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I’m a 19-year-old college advocate hoping to reach the FDA to promote the accelerate of cures/vaccines for incurable diseases. Please help by signing the petition and promoting it to your social media if you agree with my petition. We can start by passing the Promising Pathway Act Bill.

For more information read my petition…


#afm #AcuteFlaccidMyelitis #alzheimer #alzheimers #alzheimerdisease #Disease #diseases #cures #Cure #Vaccines #Vaccine #World #AIDS #HIV #AIDS #alphaviruses #Asthma #arboviralencephalitis #bacteria #Cancer #viruses #Virus #BladderCancer #BreastCancer #ColonCancer #EndometrialCancer #Kidney #KidneyCancer #heartcancer #LiverCancer #MultipleMyeloma #ovarian #OvarianCancer #StomachCancer #thyroid #ThyroidCancer #uteruscancer #chlamydia #ChronicFatigue #jakobdisease #COVID #COVID19 #CoronaVirus #CMV #Arthritis #babesiois #CervicalCancer #ColorectalCancer #EndometrialCancer #colorectal #endometrial #Leukemia #leukemiacancer #LungCancer #OralCancer #OvarianCancer #pancreatic #PancreaticCancer #SkinCancer #TesticularCancer #uteruscancer #CRE #CardiovascularDisease #CeliacDisease #Chancroid #chickenpox #COPD #conjunctivitis #Cryptosporidiosis #cyclospora #Depression #Diabetes #Diphtheria #EEEV #enterovirus #Fibromyalgia #genitalherpes #herpes #hsv #hsv1 #hsv2 #gonorrhea #streptococcus #hantaviruses #headlice #HeartDisease #HighBloodPressure #helicobacter #HPV #HumanPapillomavirus #ecoli #ebolavirus #Ehrlichiosis #Fibroids #Flu #giardiasis #Gout #Hepatitis #hepatitisa #hepatitis b #hepatitisc #hepatitisD #HepatitisE #hbv #histoplasmosis #humanmetapneumovirus #Incontinence #poisoning #Leptospirosis #Lupus #LGV #Influenze #legionnaires #listeriosis #lyme #LymeDisease #Meningitis #meningococcal #methyl #Mumps #noroviruses #PID #pelvicinflammatorydisease #pelvicinflammatory #primaryamebic #meningoencephalitis #Measles #MRSA #syndrome #plague #Polio #CrohnsDisease #Crohns #bronchus #Stroke #Tuberculosis #Cirrhosis #Dementia #trachea #pulmonary #infections #artery #Smallpox #chickenpox #CysticFibrosis #fibrosis #ADHD #Schizophrenia #Parkinsons #ParkinsonsDisease #parkinson #Asthma #Arthritis #CommonCold #HuntingtonDisease #Rabies #Hypertension #Sickle Cell #sick #Awarness #global #timeforchange #alllivesmatter #Health #Anxiety #Depression #advocate #change #usa #america

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To live or not to live: That is the question #Cirrhosis

Sooooo, 5 years down and 7 left to go. This is how much longer I have to live.

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What Life #autoimmune hepatits #Cirrhosis #Possible kidney cancer #Broken pelvic hip bone #Osteoporosis

I was already overwhelmed with dealing with the cirrhosis and all the st that comes with it. Then I they think they saw something on the MRI kidney then I broke my hip bone. I got doctors coming left and right. Some trying to change medication I been on for years. No not doing that talk to my GI man 1st Physically Therapy can’t drive they don’t want to give you pain meds nothing but tramadol. I got other things happening too. So I have time for nothing but do the stuff I have to do to me make phone call for meds or dr appointment virtual visit and they take the good sweet time coming to the visit. Like you have nothing else to do. I have to cook because I can’t eat no salt so eating out is not a option. I can’t even eat anything if I visit my family. They say I just used a little. What is it you don’t understand about none. So I have to bring my own food. And all this time I been on lock down the only person to come and see if I needed anything was my daughter who is working 6 days a week 10 to 12 hours. You got about 5 more people no job nothing. Well am done. For today.

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#Gastroparesis #Cirrhosis #Bipolar1Disorder #PTSD

I have just been diagnosed with gastroparesis!!! I must have a mild case as I can eat some stuff like: chocolate, v-8, and onions cooked. But...I need help with my diagnoses!!! I see a therapist, psychiatrist, hepatologist, and gastrointerologist. I don't even know where to start or what to say about any of these diagnoses. I have come off an antipsychotic called Abilify which could be the cause of the gastroparesis. I can't take Reglan as it interferes with Abilify. I can't take erythromycin because of psych meds as well. Thanks for your responses in advance. I am lost!!!

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#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Bipolar1Disorder #PTSD #Cirrhosis

My head has been broken. I am overwhelmed. Too many things to try to process and my bpd has taken control of my mind and I'm terrified. I can't sleep. I can't shut down. I have reached out to everyone I could and im left here alone and a broken mess. I'm trying to work thru being alone for the first time in almost 30years. My heart and soul of 20 years had to go out of town for the longest time I've ever had to face. The fear of abandonment has never strayed far from me. Rationally I know he's working and it's honorable he got to go. We talk alot. He had to leave a couple days after my appointment with a liver specialist confirming the cirrhosis and learning where im at and what things will be like from here. I was told and had friends in place who would be at my side when needed. I can't process all this im reaching out and asking for help and I'm still here alone... This is all more than I can start to process. I spoke with my therapist today and every noise is driving me to the brink of insanity. Is anyone out there. Can anyone talk or relate. I could use a friend right now.....please.....

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Does Anybody Have Portal Vein Thrombosis

When I was 5 yr old my whole family got pneumonia and got chest x-rays, including me. They discovered then that I had an enlarged spleen. Then came the tests. Countless tests and countless dr visits. Eventually I ended up at #HersheyMedicalCenter where they explained I have #portalveinthrombosis with #portalhypertension . It meant that my #portalvein that connects the #spleen to the #liver was blocked somehow, and so the blood had to find a different way to the #liver and back to the #heart so it backed up into the #spleen enlarging it before finding a completely new route. My #circulatorysystem is completely different from everyone else’s and since the #portalvein is blocked, it is causing pressure on places it shouldn’t be and also causing over time #liverdamage . Hence the #portalhypertension . I don’t really have high blood pressure, except in certain parts of my body. I’ve had all sorts of #tests done over the years, have seen a #specialist in #Nyc . It’s just like someone extra inside my body, causing this. Many people have different variations of it, usually due to #Cirrhosis but I’ve never found someone exactly like me. It would be nice to. #

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#Cirrhosis has been really hard to live with. I was diagnosed in 2015, and was stage 4 along with diabetes,high blood pressure. Very disabling and to top of I’m bipolar not wanting a pity party just want to know how others deal with it. How they elevate them selves to keep pushing it’s a continuous fight cause sometimes I real wanna give up, not take the medicine, don’t go to dr all the things I know I should do. Countless endoscopes,MRI,Ultrasounds, biopsy, always wondering if this is the time I will be diagnosed with cancer. Any positive feedback I welcome thank you