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Pain That knows

#Depression #Anxiety #GenderDysphoria #MentalHealth #transformation #rebirth #Rise

A long time ago in a far far far far distance from where we are today there was this person who was neither alive more dead. This person never felt the same nave felt included or connected with the people around them. This person would do what is expected and would put on that smile wear that hat 🎩 or that hat 🧢 well maybe that hat 👒 so as to blend or fit in until the time when IT was time to move on and try again. The emotional damage built over time IT really did. So much so that the person #disassociated #DID or as the person who explains #Dis #Divergent #Identity #Spectrum . The person didn’t feel real lived in #Autopilot mode and #DID what was expected of them. #Numbess #hurt #Pain #sorrow #Loneliness #Sadness #abandonment and yes #homelessness .

#transformation from a spiritual perspective and a physical perspective is a profound experience that changes your perception. When you have read the bible searched through Google and endured countless hours of counseling you realize #It . IT is what IT is isn’t IT. #please choose you. #please choose your present. #please choose your path. When you do not choose #you to be who you are others do.

#Transition ended the cycle.

This person sacrificed their life so that a new life could be! Now #free in #2023 this person has hope and a life that is full of love in so many different ways. The love this person has is #Selflove #SelfIdenty #Selfcare and yes #SpiritualLove .

No longer dose the person stare in the mirror 🪞 trying to see someone else. No now the person sees someone who is actually looking back at them. That person smiles! That person is happy! That person dose what makes them an individual!

We are all different and we all are special in so many ways so please 🙏 know there are better days!

#yournotalone #YourWorthy #yourlifematters

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#yournotalone #Trauma #worthit

When You Learn To Let Go, Your Heart Feels A Lighter!! Growing And Enlightening Others!!

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Care packages for patients in psychiatric hospital

Hey everyone I am begging for your help♥️♥️♥️ share please. Let's make this important message go viral.

I'm on a mission to improve psychiatric hospitals.

🦋All the proceeds from my journals and Anxious Mind Activity Books will go towards making care packages for patients in psychiatric care. 🦋

🦋Please help support my cause by sharing or purchasing a book link in bio. Search my name on any Amazon and you will see all my products.

#selfcarematters #selfmaintenance #Journal #Journalling #mentalhealthblog #MentalHealth #MentalHealthAwareness #supportthecause #supportindieauthors #supportsmallbusiness #kitchenerbusiness #kitchener #Takecare #yournotalone #youmatter #Yourstory #yourjourney #yourstrong #warrior #Viral #cbcnews #ctvnews #helpmegoviral #canadianbusiness #canadianauthor #Canada #canadian #helpeachother #psychiatriccare #mentalhealthmatters


Creating care packages for patients in psychiatric hospital

Hey everyone I am begging for your help♥️♥️♥️ share please. Let's make this important message go viral.

I'm on a mission to improve psychiatric hospitals.

🦋All the proceeds from my journals and Anxious Mind Activity Books will go towards making care packages for patients in psychiatric care. 🦋

🦋Please help support my cause by sharing or purchasing a book link in bio. Search my name on any Amazon and you will see all my products.

#selfcarematters #selfmaintenance #Journal #Journalling #mentalhealthblog #MentalHealth #MentalHealthAwareness #supportthecause #supportindieauthors #supportsmallbusiness #kitchenerbusiness #kitchener #Takecare #yournotalone #youmatter #Yourstory #yourjourney #yourstrong #warrior #Viral #cbcnews #ctvnews #helpmegoviral #canadianbusiness #canadianauthor #Canada #canadian #helpeachother #psychiatriccare #mentalhealthmatters


Who loves to read? Ever wonder how to conquer your disabilities? Well check this out.

Disabilities. How to conquer what is conquering you? BY ISSAC CURRY
This is a book written by my Pastor and its about the #1 issue I face when dealing with the anger side of my bi-polar2 disorder and I haven't read it yet because I'm not finished with my books about being a Sunday school teacher and I have a 3 week course to take in Nashville, TN so this is next in line after I finish getting my license to teach. This is my most important thing in life I want to do to help others and do God's work and open my Sunday school up in the future. Anyways this is book is based upon his personal life and since I know him personally I assure you not only is he an amazing pastor , he as well is an amazing author. I've heard this book is very inspiring and moving and has helped so many other people in this world face their biggest issue of conquering what is owning them. You deal with A voidance? Approval Addition? Anxiety? Depression? Shame? Low self- Esteem? Loneliness? Anger? Doubt? Regret? Emotional Immaturity? The list goes on. 1 out of 2 people you meet in life is dealing with some sort form of pain or emotional trauma that cannot be seen and for many it'll become their way of life. So please if you need some guidance and want to deal with conquering what's conquering you then this book is for. I hope this post helps many out their, I am certain when I get time to read it it'll help me conquer my anger.
#chronic #invisibledisabilities #pastorissaccurry #MustRead #Awarenessofthegrowingburdenofchrinicedisabilitiesinamerica #TheMighty #ifyourscareddontbeyouhaveawholeteamonyourside #yournotalone


#yournotalone #letstalkaboutthosedemons

for anyone feeling alone,helpless or just need to ask a question or talk hmu. I fine talking to a random stranger is the best therapy and its free. so lets talk about life,work,kids or anything to keep you outta your head.


You’re Not Alone #yournotalone

Your not alone
if you feel alone
If you feel less than
If your feel awkward
Less than.

Intellectually I know people love and need me
Intellectually I know I am not less than
Yet irrational moods hit me like a train
They convince me otherwise.

Sometimes it is all I can do to hang on as the train passes over and through me. Rumbling, rattling me to the core, every nerve unhinged to feel and fire

It’s all I can do to hang on
and remember
“this train will pass”
I will not always feel like this.

Then it does pass, eventually feel alive again.
I’m out somewhere, maybe work or with a friend,
I meet another who is in the midst
of their own train wreck.

I am able to say with assurance,
“Hang on”
“you are not alone”
“This will not last”
“This will pass”

You WILL be OK
