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New meds

So recently my psychiatrist put me on lithium and depakote I have to say I feel great or at least they are helping my mood disorders. Now if I can jest get the voices to stop I would be in perfect shape. I went from crying and being angry all the time to finally being back to my normal bubbley self. I am confident that if I stay on these meds I will achieve my goal of not hearing voices anymore. Stay blessed ❤️

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This post is for everyone on here!

I don’t know what you are going through but I truly do wish you all a life full of joy, peace, and happiness at all times. May life get better and better for you each day in every way! I hope and pray only positivity comes your way, nothing negative that you don’t want. You deserve to be happy! May you all be well.

#CheckInWithMe #MentalHealth #Disability #Anxiety #ChronicIllness #BPD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Bipolar1 #Bipolar2 #AnorexiaNervosa #Trauma #PTSD #Selfharm #SuicidalThoughts #BipolarDisorder #CheerMeOn #MajorDepressiveDisorder #MightyTogether #SchizoaffectiveDisorder #Schizophrenia #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #ADHD #Addiction #SocialAnxiety #Stroke #Autism #AutismSpectrumDisorder #Cancer #SeizureDisorder #Scoliosis #SensoryProcessingDisorder #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #ThyroidCancer #SocialAnxietyDisorder #SleepApnea #Epilepsy #EatingDisorders #EatingDisorder #SeparationAnxiety #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #ChronicFatigue #Fainting #PanicDisorder #PanicAttack #PanicAttacks #ParkinsonsDisease #ChildLoss #ChronicDailyHeadache #Fibromyalgia #FoodAllergies #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #CysticFibrosis #Migraine #MightyPoets #MedicationInducedMovementDisorders #MaleReproductiveCancers #MyCondition #MoreDiseases #MoodDisorders #Misophonia #Mania #MyCondition

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Ohhhh 😲

Have you ever considered the idea that one of our toxic traits could be the opposite of our love language? I don't think this is always true, but at times, I think it is!

Id love your thoughts!

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😔The Biggest Smile Can Hide The Greatest Sorrow😔

There is so much stigma around mental health issues, especially amongst men. That is why, this Men’s Mental Health Awareness Week, it’s important to remember that sometimes the biggest smile can hide the greatest sorrow. Similarly to the old saying “you can’t judge a book by its cover”, you can’t judge someone’s mental health based on how they appear - just because someone appears happy on the surface it doesn’t mean that is how they truly feel.

#MentalHealth #Depression #BipolarDepression #MajorDepressiveDisorder #MoodDisorders #PersistentDepressiveDisorder #PostpartumDepression #Selfharm #Suicide #DepressiveDisorders #Grief #Anxiety #MightyTogether #ItsOKMan #Loneliness #OtherMentalHealth

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How Bipolar Impacts My Life #BipolarDisorder #MoodDisorders #BipolarDepression

What it does to me is it interferes with my intentions. I want to go to sleep; it keeps me awake. I want to eat my food; it makes me feel not hungry enough to do so; I want to stop drinking alcohol for a couple of days; it makes me have that one drink that turns into 4/5 or more. I make plans to see people; it constantly reminds me of my own insecurities that make me cancel these plans. It makes me return to my substance abuse situation where I’m having a gram of cocaine for no reason. It’s easy to think I’m just using this as an excuse for being weak minded or lacking self discipline but it’s not the case.

I have limitations I am fully aware of. When I’m with people and I don’t commit to something they suggest like a meal out or something, it can result in puzzled looks. But I have an illness that makes my brain work in mysterious ways. Just because I might look physically well and as if I don’t have a care in the world, I have a monumental battle going on inside my own head.

People don’t seem to understand or remember this as you’re looking well and you are doing great in their company etc etc. However, you have a million and one things running around your head whilst you’re with people that range from the negative to the obscure and irrelevant, all of which absolutely tire you out, it’s hard. Sometimes you just need to go to get the respite you need.

I don’t expect anyone else to understand it because I don’t understand it myself but I have learnt that being kind to people is so, so much easier than being negative.


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Haiku Affirmation brought to you, created by me 🗣️🌍🌿🪷🐝💥❤️

Thoughtful Thursday; Using short poetic phrases within the confines of the original Japanese style.

#SchizoaffectiveDisorder #MentalHealth #Depression #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #MoodDisorders #MightyPoets #MightyTogether

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What’s something you’ve done this week your of accomplishing? Or what’s something your most proud of overcoming in your mental health journey?

My win was better recognizing when my anxiety is intensifying and groundhog myself and not being as hard on myself when for feeling anxious. My biggest accomplishment is not letting the misinformed, stigmatized views of others dictate how I relate to my mental health journey.

#ADHD #ADHDInGirls #Anxiety #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #MentalHealth #MoodDisorders #Neurodiversity #Depression #wins #Motivation

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Came across a quote that said this. Often do we (including myself) try to stress on things that are out of our control. Instead, we could actually work on, be grateful for and what is in our control and try to live in the moment .

#MentalHealth #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #MoodDisorders

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