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Anyone else need a little mental health or wellness nap 😴 💤?

Sometimes stress, sadness, fatigue, or so on I just need a little recovery nap 💤 and I feel much better after. Anyone else need that boost in energy or wellness sometimes? I get so depressed when I’m extra tired idk why, but exercising and trying to be less sedentary etc helps, and when you live in a super rainy and cloudy ☁️ 🌧️ ☔️ whenever the sun ☀️ comes out it helps

#rainy #Rain #nap #powernap #wellness #rest #cope #recover #Energy #tired #sunny #Cloudy #Weather #MentalHealth #Selflove

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Crisis Mode

One minute ago, I used the last of my drug of choice that I had in my possession. I am trying to make good choices – or rather, healthy choices – in my life. This past weekend has been a [string] of unhealthiness, one choice after another, starting with and stemming from, acquiring said drug of choice. From Friday, until this morning, Monday, I was sober for less than an hour. Even while sleeping, I was intoxicated. Surprisingly, that is the worst of it. Laziness and poor communication take over the rest of the weekend. Yelling at and with the parental figure with whom I reside and doing next to nothing productive.

To say I enjoyed being intoxicated the whole time I was intoxicated, well, would be a lie. It was not fun or comfortable the whole time, not even for most of it. I didn’t like how I was feeling but didn’t like what I got when I changed it either. I tried to change it with chemicals, food (or lack of), and shopping. Anything that would change the torture my brain was putting me through. As much as I wanted to cut my arm or leg and let the black evil flow straight out… as much as I craved it, I managed to not. Not do that. But that craving did not dissipate even when I was sober for a part of the day today. I need release but I am trying to make healthy choices in my life. Healthy does not include self-harm or drugs, that’s for sure. But then, replacing those with food and shopping is not a decent choice, either, and straight up taking away these things I rely on and throw them out the window with no replacement in sight is not smart, either. So the real, healthy question is… what is it going to take to replace self-harm and drugs, to a point where they go away for good? A final goodbye to them and hello to… what though?

Coping skills are some of the most annoying things in the world to try to learn, when you were never taught them and only gathered the maladaptive ones into your arsenal.

For years, twenty to be exact, I’ve been in and out of therapy and psychiatric offices, with frequent detours to the psych hospital mixed in. And over those 20 years, I have gathered at least the knowledge of many other coping skills. Using cold temperatures to snap my brain back online, using video games or books or artwork to pull my attention off the unhealthy urge and redirect that attention to doing something else, using my five senses to connect my brain back to my body, and to the world around me, using the care and concern of those around me to build or even maintain my motivation to only make healthy choices, while checking the facts of the situation. I could keep this list going for quite a while, but only because I am not in crisis mode right now.

If I enter crisis mode, I love all connection to the healthy skills I know, deep down. That knowledge disappears. Not completely, not anymore. Every so often, an insane idea will plant itself in the dirt on the ground of my mind and grow and sprout into an inkling of an urge, and spring up, budding motivation to try something different. Something healthy. Something that may actually work. Something that could genuinely help. And help longer than the short term, immediate gratification of the maladaptive coping skills to which I usually resort.

The biggest thing I can say, after twenty years, is do not give up, do not give in, and the fight will be worth it, in the end. I would love to be able to say that it will never hurt and you will never struggle. I can say, making the healthy choice each time you are able, makes the healthy choice less difficult each subsequent time.

So to practice, what I preach, I am sitting in my room, writing pen to paper, in the glow of a video game streamer, as they run for their life in an asymmetrical horror survival game. The sound of their Aussie accent tantalizing the little hairs in my ears, attempting to draw my attention away. And they make it out alive, so I think, tonight at least, I will make it out unscathed this time, as well.

#cope #copingskills #Crisis #crisismode #BPD #Depression #habits #Healthy #Selfharm #se lfinjury

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Cosplay with M.S

Due with COVID I haven’t been in conventions in 2 years I’ve cosplayed Spider-Man a few times. Cosplaying also kind of makes me forget about M.S for a while, #cope #Cosplay #multiple sclerosis

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Cosplay with M.S

Sometimes pretending to be someone else at a convention kind of cope in a way. I’ve cosplayed Snake and Spider-Man in the past. I put on my Snake costume first time in a few years since COVID I’ve been felt safe yet. #Cosplay #MultipleSclerosis #cope

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#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Addiction #ADHD #Anxiety #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #Scaredofmythoughts #ParanoidPersonalityDisorder

Ugh I keep reading about #DBT groups and how they help so you can #learnt to live and #cope with your everyday battle of #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder . I've tried to attend group at least 3-4 times. But I eather am to scared to go in, or think everyone is watching me so I just get up and leaving and then avoid when someone calls to check on me. Don't know what it is I'm just #Weird I guess. My #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder alone drives me crazy. Any suggestions on what I can or should do so I can #learnToCope w/ my #illness like I know it's probably 99% #JustInMyHead . I'd do. Anything to have a normal life and have people to hang out with but it's Impossible #Hatemyself

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Want it just to work right !

Hello, I'm new. Having a hard day. Again. So there are people who just wake up everyday with a functional, non-depressed, non-fogged, brain ??? No pills either ?

Huh. 😎😕😛🤤🤓

#MentalHealth #Depression #Hope #cope #chronic illness #laughter #laughterisgoodmedicine


Chronic illness, loss and Christmas... #Grief #Loss #Christmas #chronic #illness #m .e

Hi my fellow warriors, this may be a bit of a wordy post so I apologise in advance...

I know this year has been hard for everyone, financially, emotionally, physically... we all understand how exhausting day to day life can be without any extra pressures.
This year has well and truelly battered my life.

I lost my mum in January, watching her deteriorate but she was so strong right to the end.

I'm in my early twenties, she was my best friend. My world. My rock. My everything. Christmas last year was the last day I had a proper conversation and a giggle with her before her illness took over and she gained her wings.

My girlfriend has been amazing through it all. Been there for me even when I've been less the pleasant or manageable. I was so angry, I was numb, but I couldn't grieve. I still haven't.

My mum spread her wings the first week of January this year. And I am horribly aware that it will soon be a year weve been without her.

My point in writing this post is because I'm heartbroken. I've never experienced pain like this. My heart is physically heavy. It's missing something I can never replace.

Fighting this illness that takes so much of the little I have. I guess I just need some advice.... some reassurance... I dont know. But you are all individuals that truelly appreciate the struggles this horrible illness delivers to us on it's own. I just dont know how to manage anymore.

#lost #Heartbroken #Grief #help #Support #Cant #cope #m .e


#BipolarDisorder #Loss #Grief #cope

Hello my name is Hannah and i am 22 years old, i have BPD and recently loss my mother. I, uh, i feel like Im getting worse witch each passing day, the thought of death lingers on me like the shadow of myself.

I guess i am posting here because i need help understanding what to do, my mother is the only person who truly understood me and stayed by my side even though i drove her mad, and i know i did.

I miss her with each passing day and its to be expect especially since she had passed recently(November 2nd), My friends say they don't recognize this hannah and that they just want to help hy understanding, but they won't know the loss of a parent until it happens to them.

I feel alone and i feel helpless, Im just wondering if anyone has ever dealt with something like this and whats the best course of action.

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#Goodmorning #newday #freshstart #Hope #Love #Cat #Pets

Hi there Mighty Warriors! A new day-another day-to #cope -to tackle-to #embrace -to try -to #Hope -to make #change , My yesterday was pretty sh#tty 💩 Today's just GOTTA be #AGoodDay ...... at least a bit #better - need a #peaceful day -a #relaxing day. ....#peace of #mind , #body & #spirit ..... Less #Pain & #aggravation .


How do y'all #cope with the #Lonliness of chronic illnesses and pain?

I never imagined I would be saying this but I'm so lonely. I'm home 24/7 with my 89 year old mother in law who is belligerent, tells lies and basically inserts herself into every conversation or disagreement. it's not as bad since my husband told her to mind her own business but I don't even feel comfortable in my own home because she's constantly watching me and she will say "so what's wrong today" in a sour derisive tone. And she's like a child. I'm now responsible for making sure she has 60+ pull-ups a month (she wears them constantly) her special grocery requests and then she eats MY food I buy specifically because I have dentures and am limited in what I can eat. I have to handle her docs, rx's, hair appointments, and she refuses to cook unless it's a microwave meal but we banned her from cooking when she nearly burnt the house down. I swear it's like having the worst most stubborn rude tactless and embarrassing child. I NEVER get a break. I can't even use my own washer and dryer half the time. I turned 50 in January WOO HOO and nobody is gonna tell me what how or when to do anything. I haven't seen a doctor since last year and no pain meds but I'm seeing a new #reumatologist tomorrow and crossing my fingers that he will put me back on Benlysta. We've also been struggling for the past four years financially. my husband lost his 6 figure job and the job he took isn't living up to its advertisement. in fact they took away their salary and put them on commission only and since then he brings home $400 a month yes a month and maybe a commission check that's normally less than that if he gets commission at all. they set the monthly quota so high it's not attainable in our rural north Georgia mountain areas. I'm honestly not sure what is gonna happen. It's been building for 4 years and I'm at my breaking point. If I don't get a break just a night out with my sisters, anything I feel like I'm gonna lose it. I'm grateful for my supportive understanding husband and any tips y'all might have to help me stay sane!!!