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________ would help me feel more calm about my health.

When you live with primary hyperoxaluria type 1 (PH1), it can be challenging to manage the demands, needs, and treatment that come with it. Reaching a state of calm and balance may mean taking intentional steps or seeking help if necessary (or it may even look like getting answers!). What would help you feel more calm about your health?

#KidneyDisease #Kidney #KidneyTransplant #LiverTransplant #Transplant #OrganTransplant #kidneyawareness #KidneyStones #KidneyPain #KidneyProblems #RareDisease #ChronicIllness #CKD #ChronicKidneyDisease #PrimaryHyperoxaluriaType1

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Lupus #Flares #Antibiotic

I'm taking Antibiotic for 7 days. Coz of some infections in my feet. Now I am having fever. I also have kidney issues. Tbh, my doctor said I can still work. For the past year I've been on and off from work. My insurance got denied. Lupus sucks. How do you cope up with flares up easily? It's affecting as well my income. How you find another job that would work on your needs ? Never thought I'm gonna have this kind of autoimmune #Lupus #Kidney #ChronicPain #Fibromyalgia #Grief #Anxiety #MentalHealth #Pelvicpain #Lupus #Insomnia #RaynaudsPhenomenon #Fever

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My body picks the worst times...

Ended up back in the ER for a kidney infection. Third antibiotic seems to be helping. But, of course, it happened on the worst possible day. My disability hearing I've been waiting years to have... I managed to get out of the hospital in time. However, I was in so much pain I allowed the ER to give me pain meds. I never make that mistake but I did this time. And, lo and behold, as soon as my hearing started I began throwing up. Thank God it was over the phone so the judge only had to hear it. Of course my body would not relent and the hearing had to be postponed. I'm so angry with myself and rather embarrassed. My husband is supportive but not surprised - he says my body always finds a way to mess things up. And the pain meds? Didn't even touch my pain. Never does. And now I'm hoping I didn't ruin everything with the judge - though she was very nice and understanding.

#Fibromyalgia #ChronicPain #HashimotosThyroiditis #Kidney #BackPain #Disability

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How do you help your child with PH1 succeed in school?

The symptoms of PH1 can impact your child at school, but there are things you and your child’s teachers can do to help them succeed. What has helped your child succeed in school?

Share in the comments below. ⬇️

#KidneyDisease #Kidney #KidneyStones #RareDisease #ChronicIllness #Parenting #PH1

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Wellness Wednesday: Updated Kidney Care Guidleines For Diabetes

Did you know that the American Diabetes Association (ADA) releases updated guidelines for diabetes care yearly?

The ADA set guidelines based on the latest research that help healthcare professionals provide the best care for you.

My fellow type 2 diabetes advocate, Megan, recently wrote an article summarizing the latest guidelines for kidney care.

Caring for Your Kidneys When You Have Diabetes

❓ Which kidney care guidelines were you familiar/unfamiliar with?

Share your thoughts in the comments 👇🏾

#Diabetes #DiabetesType1 #DiabetesType2 #Diabetestype3 #lada #mody #prediabetes #GestationalDiabetes #JuvenileDiabetesType1 #ChronicIllness #AutoimmuneDisease #Lifestyle #Health #HealthCare #KidneyDisease #Kidney #Support #SupportGroups #MightyTogether

Caring for Kidneys When Living With Type 2 Diabetes

Taking care of kidney health is a multi-faceted approach.


My name is Jacqueline. I am new to the group. I am a 52 year old survivor of Chronic Kidney Disease since age 12.
Along with kidney disease brings many other health issues. I was blessed with a kidney transplant in 2007. However, there are still obstacles to deal with. I would luv to meet others to share coping with them.
#Kidney Transplant #Kidney Disease
#osteo #ChronicDepression

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Quick Tip Thursday: Have Your Kidneys Checked Regularly

Many people with diabetes do not experience any symptoms of diabetic kidney disease. The only way to determine whether you have diabetic kidney disease is by getting your kidneys checked regularly. It’s recommended to get tested every year for kidney disease if you have type 2 diabetes or have type 1 diabetes for more than 5 years. If you have a different type of diabetes, then reach out to your healthcare provider to find out how often you should have your kidneys checked.

#Diabetes #DiabetesType1 #DiabetesType2 #lada #mody #prediabetes #GestationalDiabetes #JuvenileDiabetesType1 #DiabetesInsipidus #KidneyDisease #Kidney #ChronicIllness #AutoimmuneDisease #Lifestyle #Health #HealthCare #wellness #Support #MightyTogether

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I’m a 19-year-old college advocate hoping to reach the FDA to promote the accelerate of cures/vaccines for incurable diseases. Please help by signing the petition and promoting it to your social media if you agree with my petition. We can start by passing the Promising Pathway Act Bill.

For more information read my petition…


#afm #AcuteFlaccidMyelitis #alzheimer #alzheimers #alzheimerdisease #Disease #diseases #cures #Cure #Vaccines #Vaccine #World #AIDS #HIV #AIDS #alphaviruses #Asthma #arboviralencephalitis #bacteria #Cancer #viruses #Virus #BladderCancer #BreastCancer #ColonCancer #EndometrialCancer #Kidney #KidneyCancer #heartcancer #LiverCancer #MultipleMyeloma #ovarian #OvarianCancer #StomachCancer #thyroid #ThyroidCancer #uteruscancer #chlamydia #ChronicFatigue #jakobdisease #COVID #COVID19 #CoronaVirus #CMV #Arthritis #babesiois #CervicalCancer #ColorectalCancer #EndometrialCancer #colorectal #endometrial #Leukemia #leukemiacancer #LungCancer #OralCancer #OvarianCancer #pancreatic #PancreaticCancer #SkinCancer #TesticularCancer #uteruscancer #CRE #CardiovascularDisease #CeliacDisease #Chancroid #chickenpox #COPD #conjunctivitis #Cryptosporidiosis #cyclospora #Depression #Diabetes #Diphtheria #EEEV #enterovirus #Fibromyalgia #genitalherpes #herpes #hsv #hsv1 #hsv2 #gonorrhea #streptococcus #hantaviruses #headlice #HeartDisease #HighBloodPressure #helicobacter #HPV #HumanPapillomavirus #ecoli #ebolavirus #Ehrlichiosis #Fibroids #Flu #giardiasis #Gout #Hepatitis #hepatitisa #hepatitis b #hepatitisc #hepatitisD #HepatitisE #hbv #histoplasmosis #humanmetapneumovirus #Incontinence #poisoning #Leptospirosis #Lupus #LGV #Influenze #legionnaires #listeriosis #lyme #LymeDisease #Meningitis #meningococcal #methyl #Mumps #noroviruses #PID #pelvicinflammatorydisease #pelvicinflammatory #primaryamebic #meningoencephalitis #Measles #MRSA #syndrome #plague #Polio #CrohnsDisease #Crohns #bronchus #Stroke #Tuberculosis #Cirrhosis #Dementia #trachea #pulmonary #infections #artery #Smallpox #chickenpox #CysticFibrosis #fibrosis #ADHD #Schizophrenia #Parkinsons #ParkinsonsDisease #parkinson #Asthma #Arthritis #CommonCold #HuntingtonDisease #Rabies #Hypertension #Sickle Cell #sick #Awarness #global #timeforchange #alllivesmatter #Health #Anxiety #Depression #advocate #change #usa #america

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Tasty late lunch

#Kidney beans, gala apple, yellow and red bell peppers 🌶, and muti grain medley (brown rice, flaxseed, red quinoa & chia seed)
# healthy choices 👌