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Functional Neurological Disorder (FND)

Mobility Issues: I was just reminded about the unpredictability of the disability called functional neurological disorder, which is anything but functional. I thought 💭 I was doing better, but today at my doctors appointment I started experiencing symptoms again and had to be helped to the bathroom. There’s nothing more embarrassing than needing someone to help you on the toilet :( It’s like I know I can walk, but my brain won’t allow me to. There is a disconnect between my brain and body. It’ll feel like bricks are weighing down my legs making it impossible to move. I am really worried and hope this flare won’t last long. I really don’t want to have to call my parents cause I can’t drive myself home. I don’t know what to do. Do any of y’all struggle with mobility or neurological challenges and what do you do to cope? Could really use some compassion right now. Also, any tips/advice would be greatly appreciated! Grateful for this community!

#Mobilityissues #Wheelchair #NeurologicDisorder #BrainDisorder #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #Neurologiclymedisease


This app

So I wish I could interact with this app more. 🤔
So far, it really isn't helping if I can't post or when I do there is only hearts. I'm ready to delete it. It only makes me feel more isolated.
I guess no one really cares, just like its always been. Eventually I will just stop trying. Between all the obstacles in my health, and Drs that could care less, no family or friends... I don't see any reason to keep on.
Just another disabled person that no one cares if I'm here.

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PETS ADD LUV #Cats #Pets #Disabled #Mobilityissues #isolated #alone #notlonely

I am so very extremely grateful to have a cat. My cat, Gracie, is one of my GREATEST blessings. A necessity as far as I am concerned, especially since I live alone, with the chronic (continuous 24/7) pain of #Fibromyalgia , which has kept me basically homebound for past 15 yrs. Thanks to Gracie, I am not lonely (nor alone). #Blessed #thankful #Gratitude #grateful

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Hello, Hello!

Hello, all you Mighty folks. I’m “new to the crew” - just downloaded the App this evening. I’m excited to join a new platform connecting with a community of people struggling, surviving yet thriving just like me
I’ve battled the beast of brain cancer twice. Got 7 brain surgeries under my belt in 6 years. Been cancer free 🙌 for 5 years now! Though everyday remains a struggle with ALL the side effects, I’m still here! I’m fortunate to be alive despite all I’ve lost. So, I hope to connect with this community of people gettin’ through it, one breath, one step, one day at a time. 😊#Hello #braincancer #Cancer #Survivor #thriver #BrainSurgery #Epilepsy #Mobilityissues #AnaplasticEpendymoma #SideEffects #Radiation #necrosis #VPShunt #Community


Has anyone had problems getting quotes for help at home?

I have been trying to get quotes to have work done in our bathroom to aid with pain management since last year. Even before the shut down, people either don't call back, don't show up or once they come here, never respond to msgs again. Two men that came here said they wouldn't do the job because I wouldn't let them both in our home yo for the quote. Their ad was by a woman. I had thought I emailed a female trades person. They showed up at night. Another company stopped responding when I requested a female staff be present if they were coming to do a quote.
Yet another refused to quote the soaker tub my doctor agreed would help. He instead insisted I need a walk in tub and put that on the quote instead.
I never had trouble getting quotes before the speech difficulty.
Am I overthinking this or right to feel. I'm being treated unfairly? #TraumaticBrainInjury #Concussion #PTSD #PainManagement #Mobilityissues


Best Wishes

Does anyone else get annoyed when people say, “oh, you’re moving better today”? I find it so irritating, when I am struggling against the magnetic field that makes my legs not want to move for whatever reason (somebody diagnose me, please!) and someone says that or, “looks like you’re getting around pretty well today!” I want to say, “Well, sure, I mean, I use a walker at 50, and I have to think about every step to make it happen, and going around the block is a pretty intense challenge, but you’re right, those 15 steps you just saw me take went really well, you’re right.”

#InvisibleIllness #Mobilityissues #Mysteryillness


Dating with #ChronicIllness

It's been months since my partner and I have been on a date.
It's been over a week since I even left the house (mobility issues, depression, anxiety etc).
Plus there are financial difficulties because I can't work due to my illnesses.
But I really want to treat my partner on his next day off work and plan a date for us.
Maybe a meal or something, I'm not sure, I'm open to suggestions! He can drive, but I can't walk far so long walks are out of the question.
Ideas anyone?
#Dateday #Boyfriend #ChronicPain #ChronicFatigue #Migraine #Anxiety #PanicDisorder #Depression #DepressiveDisorders #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #MobilityAids #Mobilityissues #Disability #InvisibleDisability #Relationships #Advice #Positivity


I feel like a fraud

When I see others dealer with greater issues than mine and doing so much better than I've been able to... it makes me feel so ashamed and fake. Like I'm over reacting, or maybe I'm giving up too easily. Obviously my pain and difficulties aren't that bad compared to people I see every day. I'm just a wimp and an attention seeker
#Fibro #Insecure #overreacting #Mobilityissues