I’m so disgusted with myself lately. I’ve been on antidepressants for 2 years now. I’m still feeling the same. I’m still not able to get shit done. I still have a billion amazing ideas that I start and cannot finish. I get super involved in things almost obsessively then at a blink of an eye I can drop it and walk away. My sleep is still all over the place either I’m so exhausted I’m sleeping all day or I’m wide awake and can’t sleep for a couple days at a time. Sometimes clothing on my skin makes me angry and hurts. I can’t stand my hair touching my neck or back. Especially when it’s wet. It literally takes me an hour to talk myself into taking a shower. I’ve been super active and have gained 20lbs and I’m at the heaviest I’ve ever been. I’m so embarrassed to sit down at my sons baseball games because I feel like my stomach and fat rolls show more. I’m in constant pain and my psych dr wants me to stop taking my pain meds. I told her I have trouble sleeping and she said she’s not giving me sleeping pills besides what she’s already tried with me. I never asked for something different I just want to sleep. I want to feel heard. I want to be more than just a dollar sign to her. I was getting occipital nerve blocks done and the place I was getting them told me to start going to a pain clinic. Well all the pain clinics around here either don’t take my insurance or have a 7 month waiting list. I don’t want drugs. I want to feel human. I want to feel productive. I’m over it all. I can’t stand being inside of this fat body anymore. I want to cut it all off. (I know I can’t just wish I could) I can’t even look in a mirror anymore. Sorry. Just having a day. #Hatemyself #ChiariMalformation #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Depression #OccipitalNeuralgia #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #SuicidalIdeation #Selfharm