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Tonight is rough, #arguments stringing throughout my house, yelling in one ear and out the other, glass breaking, harsh things no one means being said, so i locked myself in my room. my #Anxiety is through the roof right now, i want to go get in the middle of the #Argument but i know it will only make matters worse. Getting #high is the only escape i have now.

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Learn to love this unique person that you are & know there is no on like you xx #high functioning anxiety #alone

When alone is your only option 🥰


Honestly, I have no idea how I feel today. I am "emotionally blind" or something? I can't think clearly either, somehow everything is clouded and through absorbent cotton. I'm watching a series and not watching it at the same time. But food is really nice. I am high for months now, I can‘t live without it. I‘m panicking cause I realized that I have to buy it again. It‘s exhausting and relaxing at the same time. I can‘t stop it. #BPD #Borderline #Emptyness #high #Smoking #Addiction


Fibromyalgia pain

This morning the Fibro pain has again reared its ugly head- I hate when it starts my day,instead of ending my day( tho that's not nice to be hurting at bedtime,either!). Guess it's the below freezing temperature that's got it going. Don't you( those with fibro) just hate it when the fibro takes over even Before the day starts? It over comes the arthritis,the swollen feet & lower legs,the fitful sleep from the nite,and tired mind from having to deal with it & everything else on a daily basis. Even the pretty sunrise this morning gets hit. Big Sigh. Oh well,such is life when you are used to hurting All Over from an Invisible Disease. #Fibromyalgia ,#RA ,#oa ,#PTSD ,#GAD ,#Bipolar 2,#GERD ,#Insomnia ,#high Blood Pressure,#Allergies to most Everything,#sinusitis chronic,#Teeth problems( likely from meds been on for so long,acc.to dentist),#"covering" how I really am feeling,#bad dreams that carry over into the day,#restlessness ,#So many Meds,#dry Eye Syndrome,#Dermatitis -chronic,#Headaches ,Short term memory loss left over from ECT treatments,#Fibro Brain Fog,#sad ,#Overeating when illnesses take over too much,##Poor Self-Image,#Stagnant motivation,#chronic Talking to Myself-even Out Loud,#Talking & writing too much,#worry ,#Thinking of others instead of me,#people Pleaser,#Procrastination ,#Poor money management,#Ignoring important signs & Symptoms.

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How long is too long to be going to therapy?? Should you ever quit!? #PTSD ,# Bipolar 2,# Schitzoaffective disorder,# OCD,#Anxiety ,#Depression ,# GAD,

I have been going to Psychiatrists,Psychologists,Mental Health Licenced Therapist's(current one also a Professor at a local college),since 1984, more on than off.ive been asked why I keep going if I'm not cured by now,why continue??? #RA ,#oa ,#Fibro ,#Neuropathy ,#GERD ,#disc ,nerve problems in neck,lower back,#Torn Labral muscle rt.hip,#non - ankylosing spondylitis ,#sjogren 's syndrome,#Reynauds ,#chronic sinusitis,#chronic Insomnia,#Chostochondritis ,#Eczema /Allergies,#Photosensitive to sun,#dog lover,#high blood pressure,#Believer in coloring therapy at home,#Bookworm ,#Schitzophrenia as 1st diagnosis in mental health illness,#Love Words,writing.,music (eclectic interests).


My husband #spouse , #Autism #high functioning, recently diagnosed. Relationship #relationship #Marriage #MdDS #Autism advice anyone?

Married 16yrs, been good, his being diagnosed explains a lot. I have depression, anxiety, OCD myself. He was recently officially diagnosed in September 2019 and it has been a MAJOR life adjustment for both of us.

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Prayer Journaling Workshop - 2pm PT / 5pm ET on 4/20!

At 2:00 p.m. PT / 5:00 p.m. ET Join Mighty Editor Juliette for a free hour-long prayer or journaling workshop. All you need is something to write with. You can bring a Bible if you have one!
You must RSVP to attend this event by 1:00 p.m. PT / 4:00 p.m. ET or you may not receive the access email! RSVP here: mgty.co/PrayerRSVP

#COVID19 #DistractMe #Anxiety #MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #Disability #RareDisease #Parenting #high Risk Cancer Patient

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2 High Anxiety Kids

I have a 14 yr. old struggling with anxiety/depression for past 5 years. First year of high school this year, very difficult. He attempted suicide a month before school. My daughter is experiencing PTSD from it (diagnosed). My son is on his second med change, still not well. My daughter cant sleep unless 14 year old is with me. Feeling like I am running out of steam. All therapy, school, medical appt's are on me. I suffered a severe concussion 10 months ago and just wonder if I can keep up as long as they need me. #runningoutofenergy #amidoingenough #high #supportforparents

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