#ChronicPain #Fibromyalgia #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis I did something fun on the 15th and 16th. Out of town with a friend without my daughter, don’t remember the last time I did something fun without her (I’m okay with that though because I don’t get very much #spoons to spare. She’s number 1, the spoons go to her first) but yeah I did a thing even though I had been having some higher pain and higher CFS just two days prior. I had a good time it was hard though pushing through symptoms, it’s always hard, but it’s just extremely tough when your partaking in any activity outside of the norm. Anyway I was rudely greeted with a FLARE as to be expected CFS , Fibro, Depression, Anxiety all came to visit for a huge amped up party 🎉 , I missed three days of work and an entire weekend of life, type of party. It’s day 9 and pain is bad bad bad CFS has me in zombie mode. I’m trying to manage work (work from home still because of Covid) and I planned an activity to do with my daughter for this years unique Halloween (I typically avoid planning all together) . Now I’m stressing cause I’m still basically bed resting, unless I’m on my computer trying my very hardest to have a productive work day. Annnnd well my period is coming I flare bad prior to “her” arrival and I get the worst longer lasting migraines. Just praying 🙏🏼 this never ending symptom flare eases up and that my usual menstrual cycle induced symptom flares just choose to skip torturing me this month , they always wanna fight. I just want peace in my body just for once atleast for two days, so I can have fun with my daughter. Sighhh 😔 #praying