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Just joined “The Mighty” today. I have Multiple Sclerosis, Chronic Pancreatitis (With chronic pain) and diabetes secondary to chronic pancreatitis. (And a host of other diagnoses… but those are the big ones. I am a medically retired nurse. I struggle with chronic pain, fatigue, muscle spasms, nutritional deficiency, migraines. Not being able to work has really impacted our financial stability and my sense of self esteem. I fight loneliness and isolation. My husband works 50+ hours a week (As he is our source of medical insurance and primary “Bread winner”). I have 2 adult sons who have their careers and social life. All our family is out of state. I hope to connect with other people who know what living with chronic illnesses is like. I also look forward to others pearls of wisdom. # multiple sclerosis #chronic pancreatitis #Diabetes #chronic pain #Fatigue

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#fibroflair #Fibromyalgia #Fibromyalgia #Fibro #Pain #ChronicPain #Fatigue #ChronicFatigue #endlesstorturetreatment

Sorry I've been away a couple weeks, & not kept up with my notifications. I will work on attending to each soon as can. Fibro pain has had me in bed (on couch where I sleep (& where I live) throughout. It's been extreme, and I had my first #suicidal thought a few days ago. First in a couple months or so. See, I forgot that the Tegratol had been prescribed for the broken leg (& ran out of same time that pain got back to overwhelmingly torturous & insurmountable) was helping the fibro pain at the same time. I thought I'd achieved/reached a new place, but found id just ran in a great big circle. Yuk. It really sucks & I not sure how long I can bear it. One day at a time; one harsh moment at a time ! #fibrosucks #toomuchtobear #OnedayAtaTime #onemomentatatime

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Fatigue day

Its only 3:40 pm and i'm trying to stay awake. Busy day yesterday socialising, the cold weather is hurting my joints more since temps have dropped😴 warm blanket and a heatpad got me! #Fatigue #EhlersDanlosSyndrome

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Heal Song by Tom Odell

I have had this song on repeat this week. I hope you listen to it free on YouTube or however, but a video with the lyrics is even more helpful.
I hope these lyrics with his voice on this particular song helps wash away some of your pain too.
Try consciously breathing in an out while you listen to his resounding lyrics:

Take my mind
And take my pain
Like an empty bottle takes the rain
And heal, heal, heal, heal

And take my past
And take my sins
Like an empty sail takes the wind
And heal, heal, heal, heal

And tell me some things last
And tell me some things last

And take a heart
And take a hand
Like an ocean takes the dirty sand
And heal, heal, heal, heal

And take my mind
And take my pain
Like an empty bottle takes the rain
And heal, heal, heal, heal

And tell me some things last
And tell me some things last
And tell me some things last
And tell me some things last

#Pain #Trauma #heal #PTSD #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #MajorDepressiveDisorder #MajorDepression #ClinicalDepression #Fatigue #ChronicIllness #Disability #TRD #TreatmentresistantDepression #ChronicFatigue #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MoodDisorders #PersistentDepressiveDisorder #DepressiveDisorders #Grief #Songs #Lyrics #MentalHealth #MightyMusic #musictherapy #Music #BipolarDepression

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Volunteering making me feel connected

I started doing data entry weekly for a charity in my area. Work from home. It is great working with documents and a known outcome.

I only have the stamina to do 2-4 hours at a time. It is feels great being a part of an organisation again.

Sometimes volunteering is a pathway to a few hours per week paid:
• Because you are known to the organisation
• Get to know people who own their own business
• Have current transferable skills for other opportunities.

Image: plush ET among other toys in a shop window

#autismworking #volunteering #MentalHealth #Fatigue

Edit: typos

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What’s your favorite way to celebrate accomplishments?

When you achieve an accomplishment, it’s OK to be proud of yourself and celebrate — in fact, we highly encourage it. 🥳

Mighty staffer @xokat rarely orders takeout, so she’s a big fan of splurging on one of her favorites: Neapolitan-style pizza, chicken and dumplings, sushi, sour gummy candy, or tacos! She also loves to clear her head after accomplishing something that’s been taking up a lot of brainspace, and will scoop up her dog and drive to a nearby metropark for a leisurely walk on a shaded path.

How do you like to celebrate your wins?

#52SmallThings #MightyPets #Nature #CheckInWithMe #CheerMeOn #Selfesteem #MentalHealth #RareDisease #ChronicIllness #Disability #Cancer #Caregiving #Parenting #ChronicPain #Fatigue

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I’m so lost #no real help

I’ve been suffering with chronic pain fatigue for many years. Seen countless doctors and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, Cushings, hypothyroidism, cfs on paper. Dr never really talks about the symptoms just shakes head at my complaints. Pain meds. But yesterday I this episode where I can’t stay awake long I wake for awhile and start dozing off again. I feel drunk sleepy. It happened before thanksgiving went on for almost 2 weeks. I have a dog esa. Then I went to sleep early and couldn’t get up until 4pm. Is this normal with fibromyalgia? It’s scary
#CFS #Fibro #Fatigue #CushingsSyndrome #KidneyDisease

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