences can pierce your heart but don’t the pieces cut through your soul.

The days of pain can be hard, but, the days of change can be powerful.

#transformation #Healing #self-love #Divorce #MentalHealth #MentalIllness #ChronicPain #Anxiety #Depression #change #mightystrong #MightyTogether #CheckInWithMe #DistractMe #Love #Support


how can you deal with the transformation of becoming a whole new better person knowing that you have to leave your old weak self because you have to?

#change #transformation #oldself #lifestruggles #Pain #growth