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Coming out of Fight or Flight

I feel like I’m not going to be able to make it. I want to be happy. I want to have fun. I want to feel the sun on my face; I deserve to feel something. My trauma is so intense and deeply rooted in my psyche that just this September I truly SAW me…what my mind has done to me. Someone told me, “Living from crisis to crisis is no way to live.” No words have ever rang truer or resonated with me more deeply. I had a complete tornado of overwhelm and reality! I was standing in my bedroom and I realized: Sarah, how are you ever going to get out of this mess??? I had a complete panic that left me rocking, like a child, covered my ears, and realized what had happened to me. I was around people who were chemically and mentally unstable from childhood to now. I have suffered abuse that has been incredibly painful for me to see and deal with at 43. Im trying. My kid coached me thru it…talk about mom guilt…and my 16-year-old son said, “You’re coming out of fight or flight, it will be okay. Im so proud of you.” Im currently in a partial hospitalization program and it’s hard to believe and feel this stiff and not turn my attention away. I feel like the PHP is magnifying my mental health but I suppose I gotta keep rolling thru the pages and turn those pages. #Trauma #PTSD #MajorDepressiveDisorder #MoodDisorders #MentalHealth #Anxiety

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Bipolar Disorder Explained: My Story Laided Bare #BipolarIIDisorder #Bipolar1 #BipolarDisorder #BipolarDepression #MentalHealth

Firstly, if you have read this before then I apologise for the repeated post. Secondly, this post is a very graphic and honest depiction of what Bipolar Disorder is to me. I guess some of you might relate where others don’t but as a collective I think that we all share some common ground about how much we are impacted by this situation.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this post and feel free to comment below if you feel comfortable to do so. Love and best wishes, Stuart 🤗

So, if you are reading this and you suffer from Bipolar Disorder you may be able to understand. Please don’t think I’m being condescending but if you don’t then you’ll possibly have to take 5 minutes to get your head around it. However, I’m just going to write about what it is like for me, and this will be different for everyone but it’s still relatable.

I take three different medications each day. An antidepressant, an antipsychotic and a mood stabiliser. Fluoxetine (Prozac) is my antidepressant, Olazapine is my antipsychotic, these two work well together, and then I have Lithium to stabilise my mood. So the Chemistry behind this is that I take one to stop me dropping into the deep depression and one to stop me going to the highest echelons of mania and then one of them secures my mood In the spectrum of 4-7 or so of my mood. To explain what it is I mean, Bipolar has a scale. Imagine 0-10 with 0 being the deepest depression and 10 being the highest high. These extremes are uncomfortable, uncontrollable and impossible to find anyway to live productively with. The medication enables me to get mood-shifts that don’t dip below a 4 or go higher than a 7. Don’t get me wrong, the mood shifts are still different than the norm and they have an impact on the way that you can live. However though, the mood shifts are really difficult to manage.

I have questions. A multitude of questions in fact. I have had a period of self harm (be aware that there’s a picture of my scars below this paragraph). I’m a Catholic, I told my Health Professionals that I understood from a community for Mental Health called the Mighty, that self harm could be attributed to the fact that the Devil gets into you via your weakest side. I’m right handed, yet I cut my right forearm with my left hand. Please let me know what you think?

I don’t have any routine. I get some semblance of one for about a week or less then I’m back to square one again. Firstly, sleep. I have a great deal of trouble getting off to sleep. I take Olazapine at night so you would think it would help. Also I’m coming off Lorazepam slowly as I’ve got a dependence but I’m thinking that it isn’t working as normal due to me being on it for three years on and off. I have stages though. Thursday just gone for example I felt really tired all day. I was up at 7am and went to the shop to get my parents their newspapers and bits they needed from the supermarket. I got back and went back to bed to watch TV, and I woke up at 7am this morning. That’s nearly 48 hours or so of sleep. I’m going to be honest, I felt horrendous when I woke up today.

The above picture may seem lighthearted to some but it’s not at all. I’m well aware that you have to adapt your demeanour to suit certain situational and then interacting with people. But also, you are managing the different personalities of yourself that you have when you’re in your own company.
Sometimes I find myself having a full blown conversation with myself that is one version of myself talking to another version of myself. “Please don’t do that again, I have to sort it out!?!”. It’d be nice to have an understanding about the situation from people that being in a situation where you have a conversation with yourself isn’t the crazy person’s action or something like that that is classed as weird, but it’s just something that makes me who I am.
Furthermore, I have multiple conversations with myself in my own head that happen every time I’m in the company of others but I don’t share these. I’m just hoping that you realise how it is the same as you do, it’s my imagination that’s just a little bit more prominent in my head than yours.

I’ve had people brand me as a nutter, weird, fucked in the head, not right etc etc and the best one – “it’s because of the Cocaine”

I’m the first to admit I absolutely love Cocaine. I have used it chronically from about the age of 20 until I my late 30s. I never had a feeling of being myself or completely comfortable from anything else. I have social anxiety too, I didn’t know this at Uni but when I was there I needed a pint of beer to relax. One to two to three to four then that wasn’t working for me. However, university is awash with anything you want. I tried Weed, Speed, Ecstasy and Cocaine. Cocaine worked for me. I worked out in my own experiment what it’s critical point was (the amount that it’s the most potent before becoming abused). It levels me out. Look it up, it’s an SNDRI, type that into Google and see on Wikipedia the chemistry of what it does.

Regards my medication. I have to take them every day. Does this make me an addict?
You fall and break your arm and the doctor puts it in a cast to make it as close to what it was as you can do. I go to the doctor and I’m given pills that make me into someone who looks like me, but in reality, it’s not me.
#MentalHealth #MightyTogether #MoodDisorders

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I created a free feelings wheel + emotion tracker [PDF] to help people find the right words to describe their moods.

This year, I've been working to create more free resources than ever. Whilst the Bearable app can be used for free - as a person with Chronic Migraine - I know that some people might prefer pen-and-paper tools.

So, over the past few months, I've been creating free pen and paper worksheets for a few different things including symptom tracking, mood tracking, and pain tracking.

Some of these appear to be popular (lots of downloads from our website) but it's also hard to get feedback because we're not collecting email addresses from people (and don't want to so as to protect people's privacy).

I thought it might be a win-win situation for me to share some of these resources with The Mighty community. Firstly, so that you can use them but also with the hope that you might also provide some feedback on:

What I could improve about the worksheets What other free resources you'd like me to create Any other thoughts or feedback To kick things off, I thought I'd start by sharing the most popular of the resources; The feelings wheel and emotion tracker.

Feelings Wheel [PDF] - Free & Printable - Bearable App

I hope you find it helpful and if you have the time and/or capacity I'd love to hear your thoughts about it as well.

Thanks for reading,


#MoodDisorders #MentalHealth

Feelings Wheel [PDF] - Free & Printable - Bearable App

Identifying your feelings can be helpful but it's not always easy to pinpoint what you're feeling. Our Feelings Wheel PDF makes it easier to label your emotions
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Heal Song by Tom Odell

I have had this song on repeat this week. I hope you listen to it free on YouTube or however, but a video with the lyrics is even more helpful.
I hope these lyrics with his voice on this particular song helps wash away some of your pain too.
Try consciously breathing in an out while you listen to his resounding lyrics:

Take my mind
And take my pain
Like an empty bottle takes the rain
And heal, heal, heal, heal

And take my past
And take my sins
Like an empty sail takes the wind
And heal, heal, heal, heal

And tell me some things last
And tell me some things last

And take a heart
And take a hand
Like an ocean takes the dirty sand
And heal, heal, heal, heal

And take my mind
And take my pain
Like an empty bottle takes the rain
And heal, heal, heal, heal

And tell me some things last
And tell me some things last
And tell me some things last
And tell me some things last

#Pain #Trauma #heal #PTSD #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #MajorDepressiveDisorder #MajorDepression #ClinicalDepression #Fatigue #ChronicIllness #Disability #TRD #TreatmentresistantDepression #ChronicFatigue #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MoodDisorders #PersistentDepressiveDisorder #DepressiveDisorders #Grief #Songs #Lyrics #MentalHealth #MightyMusic #musictherapy #Music #BipolarDepression

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New meds

So recently my psychiatrist put me on lithium and depakote I have to say I feel great or at least they are helping my mood disorders. Now if I can jest get the voices to stop I would be in perfect shape. I went from crying and being angry all the time to finally being back to my normal bubbley self. I am confident that if I stay on these meds I will achieve my goal of not hearing voices anymore. Stay blessed ❤️

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This post is for everyone on here!

I don’t know what you are going through but I truly do wish you all a life full of joy, peace, and happiness at all times. May life get better and better for you each day in every way! I hope and pray only positivity comes your way, nothing negative that you don’t want. You deserve to be happy! May you all be well.

#CheckInWithMe #MentalHealth #Disability #Anxiety #ChronicIllness #BPD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Bipolar1 #Bipolar2 #AnorexiaNervosa #Trauma #PTSD #Selfharm #SuicidalThoughts #BipolarDisorder #CheerMeOn #MajorDepressiveDisorder #MightyTogether #SchizoaffectiveDisorder #Schizophrenia #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #ADHD #Addiction #SocialAnxiety #Stroke #Autism #AutismSpectrumDisorder #Cancer #SeizureDisorder #Scoliosis #SensoryProcessingDisorder #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #ThyroidCancer #SocialAnxietyDisorder #SleepApnea #Epilepsy #EatingDisorders #EatingDisorder #SeparationAnxiety #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #ChronicFatigue #Fainting #PanicDisorder #PanicAttack #PanicAttacks #ParkinsonsDisease #ChildLoss #ChronicDailyHeadache #Fibromyalgia #FoodAllergies #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #CysticFibrosis #Migraine #MightyPoets #MedicationInducedMovementDisorders #MaleReproductiveCancers #MyCondition #MoreDiseases #MoodDisorders #Misophonia #Mania #MyCondition

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Ohhhh 😲

Have you ever considered the idea that one of our toxic traits could be the opposite of our love language? I don't think this is always true, but at times, I think it is!

Id love your thoughts!

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😔The Biggest Smile Can Hide The Greatest Sorrow😔

There is so much stigma around mental health issues, especially amongst men. That is why, this Men’s Mental Health Awareness Week, it’s important to remember that sometimes the biggest smile can hide the greatest sorrow. Similarly to the old saying “you can’t judge a book by its cover”, you can’t judge someone’s mental health based on how they appear - just because someone appears happy on the surface it doesn’t mean that is how they truly feel.

#MentalHealth #Depression #BipolarDepression #MajorDepressiveDisorder #MoodDisorders #PersistentDepressiveDisorder #PostpartumDepression #Selfharm #Suicide #DepressiveDisorders #Grief #Anxiety #MightyTogether #ItsOKMan #Loneliness #OtherMentalHealth

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