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I’m a 19-year-old college advocate hoping to reach the FDA to promote the accelerate of cures/vaccines for incurable diseases. Please help by signing the petition and promoting it to your social media if you agree with my petition. We can start by passing the Promising Pathway Act Bill.

For more information read my petition…


#afm #AcuteFlaccidMyelitis #alzheimer #alzheimers #alzheimerdisease #Disease #diseases #cures #Cure #Vaccines #Vaccine #World #AIDS #HIV #AIDS #alphaviruses #Asthma #arboviralencephalitis #bacteria #Cancer #viruses #Virus #BladderCancer #BreastCancer #ColonCancer #EndometrialCancer #Kidney #KidneyCancer #heartcancer #LiverCancer #MultipleMyeloma #ovarian #OvarianCancer #StomachCancer #thyroid #ThyroidCancer #uteruscancer #chlamydia #ChronicFatigue #jakobdisease #COVID #COVID19 #CoronaVirus #CMV #Arthritis #babesiois #CervicalCancer #ColorectalCancer #EndometrialCancer #colorectal #endometrial #Leukemia #leukemiacancer #LungCancer #OralCancer #OvarianCancer #pancreatic #PancreaticCancer #SkinCancer #TesticularCancer #uteruscancer #CRE #CardiovascularDisease #CeliacDisease #Chancroid #chickenpox #COPD #conjunctivitis #Cryptosporidiosis #cyclospora #Depression #Diabetes #Diphtheria #EEEV #enterovirus #Fibromyalgia #genitalherpes #herpes #hsv #hsv1 #hsv2 #gonorrhea #streptococcus #hantaviruses #headlice #HeartDisease #HighBloodPressure #helicobacter #HPV #HumanPapillomavirus #ecoli #ebolavirus #Ehrlichiosis #Fibroids #Flu #giardiasis #Gout #Hepatitis #hepatitisa #hepatitis b #hepatitisc #hepatitisD #HepatitisE #hbv #histoplasmosis #humanmetapneumovirus #Incontinence #poisoning #Leptospirosis #Lupus #LGV #Influenze #legionnaires #listeriosis #lyme #LymeDisease #Meningitis #meningococcal #methyl #Mumps #noroviruses #PID #pelvicinflammatorydisease #pelvicinflammatory #primaryamebic #meningoencephalitis #Measles #MRSA #syndrome #plague #Polio #CrohnsDisease #Crohns #bronchus #Stroke #Tuberculosis #Cirrhosis #Dementia #trachea #pulmonary #infections #artery #Smallpox #chickenpox #CysticFibrosis #fibrosis #ADHD #Schizophrenia #Parkinsons #ParkinsonsDisease #parkinson #Asthma #Arthritis #CommonCold #HuntingtonDisease #Rabies #Hypertension #Sickle Cell #sick #Awarness #global #timeforchange #alllivesmatter #Health #Anxiety #Depression #advocate #change #usa #america

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Struggling with Studying

I took my first Bar Exam in 2015. At that time I had severe pelvic pain from #Endometriosis, #PolycysticOvarySyndrome, #Fibroids, Occult Hernias, and who knows what else, with pain in my lower back and radiating down my legs. Now, I have the same symptoms but worse, in addition to #Fibromyalgia.

#Fibro is breaking me. Less than one month until another 2 day Bar Exam for another state. I studied 13 out of 14 hours yesterday and I physically feel broken. My entire back, upper and lower, is in constant pain from sitting. My whole body is in agony and I can barely write bc I did so much writing/highlighting yesterday. I’m petrified that I won’t be able to hold the pencil when it comes to the days of the test.

I’ve been trying to “listen to my body” and pace myself but now I’m very behind and can’t afford to take any more time off since I’m now soooo behind.

I’m moving to a better climate, I can’t handle the thought of not passing, even though I dont know how I will.

Not to mention even trying to memorize so much with fibro fog.

Anyone have any advice? Or been through anything similar? Wish me luck.

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The year I gambled my career to save my life!

I feel like I have spent the last year of my life, since I lost my job after overwhelming #Anxiety focusing all my attention, savings and maxing out a credit card to finally figure out what is wrong with me. Friday, I ended a 30 year relationship and took control over my health and my own life before anyone had a chance to say ‘STOP.’ The decision was fast and quick and before I knew it, I was joking with the people in the OR about their choice of country music as the anesthesia hit me. . .
As if being a woman isn’t hard enough, hashtag equal pay, hashtag why are men still making decisions for us? And you may find it hard to believe but I’m not all lipstick lesbian or whatever, although I do own way too many flat lid baseball caps to keep you guessing but you can’t keep up your social calendar living a life of what the medical world calls “menorrhagia,” which is heavy bleeding caused by... well, they have no clue what causes it, they have some words, maybe they’ll throw you polyps or fibroids, ooooh ooooh #Endometriosis is another fine word as well. Please, google the words #Endometriosis symptoms, diagnosis and treatment, #Polyps, #Fibroids, let me know if that is helpful, now imagine going through life so fast with all the distractions, the cycles that you honestly have no idea when where how they started, did it stop? Annuals if you were diligent.
You were given this life, you didn’t get to chose what Chromosome went where.
To be continued...

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Today’s appointment...

My bladder pain that I’ve felt for about a month now was actually a problem with one of my ovaries...I’m scared and nervous. I’m going to have an ultrasound but it can’t happen until next week. I wasn’t super sure that I was going to attempt to have kids because of my health problems, but now I don’t even know if it will still be an option for me. #PCOS #Fibroids #Fibromyalgia #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain


Laying in a hospital bed, grateful 🙏🏽 #Endometriosis #PCOS #Dysmenoria #Fibroids #Hysterectomy #ChronicallyCrazy 💜🤪

I finally got a full hysterectomy after 23 years of suffering with endo, pcos, dysmenorrhea and fibroids causing a tremendous amount of pain. It was the first diagnosis, of many, that I received.

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