1. People will take you for granted:
People expect you to be there for them, but they don't want you as a wellwisher, sometimes some people use you beyond the limits.
2. You'll miss out on excellent opportunities:
If you're being available for someone by saying "Yes" if you could've said "No" there are chances that you could've spent time on yourself. Chances are you might've accomplished a milestone instead of over-helping someone whose intention is to simply ruin your energy or anything.
3. You'll have a sense of burned-out:
Anyone who uses you may give you tasks that you take a lot of effort to do usually. And, people won't entirely value your efforts. So this eventually kills your comfort line and slowly gives you a sense of burnout.
4. People will diminish the respect they have for you:
Anything available in an extensive amount is taken for granted and less valued. For example, if you go to Gulf countries they take oil for granted for the level of feasibility. But they consider water as a precious gem, while the vice versa happens with the other countries, likewise with people. So, being more available will diminish the respect people have for you.
When you're living this life you'll always crave better attention, respect, care, and love from everyone. But, in reality, just think if all the people that you've helped will visit your grave when you die. If the answer is a " yes" then help them, but have limits. You alone matter more than other people's opinions and care.
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