#Open #caring #loving #Healing #Inspiring
Be that light that shines so bright!
While people fight in order to take flight!
Shine with all your might!
Never doubt yourself!
Swim like a trout!
This is a love about!
So scream and shout!
Let IT all out!
You will never doubt!
This is all for you!
Love you!
I am a retired COTA, married 29 years! Love poetry, reading, journaling. I have been published in 4 books. Currently working on 4 manuscripts. My major platforms are Gun Awareness. Member of Moms Demand Action. Second platform is Advocating against Domestic Violence. Love plants. Cats and dogs. Love my grandchildren. Love my husband. And Love
God, and Ministers Wife! #loving life2
Sending You
Big hugs
Little hugs
Snuggle hugs
Loving hugs
Healing hugs
Comfort hugs
Whatever kind of
Hugs you you need
This should
Have it covered
Especially for you.
I could use a Hug too
Love Tj 💖❤💘😘😘😚😗🥰 #free hugs #loving hugs #snugglehugs #IloveyouHugs #Bekind #Chronicpainwarrior #Insomnia #TrigeminalNeuralgia #GlossopharyngealNeuralgia #Arthritis #PsoriaticArthritis #Anxiety #Stayinghome #checkonyourneighbours #lovingkindness #Snoopy #needhugs #shieldinguk #allalone #lovingmyselfagain #selfcare #Kindness
Good Morning
You are not replaceable
Nor are you able to be
You are a treasure that is one of
a kind 💖
Just a reminder that you are all unique special a treasure and loved by many.
Why? Because that's who I am. I am a very loving caring person, tactile, and I tell people that I care about that I love them.
You are my Mighty family and as such I care about you.
We are here to support each other and have a good old chin wag at the same time.
Love n hugs big old hugs Tj 💖🤗🤪☺️😄😃😁☺️😝😎🤨🙃🤪😳
#Chatspace #checkonyourneighbours #chinwag #lovingkindness #unique #Treasure #Love #Hugs #peace #Bekind #Bekindtoyourself #loving #Talking #Vent #rant #cry #why #Tj #Notreplaceable
Hello Mighty Friends 🌍 from all around the globe.
Every country is on the Mighty so while it is am here in the UK. What time is it where you are and where are you?
So yesterday I shared my cupcakes that were supposed to look like 🦄 unicorns but didnt quite get there. More like 🐘 or 🐭 or something else.
Thankyou for all the comments and funny replies. You brightened my day, made me laugh out loud, had happy tears rolling down my face and probably had my neighbours thinking what is she laughing about.🙄😆😃🤣
With my anxiety and depression ramping up since the lockdown and staying at home was announced. My doctors phone call saying I must stay at home for a minimum of 12 weeks due to my complex medical and chronic illnesses.
So check in with me tell me how you doing and feeling.
Have a chat or vent. Maybe a rant even if that would help. The Mighty is here as a loving compassionate support system.
I want to extend this space to you.🤝
Tell me how you are
Love n hugs Tj
❤💗🤗😘🌍 #Love #Hugs #Kisses #Anxiety #Depression #RareDiseases #global #Talking #feelings #Bekind #loving #compassion #Support #PsoriaticArthritis #TrigeminalNeuralgia #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #Hope #Joy #peace #Bekindtoyourself